Saturday, February 28, 2009

Helping yourself

The other day while I was packing up your lunch to take to Jen Jen's, I made the mistake of leaving your breakfast on the table unattended. But, of course, I didn't waste a single minute grabbing the camera to catch every second.....
Here you are helping yourself to breakfast

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm, this looks interesting"

"And there's no one around to tell me NO"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm my favorite, Oatmeal"

"One little bite, she'll never know"

"Uh-OH...I'm busted!"

Love you, Kendyl.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ok, so I caught you and your cute new line.
Love you, french fry.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Outside Go Bye Bye

So we have our first official sentence, ok, it's more of a phrase. The other night you were just wandering around the house saying, "Outside go bye bye" over and over again. I'm not sure where you got it from, but your little voice saying it is really cute. Of course, everytime I try to catch it on video you won't say it, but we have witnesses. You have really been saying a lot of new words lately, and I'm still amazed at your memory. As soon as I can catch you saying it, I will post. Love you big girl.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Cousin Elephant

Today we celebrate yet another February birthday. It is your cousin Evonne's 23rd birthday. For some reason the last time you saw her you kept calling her "elephant", so now she is cousin elephant. Hopefully you will actually call her by her real name one day soon. So, happy birthday Evonne. We love you.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love and Basketball

This weekend we went to watch cousin Curt and his team play their final 2 LA-based games. Friday, we went to Cal State LA and they won in overtime. It was a really good game. Your cousin Garryl was there and you got really good at saying his name(G). Once we told you we were going to go to another game tonight you kept saying,"G" "G" And once we got to the game and you saw him you were very excited. Tonight cousin Curt's team lost but they played pretty well. You had a lot of fun at both games and were a very good girl while there. Wild, but good. Now you should be asleep, but you are running around the house going crazy. Just a normal night over here :) Love you, Kendyl.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Party till you drop

Yesterday we celebrated mommy's birthday and on our way to pick up Daddy you found a song you liked on the radio. When I turned around you were dancing like crazy. So, I had to pull out the camera to catch it.....This is your newest move... Please excuse the hair, she had just pulled out her other pigtail:0
How cute is she :) She slept for another 40 minutes in the car, then woke up ready to bop some more. Love you, Kendyl. Thanks again for a great birthday.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What a Birthday

Today is mommy's birthday and she couldn't have asked for a better present than a beautiful, little daughter to love. After work, I picked you up from Jen-Jen's and then we went and picked up Daddy. We came home for a minute and then we went out to dinner. We met Auntie Evonne and Auntie Abbey @ CHili's and we had a great time. You were very funny and made us all laugh. You also loved playing with Abbey and her million bracelets :) After dinner, we came home and played. Then Aunt Netty, Uncle Mark, Hunter and Hailee came over to sing and wish mommy a Happy Birthday. It was a great way to end a great day. Thanks for giving me soooo many reasons to be thankful each day. I love you soooooo much, Kendyl.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Missed you

Daddy and I had a great time on our trip to Las Vegas, but we couldn't stand being away from you too long. We left Saturday morning around 6:30. Of course you woke up right when we were getting ready to leave; I think it was your way of saying, "Don't Go." Leaving was the hardest thing I have had to do in a long time. Thankfully, I knew you were in good hands so I was able to not have too big of a meltdown. Daddy and I got to Vegas and did the normal tourist things but we couldn't stop thinking about you. When we woke up Sunday we talked about whether we could go another whole day and night without seeing you and we both decided that was impossible. So we ended up leaving Vegas around 6pm Sunday night. Of course we hit some traffic, but we ended up getting home around 10 and luckily you were still awake. I ran in the house to grab you and hug you. We were soooo happy to see you and after a few minutes you were happy to see us too. After we got home, all your babysitters, (grandma, grandpa, AUnt Heidi, Uncle Applesauce, Mallorey and Logan) finally got to go home and rest. I know they needed it after chasing after you all weekend. I guess it really does take a village. Well, I am so happy that we decided to come home last night because the weather this morning was really bad and they even closed part of the freeway that we take to get home, so who knows what time we really would have got home today. Thank you to EVERYONE who came over to help play with, entertain, change, bathe, feed, laugh at, chase after, and just be around the most precious little lady in my life. We REALLY appreciate all the time and energy it took and we are very lucky to have such caring and giving family. We love you all, but don't expect us to leave again any time soon:)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day and I miss you sooooooooooo much. I hope you are being a good girl for grandma and grandpa. I love you so much, Kendyl and I hope you never forget that. I can't wait to see you and kiss you and love you. Miss You. Happy Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Not so sure????

Dear Kendyl,
Tomorrow morning your Daddy and I are going on our first trip away without you. I am still not so sure I am ready to go, because I know I will miss you sooooooooo much. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over to stay with you and I'm sure your cousins will all come visit as well. I'm sure you will have a great time and you probably won't even miss us. At least, you probably won't even notice that we are gone. Well, I just want you to know how much I love you and how thankful I am to have you in my life. You are the best present that I have ever been given and I can't tell you that enough. Have a great weekend with Grandma and Grandpa and we'll see you when we get back. And knowing will be sooner than later :) Love you, french fry. Be good!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Abbey Cadaby

There is another birthday to celebrate today......Your awesome Aunt Abbey turns 14 today. Wow, and I thought you were growing fast. I could have sworn she was like 8 still. Well, happy birthday Abbey. We hope you have a great night with your friends and we are sooooooooooooo happy that Kendyl can say your name before she can say your moms :) I tried to get her to say your name on video to post but she was being a bit stubborn:( We'll get it sooner or later. Love you, Abbey...happy 98th birthday old lady.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hi CiCi

This has become your new favorite saying everytime you pick up any phone: real or fake. I guess you have become accustomed to Aunt Cici (Lisa) calling you.

It's too bad you won't actually talk when someone is actually on the phone. You still don't quite get that idea yet, but you are working on it :)
Love you, love bug

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa

Today is your grandpa's birthday and we want to wish him a special and great day. He is, by far, your favorite person in the world. You will run to him right away, even when me and daddy are standing right next to him. When he's around, no one else usually matters. Occasionally, you will give the rest of us a little attention, but not for long. You two definitely have a special bond, and I guess I can't blame you... he is a pretty cool dude:) I hope one day,(in about 30 years), you find someone just like your grandpa because if you do, you will be one lucky lady:) It worked for me. Happy Birthday Grandpa.We love you! Here is Kendyl's special version of The Birthday Song just for you.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

17 months old

Today you turn 17 months old. You are the cutest, smartest, happiest, and naughtiest little girl in the world. :)You really are quite smart, and I know that all moms say that, and they should, but there is something about you that I can't quite put my finger on. You have an amazing ability to make everyone smile all the time. I hope that is a quality that you will continue to keep, especially as we head toward those 2's. You bring so much joy to my life that I can't imagine you any different (although, ask me again in 6 months) :) I love you Kendyl. I love how you make me feel. I love how you make me think about things I never would normally think about. I love how just watching you makes me smile. I love how I believe in love at first sight again. I love how appreciative you have made me. I love how the sound of your snoring still makes me smile,even at 2am. I love how you love me and I love how I love you :) I just can't say it enough. You Rock!!
Thanks for being the best daughter anyone could ask for.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Applesauce and Sissy Sophia

February is a month full of birthdays around here. Today we celebrate 2 more birthdays: your Uncle Eddie, aka, Uncle applesauce and your "sissy", Sophia (Jen Jen's daughter). We want to wish them a great birthday. Now let's explain why you call Uncle Eddie- applesauce. As we all know, applesauce was one of your 1st big words. So everyone loved hearing you say it over and over again. When we went camping for Thanksgiving, Uncle Eddie and his brother Jimmy would ask you to say applesauce just about everytime they saw you. So, before we knew it, you were calling Uncle Eddie applesauce. When we show you pictures of family members you call him applesauce. It is awesome and I'm sorry to tell you this Eddie, but I think you're stuck with it. :) Here is a short video of you calling him applesauce.

You call Sophia your "sissy" cause she's one of your big sisters:) Have fun at Downtown Disney Sophie. I hope you like your present. See you on Tuesday :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Oh, Mickey!

Tonight you had fun playing with your Mickey Ears. That is until you got them caught on your earrings. But you managed to pull them off without ripping out your earrings. You are the cutest Mickey I know.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Doctor, Doctor

Today we got to go with Brandon to his Dr. visit. You were soooo excited to have someone in the car with you. On the way to pick them up you kept saying, "baby?" because you knew we were going to get them. Normally you take a nice afternoon nap, but not today. You couldn't take your eyes off Brandon. At least we know you have good taste. Well, we got to go in with him to see his Dr., who said he is doing grrrrrrrrrreat!!!! Which was wonderful to hear. You started getting a little loud so we went out in the waiting room so you could play. We left there and went back to Brandon's to hang out and play some more. You didn't take a nap on the way home either. It was so much fun getting to hang out with Brandon. Here are some pictures of you two hanging out in the Dr. office.
I think you two may have kissed had you not had us chaperones around :)

Love you Kendyl. Thanks for being such a good girl today.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma Bea

Today is your Grandma Bea's birthday. We want to wish her a very happy birthday. Hopefully we'll get to take a trip to Texas to see her soon. Maybe when you are really ready to be potty-trained, cause I hear she can get it done quickly :)
Happy Birthday Grandma, we love you and miss you.

New news and not so new news

I have learned a few things about Kendyl in the last few days..
1- she is afraid of spiders... how does she know that they are scary/gross? She has never seen one before tonight.
2- she has FINALLY lost that gross dead fingernail (who knows where it went)
3- flat irons are not her friend
4- she can currently and correctly identify 10 animals and mimic the sound of 7 of them. (we are still working on the elephant...not as easy as I thought)
5- she knows what trash is and will actually walk over to the trash can to throw stuff away.
6- she has over 30 words she says regularly and even has a "sentence", "Where'd go?" that she says when someone leaves the room or she can't find something.
7- she memorizes things amazingly
8- she has the best smile in the universe and would definitely win Regis and Kelly's baby contest, if daddy didn't work for Disney. (so much for her college fund)

I could go on forever, but I think everyone already knows how much I love her and what an impact she has had on our lives.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Smarty pants

I can't explain how she remembers where those things are, especially since that book has been in her suitcase for about 3 weeks. Love you, Smarty Pants.