Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Camper

I have to say that I am very amazed at what a great weekend we had. Not only did we have so much fun, we never once had any real problems. I was so scared that you were going to put everything in your mouth and fall a million times. And even though you fell pretty close to a million times, you just got right back up and continued to have a great time. I was worried that the fire pit was going to be an issue, but you never once even came close to it. You were the best I could have asked for and the funniest as well. You really kept me and everyone else laughing the whole weekend. Thanks for giving me yet another reason to be thankful for you. You really deserve the "Happy Camper" award for the weekend. Love you sooooo much, french fry.

Thanksgiving Day

We left our house at 4:30 am and headed to Sunnyslope Campground. It took us just about 4 hrs to get there and you slept almost the whole way. At one point, I could tell you were ready to be there already, which is evident in this picture.

Once we got there, we unpacked and got situated. We headed over to the spot where we spent most of our time, right in front of Aunt Heidi and Uncle Eddie's place by the fire pit. A little bit later, Mal Mal and Livi took you over to the playground and put you on the swings.

You clearly enjoyed it much more this time. Then it was nap time. So me and you hung out and took a nap for about an hour. Next thing we knew, everyone was at the volleyball court. They were playing girls against boys. Here is daddy showing off his great skills.

It was quite a sight from the trailer. So we went over there to watch. Then we went back to the trailer to get ready for our Thanksgiving dinner.

Aunt Cici made an awesome meal for all 18 of us. It was the best Thanksgiving dinner we ever had. You even loved the turkey, but especially loved the corn and mashed potatoes (just like me). After dinner we all hung around the fire pit and everyone listened to you say "applesauce" at least a million times. It was pretty funny. By 7:30 everyone was pooped. Luckily for us, it was time for pie. Me and you shared a piece of apple pie and then Daddy held you while you started getting sleepy. Shortly after that, we went back to the trailer, put you in your jammies and went to bed. This was a great Thanksgiving. We had so much fun. Love you, french fry.


On Friday we woke up after a pretty good night's sleep and headed over for Aunt Heidi's yummy breakfast. Then we all just hung out around the fire and kept warm. Eventually me, you and Daddy decided to go for a ride. We drove down by the lake and then wanted to try to see if the road would take us all the way around....bad idea. We ended up about 2 hrs. away from camp in the middle of nowhere, on a single lane dirt road, about 6,000 feet up and next to straight down cliffs. You can imagine how scared I was. Yet, for some reason, I couldn't turn around. I was too curious. It wasn't until the navigation in the car no longer could figure out what road we were on or what city we were in, that we decided to turn around and come back. I must say we let the adventure get the best of us. Luckilly you slept through most of it. On our way back, we stopped near the Pine Flat Dam and had some lunch and just explored (on foot) the area. You loved it. It was really cool. When finally returned to camp(4 hrs later) and had another great dinner. The we hung around the fire, and you played a game with grandpa and daddy, until it was Smore time. This video tells it all...
Not long after that we headed to the trailer to go to bed. Another great camping day. You rock, Kendyl. I love you.


We woke up really sleepy on Saturday, because you didn't have a very good sleep Friday night. I'm thinking it was all the junk that you consumed on Friday. After waking up, we went over to Auntie's spot and had another yummy breakfast.
Then we got cleaned up and the girls (and Logan) went for a nice drive. We were headed out to Shaver Lake because Santa Clause was going to be there. It was about an hour drive through the mountains, and it was such a pretty day. Too bad you slept through most of the drive. When we got there all the kids were so excited to see Santa. Except you! You started out ok, then you really wanted nothing to do with him. After you saw Mallorey and Logan with him you gave it another shot, but came to the conclusion that he was a bit too scary for you.

After our visit with St. Nick, we headed over near the lake for lunch and you colored for the first time.
That lasted about 3 minutes when you decided to try to eat the crayon.
We came back to Pine Flat a different way. We took the scenic route and boy was it pretty. Again, too bad you slept through it. At least this time you had a nap buddy. The rest of the evening was filled with playing, wagon rides, football games, amazing story telling and a few good BM's. You were a great girl again today.
Love you


Today we got up and hit the road pretty early. You slept much better than last night, although you did keep kicking me in the face while you twisted and turned. After we woke up, grandpa took you for one more walk around the campsite, and then we took off. You slept the first hour in the car as we drove through the thickest fog I have ever driven through. It was really scary. Not as scary as yesterday's drive, but scary nonetheless. Of course I had to video it...
When we got off the mountain we stopped for gas, where you woke up. You were up from then until we got to the grapevine, where you slept the rest of the way home. Once we got home, we all napped then just relaxed the rest of the day. Thanks for such a great weekend. You are the best camper baby ever. Love you.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgivng

From one very accessorized turkey.....

the headband is a story for another day (when it's not 3:45 in the morning) :) Love you. Now let's get in the car and start our adventurous weekend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A camping we will go

This weekend we are heading up to Pine Flats Reservoir near Fresno to camp. We are going to leave sometime late tonight or early morning, it depends on when you decide to wake up in the middle of the night. The plan is when you wake up at 3 or 4 we're going to change your diaper, throw you in your carseat and take off. Hopefully then you will sleep most of the way up there.
You are going to experience many new things I can only imagine. You have never been up there. Aunt Heidi and Uncle Eddie have their trailer up there at a campsite, as well as Uncle Eddie's almost entire family. So we are going to borrow one for the weekend and spend Thanksgiving there. Last year, we stayed behind because you were only 2 and a half months old, but this year we are bucking up and being adventurous. I know you are going to have a great time with most of your cousins there. I just hope it's not too cold, and that you don't end up pooping out too many rocks or bugs. Well, I'm looking forward to our wonderful nature weekend. The only bad part is about it is that I won't be able to blog about it until we get back Sunday. So until then, where I'm sure I'll have a gazillion stories and pictures to share.
I'm so excited.......
Love you french fry

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our Special Date

Today after I picked you up, me and you went on a very special date together. We had to go to Target, so we decided to go have some dinner as well. Just the 2 of us. So we went to Chili's near Lakewood Mall and had a great time. You made sure the entire place knew you were there and we shared some delicious tacos, brocolli and mashed potatoes.(nice combo, I know). Then we bundled you up and headed over to the park, because Tori (jenjen's daughter) had a soccer game and she was playing against one of my students, Caitlyn. So we had to go watch and cheer for both of them. It started to get a little too cold, so we came home, took a bath, bundled up again and before I knew it, you were crashed at 8:30. Thanks for a great date, french fry. I love our special time together, and I love you even more.

Monday, November 24, 2008

2 down...a billion to go

Today you went shopping with Jen Jen and she said that while you were there you saw a very grumpy little lady. You said, "Hi" to her as you walked by and it was just enough to make her smile. Jen Jen was impressed at your ability to make the most unahppy person, happy just by being you.
Then on our way home from Jen Jens, we stopped at Pavilions to get some more goodies for the weekend. While we were walking through the parking lot, a lady in a very big red truck was pulling out. She couldn't see us, so we waited for her. As she pulled out, you waved and smiled at her through her windshield. She smiled and waved back. The next thing I knew, she rolled down her window and said, "Well, that just made my day, looking at that little face." You smiled at her again and said, "Bye-Bye." She started laughing and then said, "Boy, she is cute." Then she drove off. I couldn't help but think that maybe she was having a bad day and your little innocent smile and wave helped her in some strange way. She has never seen you before and will probably never see you again, but for that minute you made her happy. Now she knows what my every minute is like, because no matter what kind of day I am having, you always seem to brighten it up, just by your beautiful smile and kind heart.
I love you french fry. Thanks for making the world a happier place, one grumpy lady at a time :) 2 down, a billion to go. :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

From funny to scary in 2.5 seconds

Tonight while we were getting ready to take a bath we had a very funny moment turn very scary. I was getting your water ready and Daddy was getting you undressed. The next thing I knew you were walking into the bathroom naked, where of course, you proceded to squat and pee on the floor. You just smiled away as we both laughed at you. Then as we were laughing you stood up and tried to walk towards the tub. You stepped right in your pee puddle which made you slip and bang your head on the hard floor. So we went from funny to scary real quick. I quickly picked you up with your back full of pee, while you screamed because I know that had to hurt. I'm sorry we weren't thinking ahead. I should have seen it coming, but I was to busy thinking about how funny you were. It took a minute or two of your momma's hugging and kissing for you to feel better. After the bath, we had our regular baby massage and then we watched Shrek (Daddy surprised us with a new copy today). You are now getting sleepy while sitting on Daddy's lap watching the movie. You do, however, get up every time a song comes on. Then you go right back down. I love it... Well, I am sorry again that you bonked your head so hard. I love you soooooo much. Sleep tight, french fry.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Welcome to Duloc

I know some may think I have been exaggerating with your obsession with Shrek lately. Here is a video of you singing along with it. I love how you know when the song parts of the movie are going to come on. You always start singing right before it actually starts. The bad news is that we have worn out your DVD of Shrek and it is starting to skip alot. You have been pretty good about it, although you did throw a fit on Thursday when I picked you up from Jen Jens because you couldn't watch it. Well, maybe Santa will bring you a new one (if we can hold off that long)
Love you french fry

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nothing Special

Tonight as I started this blog, I couldn't come up with anything special to mention or have any funny stories from the day. Then it hit me.... I don't need anything extra to share because I have the most special thing already in the world....You! You make life so wonderful every day and night. It is truly amazing how much love you give without even knowing it. You aren't "nothing special", you are "everything special" and I love you very much. Not please leave the darn DVD player alone!!!! :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Joker

Well, you officially like grape jelly as seen here. You couldn't get enough of it either. Me and Daddy kept calling you the joker from Batman and I think that nickname fit for the day.

Love u, and thanks for not wiping her face before I could snap the shot Daddy. I know it was killing you :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

All Gone

Tonight it was just me and you because Daddy went to basketball game. The best part about that was that you got to spend some time with grandma and grandpa, who came over to visit and graciously stayed to watch you so I could run to the store with Aunt Netty. You had so much fun with them. You got to show them your nightly bath/massage/teeth brushing routine, which they thought was just the cutest thing. And who am I to disagree with my parents. I was raised better than that :) hahaha.
Last night you expanded your vocabulary a little bit more after your apple juice ran out. Luckily, I was able to catch it.So here is a cute video. .

Hope you know how much I love you and how grateful I am for you. Sleep tight, french fry.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Monday Dance

Everyday after we finish the "famous and only" Backyardigan episode you will watch, this commercial comes on. I think you are starting to like this more than the actual show now. You love watching the kids dance and sometimes you even sing the "ya,ya,ya" part with them. Today, however, I just got a small glimpse of your rhythm. I'm sure glad you got your mom's rhythm. :) hahaha Love you french fry. Thanks for being so flipping wonderful.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The last few days you have really been talking up a storm. You have been "experimenting" with all sorts of sounds. So we have been working on the essentials... please and thank you (which still sound like eese and tat to) but it's a start. You are getting really good at saying "Mo"(more) and still enlighten us with your favorites, "No, up, cracka, bye-bye, hi, and Elmo" However this weekend you amazed us all when you blurted out your newest word and favorite snack... applesauce. Here is a little video that shows your vast repertoire of words. Not bad for 14 months:)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fire pits

Today in California there have been a couple of major wildfires. One started last night, and it is about an hour north of us and the other started this morning, about 30 minutes east of us. The sky has been yucky, the cars are filled with ash and soot, and the air hasn't been very exciting to breathe. We just hung out all day inside, so that you wouldn't be exposed to too much of it. We watched a lot of it on the news and it is just a really sad time for so many people. Tonight we went over to the Seyfrieds because, well we really didn't have a reason, we just went. We had some food, watched USC and then played with your cousins. About 30 minutes ago on the way home, you did what you normally do (watched Shrek) as we drove down Palo Verde. While we were at a signal, all I could see were ashes falling onto my window. It made me really realize how lucky I am to have a safe home to go to and a loving family to call mine. I kept thinking that the pieces that were falling onto my car were once someone else's memory that has now been stripped away. It really made me count my blessings and understand how important it is to never take anything for granted. I love you french fry. I hope you never forget that. Until tomorrow (or 3:30 when you decide to wake up) :) Sleep tight.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Rosey Nosey

Here are some pictures of your newest owwey. It is actually looking better. Well, I hope tonight you decide to go to be before 11pm (unlike night).

Love u french fry

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ok, here is a tiny glimpse of her new laugh. It is much better live. When she is in full form, it is hilarious, so here is just a preview. Enjoy...
love u french fry

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Owwey # 2

Today you got your 2nd owwwey, and the funny part is is that it is almost in the exact same place as your first. You "apparently" took a tumble down Jennifers stairs outside, but I think maybe Dan had something to do with it (he is still upset about the Dodgers, you know) :) j/k You were being your curious self, I'm sure, and it got the best of you. So down you went. I'm sure you were a tough cookie, you always are. You have a little scratch on your nose and a little red mark near your left eye. ( I almost put a TLC joke there, but not enough if you would have got it). You can barely see your owwey, and I'm sure it will be gone in no time. Thanks for being so tough, Kendyl. And thanks for pushing my daughter, I mean taking such good care of my daughter Dan :) hahahaha j/k again. I know you tripped her, not pushed her:) You know what they say about payback.....

You can kinda see her eye and nose in this shot if you click on it to make it bigger.
This is her..."I'm coming to get you." look. So look out. Her BMs tomorrow are all for Dan :) I'm not going to tell you what she had for dinner either... good luck :)
Love you french fry.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

World record

Today I think we may have set a world record when we spent 4 hours at Target. Yes, I said 4 hours. We originally went with Aunt Cyndi and Brandon because we were having pictures taken, but we got there an hour early. So we walked around, hoping to get you 2 to sleep, and luckily for us and the rest of the shoppers, it worked. ( I think that was a mis-use of commas, but I really don't care.) So you guys slept and we shopped. After you both took a little 40 minute cat-nap it was time to go to the portrait studio. When we got there we got you both dressed and then headed in. You both were very good and we got some great shots. I guess it would be impossible not to with the 2 cutest kids ever created :) That was the short part of the marathon trip. Once pictures were over, it was decision time for mommy, and for those of you who don't know me very well.... I'm not the best when it comes to the "d" word. It takes me forever to decide on anything, let alone which pictures to order, how many of each, which sizes, borders, wording, ahhhhhhhhh. So unfortunately, we didn't leave until close to 6:30 pm (our appt was at 3:30, which meant we got there at 2:30) So 4 hours and hundreds of dollars later we left with a grumpy, hungry baby and an exhausted, hungry mommy. But boy did we have fun... We have yet to have a bad target trip, and let's knock on wood that we never have one. (knock, knock)
Thanks for another great day. And thanks for being so freaking cute. I can't wait to get your pictures. Love you french fry.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Look at that face.. Am I lucky or what?? Actually I think I'm going to be in trouble in about 15 years...

Fun Day with mommy

Today we had a special day. We slept in til about 8, then had some cereal and got dressed and ready. Did I mention how cute you looked??

We started the day off by going to my school so I could do a little work. We stayed there about 40 minutes and you were a great girl. You sat in one of the chairs and watched Shrek the whole time. When we left there, we drove out to see Daddy at work. We stopped at Subway so we could bring him lunch too. We stayed there to visit just a short time because he was busy, busy, busy. Then we went to the magical kingdom, no not Disneyland, Target. We finished some shopping and then headed back towards home. You took a nice nap on the way home, so we took a detour and stopped to say hi to grandma. We played there for about an hour, then came home. I decided to start wrapping all the Christmas presents I have already bought and you decided to watch Shrek for the 3rd time. He is becoming your 2nd favorite babysitter. So, you played in the garage while I wrapped. You were so awesome in there. You kept yourself busy long enough for me to finish all the gifts, which took one and a half Shreks. When I was just about finished, you tried to crawl into your wagon, so I helped you in and 5 minutes later I found this....

I tried to take you out and put you in your crib, but you were knocked out, so I let you sleep. You took about an hour nap in the wagon and then you were up and raring to go. You have this new laugh that I have to catch on video. It is so cute. One day, I'll get it to share. It's great. Well, thanks for a great day french fry. I love spending time alone with you, and guess what???? we get to do it tomorrow too. YEAHHHH for no school :) Sleep tight french fry. Love u

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How many ways

The other day in the bath you wanted to see how many different ways you could use the purple bowl. So here are just a few I could on film..

A steering wheel

A cup

A mask

A hat

The creativity amazes me :)

Molar- time

Here are some recent pics of you in the tub. You can really see how you are getting those back molars in. You can also see what a goofball you are, but how much fun you are to love.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

14 months

Today you turned 14 months old. WoW is pretty much all I can say. You are so much fun to watch grow. Even when I know you are not feeling well, you still finad a way to make everyone smile. You have the kindest heart and the sweetest soul. ANd did I mention that you are a genius? Well, you are.
Lately you have developed a few new words, but still are hanging on to your favorite...Nooooooooo! You still love to watch Shrek (but only the 1st one) and will still say "Shek" everytime I start to put you in the car. You still only enjoy the Match on Mt. Olympus episode of The Backyardigans, although you will rock out to the theme music at any moment. You also have finally realized that I am mommy (everytime you were asked, "Where's mommy?" you would point to yourself because when I would show you mommy I would point to me. That's hard to see from words, but trust me, it's cute) But now you point/look at and smile at me (most times). I think my favorite newest thing about you is how quickly you learn things. You have an Elmo doll and the other day I asked you,"Where's Elmo?" and you walked right over to him and picked him up. I didn't even know you knew who he was. Not only that, but 2 days later when I asked you, "Who's this?".. you said "Elmo." It sounded more like "A-mo" but I understood.
This last month has been wonderful, minus the vomit expereinces. You have really continued to show me how lucky I am to have such a happy and loving child. I love you french fry, and I hope you feel better soon. Happy 14 months.
Here you are today watching your favorite movie, Shrek, with your new buddy, Elmo.

Island eruption

Yesterday you went back to Jennifer's after 2 days at home. You did great for Daddy on Thursday, so we decided to send you Friday. Jennifer said you were fine while you were there. You didn't have much of an appetite, but you didn't seem sick at all. So after I picked you up we went with some of mommy's friends to a craft boutique. You had a few crackers and some water but mainly just hung out with us. You were pretty sleepy, but refused to sleep. After we left there, we went to Islands for dinner. There was 7 of us at the table for dinner. You just played with your books and toys while we waited for our dinner. Once our dinner came, I fed you some applesauce and some water and then 5 minutes later you erupted all over the table, down your leg, and all over the high chair. You calmly just threw up again, and no one really even noticed until I freaked out. I wish I knew what was making you throw up? You don't have any other symptoms, so that's what makes it so tough?? Well, here's the best part of the night. After I cleaned the table/chair, I took you to the bathroom to change your clothes. Well, of course there is no changing table, so we did it in the sink. While just in your diaper, you squatted so that you actually fit perfectly in the sink bowl. As you went to stand up to put your clothes on, your butt actually turned on the faucet and you took a mini shower right there in the sink. It was so funny, and you were having a blast. We left shortly after and came home where you acted like your normal wild self. Sorry french fry that I can't help you get rid of whatever it is that is making you sick when it wants to. I love you.

P.S. I have now discovered why someone invented those highchair covers... I wouldn't want to be the child that sits in that chair after she got through with it. You know they didn't disinfect it, even though I told them she threw up all over it. GROSS!!!New lesson: never leave home without the highchair cover, cause you never know what was in the seat before your child!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Feeling better

Today you are feeling a little better thanks to grandma, who came over this morning and took care of you. I wasn't sure how you'd feel after your fountain of puke last night and I didn't want to take a chance of getting Jennifer's daughters sick too, so you stayed home. You had some well needed naps today after this evening you are starting to feel a little better. You are slowly starting to act like your wild self. So thanks for taking such good care of Kendyl, grandma. You Rock!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Tonight after your bath you were just playing around. I decided to give you a little snack because you barely ate your dinner. So we tried Cheerios. This was the first time you tried Cheerios. I'm not sure why you never tried them before, but you hadn't. So while you were enjoying your snack, Daddy and I were watching the election coverage and they were just announcing that Barack Obama had been elected the 44th president of the United States. This is another important first in our country's history, because he is the first African American to be elected president. So in a matter of minutes we experienced 2 firsts. And then the 3rd one happened. I noticed you sorta gagged a little, and you started spitting up some of your water. Then BAM... you delivered your first official (and disgusting) vomit. Now this was no ordinary vomit: it was chunky, stinky, and nasty all rolled into one. The best part was that I tried to catch the water that started coming out and then was left with vomit all over myself. I have never seen so much vomit come out of a little person(and trust me I see it often at work). So once you redecorated the couch and rug, and turned off the fountain, I carried you into the bathroom to clean you off. But wait, there's more- another eruption right into the bathroom sink (actually all over the counter, I have bad aim). You were a real trooper through it all. You didn't cry once. You just looked at yourself in the mirror and couldn't figure out what that nasty stuff was all over your face. So you decided to grab it and put it in your ear and hair (good times). Once I got you pjs off and cleaned you up, you just wanted to lay down and rest. So we rested for a while and then we had a Pedialyte popsicle. I wish I knew what made your belly so upset. Sorry french fry, but at least we'll always remember your first vomit as the day we elected a new president. (Uh-oh... I hope that's not a sign) :0
Love you

Election Day

Our house election is for the craziest family member: Our candidates... DJ Daddy and his bouncer, Kendyl What a pair!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A special THANKS

Today we want to give a very deserved thanks to Jen-Jen. We have never really talked about how great she is. You go to her house everyday for at least 8 hrs a day, and she never ever complains. You are really lucky to have someone like her watch you grow and help you learn each day. She treats you like one of her own and we are very thankful for that. You can be a handful at times, but she takes the best care of you anyone could ask for (even on 3 hrs sleep) :) Me and Daddy never have a second though when we know you are with her (unless there's an earthquake :0 )
So, thanks Jen-Jen for loving our little french fry as much as we do. We truly appreciate all the time and energy it takes to keep her busy, happy and fed :) We are so lucky that someone was looking out for us last year when we found you. Now get off this computer and pay attention to my daughter :) hahahaha.
P.S. enjoy the corn:) haha

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hailee's Hair-looms

Today after Mallorey's game we went over to help Aunt Netty who was selling her awesome hair bows at a craft boutique. You got to model off your bow, because Aunt Netty makes them to match everything. She makes them for all holidays, events, teams, schools, whatever... and boy are they cute. They're called Hailee's Hair-looms because your cousins name is Hailee.
Here you are with a cute pink one at the boutique.
(click on the picture to see it bigger)

So we hung out with her all afternoon. You were a great girl. You took a few little cat naps and then just wanted to walk around and check things out. After we left there, we went and had some dinner with Auntie Evonne. Of course while we were there, it started pouring. Good thing we had this awesome jacket in the car, huh.

Boy you are cute.
If you have ever seen any pictures of Kendyl with a cute bow in her hair it was made with love by Aunt Netty. And if you would like to buy some for some cute little girl/s in your life, please let me know. She will take custom orders, but already has over 100 different styles. Check out the link on the right to see some samples.
Love you french fry. Now go to sleep already.

Trick-or-treat, smell my feet

Last night we had our first (and apparently-now annual) Halloween party with the fam. And boy did we have a good time. It started off with you taking a very needed (for you and me) 2 hour nap. Once you woke up, everyone was already at our house. Everyone was so excited to go trick-or-treating, except the boys (and grandma)who were excited to play poker while the women took the kids around the block. So we left the gamblers and headed out. It was me, you, Aunt Heidi, Mallorey, Logan, Aunt Cici, Auntie Lisa, Aunt Netty, Hailee, Aunt Cyndi and Brandon who set out on our mission.. to get as much candy as we could. Here is a picture of you and your cousins as we were getting ready to leave Here's you welcoming Tigger, aka, Brandon into this crazy dysfunctional family Here you are getting your first piece of trick or treat candy (this is really your second one, because I forgot the camera the 1st time, so we had to replay the scene) :) After our wonderful and exhausting trip around the neighborhood, we came back only to find the boys and grandma still playing poker in the garage. What a shocker!! So, we all ate, played, drank, played, drank some more, did cartwheels in the front lawn, pulled some muscles while attempting to be athletic, which led us to drink some more until finally... the last hand of poker was played at 11:30 pm. You , of course, were awake for the entire night and were as wild as ever and at one point even found your candy basket and attempted to eat a Baby Ruth with the wrapper still on. After just about everyone left you decided it was time to learn how to play soccer. As you were playing with one of the balloons, you realized you could use your foot to move it. At first I think it was an accident, but before we knew it you were kicking it all over the place.

Well, it's pretty obvious that you are one loved little girl. And you deserve every ounce of it. You are the best daughter anyone could ask for, and me and Daddy are sooooo lucky to have you. Thank you for bringing such joy to our daily lives and such laughter into our hearts. You really are a blessing. Hope you had a great Halloween and thanks for all the candy you shared with me :) Love you.