Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009

Tonight is our New Year's Eve/Daddy's bday party and I am sooooo excited. You have been such a good helper with the decorations and cleaning. So good, in fact, that I had to take you over to Aunt Heidi's to jump on the trampoline today. Ok, so you were driving me nutty, and I couldn't get anything done with you here! Fine, I said it. I couldn't end the year with a white lie! :)

As we say farewll to 2009, I just want to make sure you know how absolutely beautiful you are. You are the most precious child I have ever met. Your spirit inspires everyone and your face lights up every room. You are truly an angel sent from up above and I could have never asked for anything more perfect in my life. I love you Kendyl. Thanks for always helping me see the bright side in things while looking at life in a much happier way. You are my everything. Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh, there's Alvin!

Today we went to your first movie theater to see Alvin and the Chipmunks.

I was a little nervous at first, but was fairly confident that you'd be ok. Grammy and mommy's friend, Tara, came too (for backup) Once we got there you sat down and starting chowing down on your popcorn.

You were soooo cute through the whole thing. I was really impressed at how well you sat. You were a bit squirmy at times, but for the most part you were pretty into the movie. At one point, you made the whole theater laugh by yelling quite loudly, "Oh, there's Alvin." It was perfect timing when you said it because everyone had just been looking for him in the movie. It was very cute. On our way out, you saw the Shrek poster and I convinced you to go over and take a picture by it.

After the movie we met Mallorey, Logan and Aunt Heidi in the food court and we all had some lunch. Then Mallorey and Logan came home with us for afew hours to play. You guys played soooo well together. Finally, you guys asked if you could watch a movie, so we put one in.
Here's how you guys started....

Here's how I found you about 30 minutes later.....

Thanks for such a fun day, french fry. I love you soooo much. I am not looking forward to going back to work because that means I won't be able to have these fun days with you.(until summer) :) Love you!!

Tomorrow we are going to celebrate Daddy 's birthday along with New Year's Eve. I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Tomorrow you and I are heading out for a serious adventure. I am taking you to your very 1st movie in a theater. We are going to see the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie and I hope you behave for it. I'm going to try to get you up early so we can get to the 1st show. That way it won't hopefully be too crowded. I think I have a pretty good plan though that will help you sit still and watch the movie....POPCORN!!! I don't care if it costs $20, I think it may be the secret to a successful movie experience for everyone there.

Today we did some shopping for our New Years Eve/Daddy's birthday party on Thursday. You were soooo excited to pick out some cupcakes and decorations. It's going to be sooooo much fun!!

Love you, french fry.

Monday, December 28, 2009

What a weekend!

Well, Santa came to your house and he ate all your cookies and took the carrots to his reindeer. You fell asleep around 9pm very excited for Santa's visit. You did wake up around 1am so Daddy brought you in our bed. I was sure you would have been excited to wake up, but we had the hardest time getting you up.Once we finally did, though,you were ready to go.

Santa brought you some really big toys

He also brought you dolls, food for your kitchen, games, dinosaurs, clothes,lip gloss, big girl panties, and a bunch of other things too.

After we opened all your presents, we moved your dollhouse and your kitchen into your new playroom and you got busy right away.

You didn't get to play too long because we had to go over to Aunt Heidi's to have breakfast and open more presents. Mallorey and Logan got a huge trampoline that you loved playing on, so most of the morning was out there.

After a whole bunch of great presents there, we came home and took a nap because everyone was coming over for dinner in a few hours. We had soooo much fun with everyone laughing, eating, singing, bowling, and just cracking up. Again you got some great presents from Daddy's side of the family.

Saturday was Mallorey's 10th birthday so we went back over to the Seyfried house to celebrate. You played in the trampoline some more and had sooo much fun. We also celebrated Uncle Mark's birthday. We stayed to play pretty late and while we(the adults) were talking I looked over at you, but you weren't there. I didn't see you anywhere. I asked Aunt Heidi,"Where's Kendyl?" She didn't know either, so we went to look for you. As we got into the hallway, we heard a toilet flush.... We walked into the (dark) bathroom to find you with your pants off, diaper off, flushing the toilet. Somehow you climbed up onto the toilet cause the seat was a little wet still and managed to go pee pee all by yourself. I was sooooo proud of you. You fell asleep on the way home.

Yesterday was Uncle Mark's actual birthday so you went over there with Daddy for awhile. Then you came home, took a nap, played in your play room, had some dinner, took a bath and then we went back over to Uncle Mark's to sing Happy Birthday and have some pie. You and Hailee played with her Lego's and you guys were really good. You had a lot of fun.
So needless to say, we have had a very fun and busy weekend. I have one more week off with you and then I have to go back to work :( Thanks for such a fun weekend and for being such a good girl (most of the time) I love you!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa's coming!!!!

I can't believe that Santa Claus comes tonight!!! You have been working really hard to be the best girl you can be and I hope Pickles has been reporting it all to Santa. You are really starting to get the idea and the fact that he is coming tonight.

Today we got a special package from Grandma Bea in Texas. She sent you the world's largest stocking. It is sooooo big that I'm not sure if Santa is going to be able to fill it. We filled it today with the best present we've ever been given -you

Later you and I baked Santa some special cookies and we got out the carrots for his reindeer.

Here is our final product for the big guy, minus the milk.

I hope he enjoys it and I hope you have a very special day tomorrow. I love you french fry, Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fun few days

Yesterday after your nap, you and I headed to Knott's Merry Farm. We met Aunt Heidi, Mallorey and Logan there.

You had a lot of fun, especially seeing Santa in the parade. He reminded you (and me) that we have to leave him cookies and milk,and then he gave a big Ho Ho Ho.

After the parade, we went on a few rides, had some dinner, had a Churro and then came home. It was the perfect little trip.

Today we had an even better day!!! Daddy had the day off so we went to see Disney on Ice. You got to see Lightning McQueen and all his friends. You loved seeing them. Then it was time for Ariel, which I'm still trying to figure out how you even know her name considering you've never seen the movie? You barely blinked through the whole thing.

After intermission Daddy came back with some popcorn, and I think you liked that just as much as watching Tinkerbell.

At one point, your entire arm was in the popcorn box searcing.

You loved every minute of the show, but in true Kendyl form at the end you said, "That was fun stupid" Aye-yia-yia!!!

We left the show and within 10 minutes you were asleep so Daddy and I decided to take a little drive. We have been wanting to come up with a Christmas Eve family tradition the three of us can start and continue until you are an adult. So tonight we tried one out, even though it's not technically Christmas Eve (Luckily, you're still too young to know the difference)

So we headed down towards Belmont Shore and drove around down by the jetty. It was almost sunset so we got out and walked around on the sand.

You had so much fun and even said, "I don't wanna leave the beach, I just love it" :) You made the birds a special dinner and then you chased them away with a stick that you found. You were really having a good time.

You even- excuse the topic- took a big poop followed by, "Not change my diaper now...wait til we get home, K?"
As much as you would have liked that, we wouldn't so we left the beach in search of a perfect little place for dinner to call our new tradition. Low and behold, we found it in Seal Beach... the Yucatan grill. They have the best/strongest margaritas I have ever had. So needless to say, we'll be going back next year (if not sooner).

After dinner we drove over and walked around Naples to see all the pretty lights. You loved seeing all the different houses and surprisingly, it wasn't too crowded. So I think we have come up with out Christmas Eve Sumlin tradition......
beach,Yucatan grill , and Naples stroll. Hopefully it will be a tradition you look forward to as you get older and maybe will continue with your own family someday (OK that drew a tear.)

1 more night until Santa comes:) I'm sorry to tell you that he is not going to bring you the 2 things you have been asking for; boobies, and Uncle Ian (from Alvin and the Chipmunks) Who knows where you got those ideas, but let's forget about them please:)

Love you Kendyl. Thanks for a great day.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Spoke toooo soon

Well, it figures. 20 minutes after I post how proud I am of you for not having an accident all go ahead and pee all over the kitchen floor. The good part is, you didn't like how it felt running down your leg, so maybe that will help you. Regardless of how many accidents you had today, I am still very proud of you. Right now you and your cousin, Logan, are watching Monsters Inc. He is spending the night with you. I hope you don't wake him up in the middle of the night. Love you, french fry

Cold Turkey Potty Training Day 1

Today I decided to start officially potty training you cold turkey. You have been going pee pee at least once or twice a day but nothing routine or regular about it. I figured since I am home for the next 2 weeks we better get it done. So today, we put on your "Big girl" panties and tried it. I am sooooo happy to say that we haven't had one accident (yet) and you even went poo poo in the potty too. You are having a great first day with your big girl panties. I should have known with you, but I'm still a little worried that you are setting me up for a bad day 2. I love you, french fry. Thanks for a great day 1 of vacation.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Xmas with Brandon

Tonight we went over to Brandon's to celebrate Christmas. After having a delicious dinner we started opening presents. Here are some pictures from the festivities....

You two were so cute as you sat down and waited patiently (haha)

Here you are opening your 1st Christmas present of 2009.

You loved Brandon's dump truck...

and he loved your piano...

You got soooo many cute things from the Nordlanders and from Auntie Evonne and Abbey who were there too. While you guys were playing Aunt Cyndi noticed that Brandon had a shirt almost identical to Daddy's, and after a "discussion" of which shirt was closer, we decided to put you in one of them as well.(hence-the wardrobe change) And of course, we took pics of the three of you look-a-likes:).....

Then you started really warming up, especially with Brandon's light saber

You and Uncle Eric had a little battle (which you clearly won)

After that beatdown, you decided it was relaxing time and you and Brandon headed up to have a little snack date. It was very cute.

We came home and you immediately wanted to start playing, playing, playing. Thank you to Auntie Evonne, Abbey and the Nordlanders for soooo many awesome presents You guys are the best.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dipping fun

Today 3 of mommy's friends came over and we made some yummy things for our Christmas party next week. You had so much fun helping out, especially when you got to put some sprinkles on the dipped pretzels. You also helped put the pretzels in the baggies and clean up the mess. I think your favorite part though was testing many of the yummy things. Thanks for being such a good girl and an even better helper. Love you french fry. I wish the weekend wasn't over already :(

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Soy Abuelita

You have this phone that says some sayings in Spanish when you push the button. For some reason, every time you press it enough to hear "Soy Abuelita" you do this....

You have been doing it for a couple weeks and every single time that part comes up, you do that silly laugh. It's sooooo funny. Well, it's just over 2 weeks until Santa comes. I hope you continue to be a good girl. Love you

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Disney Party

Last night we went to Disneyland for Daddy's work party. You had sooo much fun. You took a little cat nap on the way there which was perfect because you stayed up the whole time we were there (until midnight) When we first got there, we headed over to CA Adventure and had some dinner and rode on the Monster Inc. ride. Then it was off to Mickey's house. Right when we got there you saw Pluto. Noone was around him, so you ran up, gave him a big hug and even took your picture with him.

Then we went on more rides. We had a lot of fun. We watched the parade and you sat on Daddy's shoulders so you were high enough to see all the characters and especially Santa. Then we did some shoppingm, walked to the tram and the minute we got off the elevator to walk to our car, you were asleep.

You had such a fun night at Disneyland. Hopefully we can go again before we get blocked out. Love you french fry. Thanks for a fun night. (and for the 4 am wake up call) :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Auntie Lenee

Hope you have a great day. Love you

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Tonight you read a story to 3 of your stuffed animals. It was so cute the way you lined them all up and got them ready.
I love you french fry. You are the best daughter in the world. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You better watch out, you better not cry...

I'm not sure where she learned this song, but I love that she sings that he's not coming to her house. :) Does that mean I get a pass this year?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wild and Crazy

Tonight you have been wild and crazy. You went to your room to play and within 5 minutes, you had all your jammies out of the drawer and you were trying them on. You were putting the pants on your head, the shirts on your legs, and you kept putting both legs through one hole so it looked like you were wearing a skirt. Before we knew it, you were running around naked. We finally were able to catch you and get you in your jammies, but it sure took a lot of work. You are so funny these days. I love you.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving fun

Here are some videos of you having a lot of fun up at the lake. This was your cheese ball night. You ate about 40 cheese balls and sang 5 little monkeys with the cheese balls in your mouth. It was hilarious.

In this video you started off taking Max for a walk, but he decided he wanted to take you instead. Once you realized he was a bit stronger, you quickly let go:)

This last one is one of my favorites because it gives such a true picture of your cute personality. Plus I love how cute you look with the pigtails. Although, you do look a little old which makes me sad.

Overall, we had a great trip. You were a great camper. You only really fussed once and that was because wewoke you up from your nap for Thanksgiving dinner. Other than that, youwere awesome. I love you french fry. Thanks for being so cool. PS... sorry for all the camera noises. I'm still figuring out how to work the darn thing.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Tonight in the tub I asked you is you would count with me. Lately you have been skipping 5, so we have been working on it. Well tonight you gave me this...1, 2, 3, 4 shut the door, 5 little monkeys jump on bed mommy fell off and bump her head, mommy called Dr. and the Dr. said no more monkeys jumping on the bed. Well, at least I got you to not skip 5 this time :) Love you french fry.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Last night I finally got a new camera so now I can post more pics of you. I know I haven't been posting very often lately, and I have no excuse for it at all, so sorry french fry. You have been doing soooo many amazing things lately and I am so proud of how much you have grown. I will do my best to try to post more often to share your wonderful life with everyone. This is the first picture I took with the new camera.

Love you french fry, and I can't wait for a wonderful week with you. I'm so thankful for you!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lost my marbles

Today I think I officially lost my marbles, what's left of them anyway. I left a typical day at work, got in my car, had a conversation with my sister, hung up as I was pulling into my neighborhood....only to realize I hadn't picked you up yet!!!! I don't know what I was thinking, Kendyl. Obviously, I wasn't thinking too hard that's for sure. I'm sorry for "kinda" forgetting you, french fry. Please forgive me!!!!I love you sooooo much.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily

This morning we learned a new song.. Row, Row, Row your boat. I sang it to you once while I was reading you a book. About 5 hours later as you were laying down to try to take a nap, I had the absolute pleasure of listening to you sing yourself to sleep. I wish I had video because it was sooooo cute, but that would mean I finally had a new camera :O, which I don't. So you're going to have to take my word for it, until I can get one... This is what I heard... "Murly, Murly, go stream" It was really cute, just like you are:) Love you french fry. Thanks for a great weekend.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happiest Place on Earth

Today after work, we took Grammy and Grampy to the happiest place on Earth....Disneyland!! They had never been there with you before so we were all very excited to go. When we first got there we saw Minnie and Pluto. Normally you get a little scared when you see the actual characters, probably because they are so big, but today you were a super big girl. You went right up to Minnie and Pluto (with grampy holding you, of course) and you even gave Minnie a hug.

It was very cute. After that we went on a few rides

and then you were surprised again because as we were getting off the train to get some dinner...Cici was standing there. She came to see you too. You were so excited. So the 5 of us had dinner and then headed over to see the pirates and the haunted mansion. You were so brave during all of them, I was very proud.
Then we started to head back to Main Street when we noticed a parade going on, so of course we had to stop and watch all the fun. After the parade Cici bought you a churro and you loved every lick of sugar on it;)

As we were getting ready to leave, we spotted Mickey and Minnie together and you, me and Cici went over to say hi. Again, usually you are not a fan, but for some reason.. you went right up to them, gave them both hugs and even stood all by yourself for a picture. I was so amazed :)

Well, we had a great time at the Magic Kingdom and we hope that we can all do it again soon :) Thanks Grammy, Grampy, and Cici for an awesome night.

And thanks, Kendyl, for helping us believe that miracles do come true (corny, I know)
Love you french fry.