Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mini Minnie

Here you are at Disneyland showing the boys how ears should be worn :)


Last night we went with the Nordlanders and Grandma Suzy (Brandon's grandma) to Disneyland. It was Brandon's first time and we were very lucky to experience it with them. We didn't stay too long, but we had a great time while we were there. We even ran into mommy's friend, Kim. The best part about the night was Daddy and Uncle Eric found new jobs. They will soon be a part of the Mickey Mouse Club as the newest mouseketeers :) Go Daddy :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hat to the back

Kendyl has mastered the art of putting on daddy's hat. And what a nice hat it is, isn't it Nieves family :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


You might think this is just a number with no real significance.
Yes it is the ideal # you would like to have when playing blackjack,
Yes it is the number one is "legally" allowed to drink, and
yes it is the age when we will allow you to date, Kendyl....but tonight you gave the number 21 a whole new meaning...
21 - the number of wipes I had to use to clean your stinky butt after you had a humongous BM on the way home from Jennifers. Yes I counted, because I knew from the look of the outside of your clothes that I was in for a doozey. So now I look at 21 in a whole new light. Thanks for that Kendyl. I love you. And Sorry Auntie Lenee for destroying the cute pink and white polka dot outfit you bought her. It's a good thing you are cute, kid. Love you.
P.S. I have pictures, but I won't go there :) You're welcome!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fooled me

Well last night I could have sworn you were going to wake us up, but you slept hard until 6:15 this morning. And even then you didn't want to get up. You were really tired. You definitely got all your sleep in cause you are WILD this evening :) Love you.

Monday, August 25, 2008


This evening you were exhausted. You must have had a fun day playing with Victoria and Sophia. You actually fell asleep at 8pm. I wonder what time you'll wake us up tonight??? I'm guessing 2 am. I better go lay down now so I can be ready for the wake up call. Love u

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Today you unfortunately experienced your first ow-ey. It happened right after your afternoon nap. We were out in the backyard and you were walking around and the next thing we knew your cute little face got a little too close to the sidewalk. Normally when you trip, your hands break your fall and you get right back up, but I guess your hands wanted to trick you. You fell pretty hard and scratched up your little nose and forehead....just in time for your birthday party. GGGGRRRREEEAAAAT! :) You really were a trooper though. You cried for just a few minutes. It took you a little while to get back to your normal self. I think the fact that grandpa came over probably helped:) Well, I'm sorry you took such a tumble today. Thanks for being so tough. I love you.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Storytime with Grandpa

Everytime Daddy and I try to read you a story you get up, grab the book and want to just play with it. Well, today you walked over to grandpa with your book, he picked you up and you really sat there the whole time and just listened. It was so cute. Made me a bit jealous, but it was still cute:) Love you french fry.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

So lucky

This week I have been at a training all week for work, and everyday that I have picked you up this is what I get.....

I am so lucky to have such a happy and beautiful little girl. You really bring so much joy to my life. I love you.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Boom Boom

Every bath since you have been born I sing you a song that I randomly made up. It is very corny and really has no meaning but for some reason you have always loved the bath, and I think deep inside I wanted to believe it was because of my song :) hahaha
Well tonight while giving you a bath you not only tried to "sing" it with me, you actually filled in the ending everytime I got there. Ok, so some of you might not be able to visualize it, but trust me it was really cute.
This is the song I (now we) sing....
I'm gonna wash, wash, wash off the baby
wash, wash, wash off the baby,
wash, wash, wash off the baby,
until she is all clean... Boom Boom
Verse 2: I'm gonna scrub, scrub, scrub off the baby....etc
Verse 3: I'm gonna rinse, rinse, rinse,off the baby etc...

And when you are out and I lay you on the table I sing,
I'm gonna dry, dry, dry off the baby etc...

You get the idea. So tonight you sang, "Boom Boom" every time. Actually it was more like, "Ba Ba," but it was still right on cue and very unexpected. It was really cute.
Thanks for being so awesome, Kendyl. You are loved more than you know.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today you went back to Jennifer's because I had to go to a training for the upcoming school year. When I picked you up, Jennifer told me that you "accidentally" ate a piece of their dog Jax's food. But I think you make such good dog sounds now that they just got confused and instead of applesauce gave you Alpo. :) j/k The funny part is I'm sure you liked it and wanted more.
So no more dog food sister, because before we know it you'll be growing fur and a tail. Love you, Rover. ruff, ruff

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Welcome to Uncle Eddie's Igloo

Last night after our hard day of work :) we went over to the Seyfried's house to watch some Olympics and play some poker. You were beautiful in your white dress and you never ever got it dirty.
Then Uncle Eddie kicked up the AC and the house became an Igloo. I guess me and you are just sensitive to the cold because both of our toes were frozen. I put you in your jammies and that wasn't enough. We needed backup. So your cousin, Logan, (who is 6) grabbed a pair of his socks for you and you wore those. You also had to put on a little hoodie so your head didn't turn into an icicle.

The best part of the night was after you were all changed and warm, you decided it was finally time to "clear the room." Your diaper was STINKY. So I changed you and you squirmed right out of my grip (after being cleaned, but before new diaper) and walked over near the kitchen. Everyone laughed cause your little butt was showing. Then I hear Logan say, "Oh no, Kendyl just peed on the floor." Sure enough you peed right on the floor. That's what happens when you go bottomless at Uncle Eddie's Igloo :)
After that we left and came home to thaw out :) Love you Ms. Pee-body. Thanks for a fun day.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Big Helper

Today we (and by that I mean Grandpa, Uncle Dean and Daddy) started working on the desert, better known as our backyard. You are a very curious little girl so you wanted to be out their helping whenever you could.

I guess the hose didn't keep you cool enough, so you found the next best thing.
You couldn't help but to play with the sprinkler. And let me apologize for the socks with the sandals, there are stickers on the grass and those are the only shoes I could find that kinda fit (with help of the socks). Here is a video of your newest trick after playing with the hose. (I don't know)

Love you

Friday, August 15, 2008

Napping with Mom

Today me and you took a nice nap together while at grandma's. Thanks for being such a nice cuddle partner. You are much quieter than daddy:) Love you

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Can I have some butter with those rolls?

Sorry, I know you will be mad at me for this picture one day, but you have the cutest little chubby legs. I just want to bite them. Love you.

Today we went with Brandon and Aunt Cyndi to meet Uncle Eric for lunch because today is his birthday. So we went to the Irvine Spectrum and had a nice time. On the way there, you were desperately trying to hold Brandon's hand in the car, but he wasn't having it. Don't worry, he'll soon realize what a catch you are and you may have moved on by then (with his cousin) and he'll be sorry :) hahaha. Love you french fry, thanks for a great day.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


The other day at grandma's you decided to just go for it. Good try!

Friday, August 8, 2008

11 months old

Today you turned 11 months old and I really can't believe it. All I can do is wonder where the time has gone. I love watching you grow so much so quickly. Actually, it is a little too quickly.

You have mastered this walking thing and will walk 94% of the time. The other 6% is a mixture of sleeping and eating. So if you aren't doing one of those you can best believe you are strolling around looking for something to get in to. You love to be chased by us and you even walk faster so we won't get you. Although sometimes you turn around and come towards us. I think you like being caught more than chased at this point. The best part is when you are playing with something you shouldn't be, and the minute one of us comes to get it from you, you take off. It's amazing how you actually understand what we are coming for. You can be a bit stubborn at times. You don't like things being taken away from you.

You still have the best smile in town. And you are not afraid to show it. Your smile lights up a room in an instant and you make everyone who sees you, smile too. I have a poster in my classroom that says, "Smiles are contagious." You have definitely proven that. You no longer make the Scream face, but you do often scrunch up your nose when you laugh or smile in a way that only you can do. It is too cute.

You are still an awesome kid. You usually sleep pretty well through the night. You sometimes get up once but you usually fall back rather quickly. You like to trick Daddy when he is putting you to sleep. You close your eyes and the minute he lays you down, you flip over, get on your knees, push you muscial toy on your crib and laugh at him. It is really funny. Your personality is priceless and there is nothing you won't try.

You currently have 6 teeth and are working on a few more on the sides. You still want and try to put anything you can get your hands on in your mouth. You also make the cutest face when you chew your food. It almost looks like you are a little old lady with no teeth. You love to give kisses and yes they are still very slobbery!! but everyone loves getting them from you. You are eating a lot of big girl food now. Your favorites seem to be bananas, grapes, crackers, cheese, and spaghetti.

You are really starting to "talk." You now say "Dada" "Mama" "Wa Wa" "Dog" (minus the g sometimes), "Hi" or "Hiiiiiiii" "Di" (during every diaper change), and my favorite, "Wuf" when you hear a dog. You also know and love birds and everytime I ask you, "Where are the birdies?", you point up to the sky and look for them.

You still love the water, love to dance and like to watch mommy dance. (I know, not a great visual for all, but she likes it). Your laugh is awesome and you have started this screeching sound lately as well. You have found many, many ways to make different sounds with your mouth and you love to imitate people.

You are very brave and extremely strong. You are not afraid to crawl or plunge down stairs and will often go head first, but you get up and try it again, usually without the slightest whimper. You also love to push things around. If it can move, you will push. You love exploring new things, including drawers, cabinets, closets, toilets, etc... You also love to step up onto the fireplace, pull of the blinds on the sliding glass door, and you even test us by putting your fingers near the fan. You are always on the go, but you like you own time as well. You will sit and play on your mat for at least 20 minutes at a time, then you get up walk around in circles, then go back and play some more. Your newest thing is to play with the phone. You put it up to your ear, and say Hiii. It's really cute how you understand that's what it's for.

Your curiosity is so interesting to me. I love watching you learn and explore. I love watching you discover something and get joy from it. I love watching you smile. I love watching you cry, because it helps me remember that you are a child and that I was put here to help you be safe, comfortable, and happy. And I promise I will do my best to make sure you are all those things and more.

You have taught me sooooo many things about life, love and especially about myself. I never realized what an enormous impact you would have on my life, and I will never be the same because of it. You are an amazing child and I thank God (and GG, because I know she put a good word in for me) for giving me such a healthy, beautiful and happy baby. I can't believe you are going to be 1 very soon. Thank you for teaching me so much and for letting me enjoy you so much each day. I can't imagine life without you.
I love you Kendyl.

Happy 11 months, french fry.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


You definitely didn't get that from mommy!! :) Love you.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our Big Helper

Here you are helping Daddy bag up the groceries on our shopping trip.
Love you

Monday, August 4, 2008


Why is is that the minute I get into the shower, you wake up and start fussing around in your crib. Today you lasted about 5 minutes, which surprisingly gave me enough time to wash my hair and scrub down, but not enough time to get rid of the trees on my legs. So, I rush out, get dried off, dressed real quick and go to check on you through the monitor. guessed it- back asleep!! Thanks for being so unpredictable Kendyl. Love u.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sleepy heads

Look what I found last night on the couch.

Today we went to visit your boyfriend, Brandon. He is so cute and he is getting so big. You still haven't quite figured him out yet because you like to poke and grab at him like he is one of your dollies. I just hope he doesn't remember all that when he gets older and hands you a stack of "pay back." Well, he here is showing off his muscles:)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Family Fun Day

Today me, you, and Dupree..hahahaha Ok, Daddy went to the mall to have lunch at Red Robin. You were such a good girl and everyone kept smiling at you. You even had a "baby" conversation with a little boy a couple of tables away. You would yell, then he would yell. It was quite, "Look who's talkingish" You even tried your first piece of cantalope. They even gave you 2 balloons because you are that cute. After lunch we walked around the mall and a worker from one of those carts in the middle of the mall stopped us and said you were the prettiest baby she has ever seen, and that you should go from birth straight to TV. Daddy and I thought it was her way of getting us to buy some unnecessary item, but she never went there. So we thanked her and went on. This is how you cruised the mall...

We ran into Aunt Cyndi, and her mom and sister at the mall. They were shopping too. What a shocker:) While we were in one of the stores, I needed to change your diaper because you "exploded." Well, there was nowhere else but your stroller. So as I'm changing your diaper in your stroller you wouldn't lay still. Once I got your diaper off and you cleaned up, you decided to pee all over your stroller. FUN TIMES! IT was even on your cute skirt. So Daddy and I had to carry you most of way out.
Once we left there we went to a party store in La Habra to look for things for your partay next month. You crashed in the car which was well needed. I ran in to get a few things while Daddy stayed with you so you could sleep. When we left there, I realized that I now had to use the restroom really bad, so we stopped by Aunt Cici and Uncle Dougs for a quick Pit Stop. Our quick Pit Stop turned into a full night visit. We decided to stay there and have dinner and go in the pool. We left there around 8:30 and came home. What a fun day. Thanks for being such a good girl and bringing such joy to soooo many people's lives. I love you.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello? Anyone there?

Lately your new favorite thing to do is "talk" on the phone. Heaven forbid you would want to use one of the 3 pretend phones that you already have. Oh no, you will only play with the real ones. You walk around with the phone and pretend to be talking to someone. This video catches a quick glimpse of you and your new trick. Make sure your sound is up. You can hear her actually trying to talk.

I just love how the phone is on the back of your head. The funniest thing of all is when there really is someone on the phone and I try to get you to say your famous "Hi," you look at the phone like you've never seen it before and get all shy. Dang, I love you. Thanks for being so easy and fun to love.