Monday, September 28, 2009

Puzzle Princess

Tonight you decided to out on your dress up outfit (minus the shoes and purse) and work on your fish puzzle. You are getting really good at your colors. I am quite impressed.

Thanks for a really fun evening. I love you french fry.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jabber Jaws

This weekend has been filled with you saying some interesting things. It is really cute how you are so expressive and struggle to get some things out. You do, however, always seem to get your point across. You are starting to have conversations not only with your toys, but with yourself as well sometimes. It's quite cute. The other day on our way to grammy and grampy's house you were holding Snow Wipe (yes, Snow White) and you held her in front of your face and with the most serious face said, "Wanna go to grammy's? Huh? Yes? Ok!" It was so funny. Then today the three of us went out and did a little shopping and you got to ride the mini merry-go-round. You chose the blue horse to ride and then you got off you said, "Bye blue, bye green, bye lellow. Peace out." Daddy and I were cracking up. I love how much you talk and how much you understand. You almost always say "thank you" or "no, thank you" and I'm still impressed that you understand when you should say these things. Well, you definitely have our ears in constant work, especially when ever 5 minutes we hear, "Whatcha doin?" Cute, but tiring after a while :) I love you french fry and I love the sound of your voice, even when I have no idea what you are saying.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Marlon

I had a really cute video to share for you, but mommy's camera isn't working so hot these days, so this will have to do. I am in the tub using my favorite new crayons. Hope you have/had a great bday. Love you

Monday, September 21, 2009

I said "NO!"

Lately you have really been giving us a piece of your mind, especially when you don't get what you want!! Oh, man - this is going to be a loooong year :) But I'll love you every step of the way.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Jen Jen

Today is Jen Jen's birthday, so we wanted to wish her a special day and thank her for taking such great care of you while mommy and daddy are at work. We are soooo lucky to have found her when we did. Thanks Jen Jen and have a great day.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


You are just loving your new soccer ball and net. I can't wait for you to be old enough to sign you up...

Thanks to the Nordlander family for the awesome gift.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Park Fun

Today after I picked you up from Jen Jen's, you and I went to the park near our house. This was the first time I have been there with you and boy did we have fun. You met some new friends and ran around like crazy with them. You loved the slides the best, at least until your shoe got stuck on the way down which made you flip over. You were tough though, you didn't cry a bit. You got right up and headed to the next toy. We had a lot of fun on the swings too. You loved going super high and your face was soooo cute while you were flying high. At one point you wanted to push the swing yourself, so you walked over to it pushed it around and before you knew it, it bopped you in the head and knocked you down. Again, you got right up without a tear. You are such a toughie!!! I had a lot of fun with you today. Playing with you after work really helps me forget about the day at work :( Love you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ladybug Success!!!!

Well we did it. Another birthday party success. Thanks to everyone who came and helped out in sooo many ways. We couldn't have done it without everyone.

You had so much fun at your ladybug party. We had the biggest jumper I have ever seen, a ladybug pinata, games, food, the cutest and most delicious cake, presents, and everything else one could ask for. Here are some pics from the big day.

I hope you had a great day. I know I did and I think everyone else did too. I love you Kendyl and I am so lucky to be your mom. Happy Birthday!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The big day

Today we are having your 2nd birthday party...ladybug style. You are already excited, running around. I know we're going to have a great day. I love you little ladybug :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


You are really getting good at singing your ABC's. I love that you are so expressive with your hands. You're such a big girl! I love you!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today you turn 2 years old. I don't know how it happened, but it has. These have been the greatest 2 years I could have imagined. This morning we started your day by getting you your favorite sprinkle donut. You love to just eat the top layer off which is pretty funny. The you had to go to Jen Jen's. I picked you up right after work and we headed home to do some more celebrating. Grammy, grampy and all the regulars came over for dinner and cake. You were a bit grumpy for a while, hopefully not a sign of what's to come this year, but overall you had a great night. Everyone even brought you presents...even though your party isn't until Saturday. They are crazy. Well, I can't thank you enough for being such a great girl. You are becoming a little girl right before my eyes, which is pretty sad (for me). I love you french fry. I hope you rest the next few days, because Saturday is when we are really going to celebrate- ladybug style :) Happy Birthday!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle

This weekend we had a fun one. We didn't do much, but we sure seemed busy. I guess because we are really getting everything ready for your big tomorrow and your even bigger day Saturday. We did a lot of shopping, making, creating, cleaning, planting, praying (for the brown grass to magically turn green) and even through all of that we still laughed and enjoyed each other's company. On Sunday, we stopped so you could ride your favorite Elmo ride...

Today we did a little more shopping for your party and then we came home and cleaned. We went by Grammy and Grampy's for a minute to pick up some things for your party and then we were in for the rest of the evening. You kept me and Daddy laughing all night and even sparked a little tear in my eye when I realized what a big girl you are. You are truly almost a toddler. I can't believe that 2 years ago right now you were deciding to join us and make me and daddy the happiest people in the world.
Well after dinner, you sang us a beautiful little song. It was sooooo sweet. Again, it drew another tear.

Then it was time for your jammies, and your last tooth brushing as a 1 year old :(
Right now you are watching Nemo woth Daddy and I can't stop thinking about how blessed I have been these 2 years. You were the best baby, and you are an even better toddler. I love you, french fry. Happy almost birthday.