Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh, there's Alvin!

Today we went to your first movie theater to see Alvin and the Chipmunks.

I was a little nervous at first, but was fairly confident that you'd be ok. Grammy and mommy's friend, Tara, came too (for backup) Once we got there you sat down and starting chowing down on your popcorn.

You were soooo cute through the whole thing. I was really impressed at how well you sat. You were a bit squirmy at times, but for the most part you were pretty into the movie. At one point, you made the whole theater laugh by yelling quite loudly, "Oh, there's Alvin." It was perfect timing when you said it because everyone had just been looking for him in the movie. It was very cute. On our way out, you saw the Shrek poster and I convinced you to go over and take a picture by it.

After the movie we met Mallorey, Logan and Aunt Heidi in the food court and we all had some lunch. Then Mallorey and Logan came home with us for afew hours to play. You guys played soooo well together. Finally, you guys asked if you could watch a movie, so we put one in.
Here's how you guys started....

Here's how I found you about 30 minutes later.....

Thanks for such a fun day, french fry. I love you soooo much. I am not looking forward to going back to work because that means I won't be able to have these fun days with you.(until summer) :) Love you!!

Tomorrow we are going to celebrate Daddy 's birthday along with New Year's Eve. I can't wait!!!

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