Thursday, November 29, 2007

Car ride Queen

Today I took you out to do our favorite thing..... SHOPPING!! Where off course you were an angel, until you decided you didn't like the elevator music playing at Kohls and screamed your head off for a few minutes. Luckily, I knew you were just getting tired, so I strolled you around the store (people probably thought I was out for my mid-day walk we circled the store so much), and you fell asleep. You woke up while I was putting you in the car, and you just smiled at me. It was really cute. Daddy installed a mirror in the backseat so I can see you while I am driving and I have to say you are one awesome kid. You sometimes fall asleep in the car, but when you don't you just look around and babble. We just talked/sang the whole way home. You are officially the car ride queen, and I love every minute with you.

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