Friday, February 29, 2008

Getting my bounce on

Kendyl has been working on her hops lately. Unfortunately, if she keeps going like this one leg is going to be stronger than the other :) Love you Kendyl

Thursday, February 28, 2008

To the point

Today I'm going to get right to the point....


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stogie anyone?

Don't worry, it was just chocolate and it was wrapped. I better keep her away from Aunt Evonne. What a bad influence :)
Love You Kendyl

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Miss Fussy butt

Today after I picked Kendyl up from Jennifer's we went to Cyndi's house where she seemed to be the happy-go-lucky kid we all know and love. Then we got home :( She has been non stop fussy butt since she woke up 3 hrs ago. Thank heavens for Daddy and his patience because I've almost lost it. My poor little thing is not very happy. I'm not sure if it's extreme exhaustion from 2 nights of no sleep for everyone in the house, or her stuffy little nose is making her mad, or if grandma put a curse on her yesterday (hahaha, just kidding grandma). Whatever it is, I don't like it and I want it to go away so the most beautiful, happy baby can return. Don't get me wrong, she is still gorgeous, but now she's more of a grumpy gorgeous. I hope you feel better soon Kendyl. Daddy and I are trying our best to make you as comfortable as possible. Sorry that we're not very good at this yet. We love you.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Fo sheezy my sneezy

Well Kendyl offically has a cold. She is very sneezy (but of course it's 3 times like her mom), she has a runny nose and a pretty good cough :( She even at times feels a bit warm, but no temp:) She is a trooper though. She still lightens up every minute of every day, even though I know she's not feeling the greatest. Hopefully this will pass quickly and she'll be back to her "sleeping through the night" self. Lord knows Daddy and I would appreciate that. Love you baby girl. Feel better soon

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A funny Saturday night

There is nothing better than this on a rainy Saturday night. Thanks for making my life so enjoyable Kendyl. I love you.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Tonight I was upstairs cleaning your room and making some pages for your scrapbook when I realized it was extremely quiet downstairs. So I went down to check on you and Daddy and this is what I found...

What a pair... love you both

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pretty in Pink

I just love this picture of my little angel so I had to share. The last few days Kendyl has been sitting up all by herself for minutes at a time. We have moved from seconds to minutes now, so I am very proud.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How's that taste kid?

Here Kendyl displays her latest talent
(sorry it's upside down)

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talk about "putting your foot in your mouth"
I love you Kendyl

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy

Thank you for giving me the best birthday present ever..... YOU!

I love you Kendyl

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm a big kid now!!

Here are 2 of Kendyl's big girl feats this week. I can't believe what a big girl she is. I'm so proud :)

Sleeping in her own room all by herself and...

eating from her big girl high chair

where does the time go??

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Never underestimate the power of prunes

Yesterday for dinner you tried prunes for the first time, which by the way you absolutely LOVED! If I didn't know better I would have thought it was chocolate the way you were scarffing it down. I decided you give you prunes because you had been a little "stopped up" as they say, and I have always heard about the power of prune juice. (We can thank GG for that) Well, as usual, she was right and I know she's looking down saying "Told you so." I nervously put you to bed last night around 9:30 in your big girl crib and you did amazing. You slept all night without a peep. You woke up around 7 this morning. I hate to admit it, but you actually did better than you have been doing in your bassinet. I guess you knew it was time to show off your big girl style. So anyway, Daddy brought you in our room and you chatted with us for a few minutes. Then it was time to change you. Dun Dun Dun Prune Power was in direct effect. You had it all over your pj's and all the way up your back to about your shoulders. Your diaper was overflowing with the deliciously smelling play-doh :0 We had to double team you to get you cleaned up. And the most amazing part is, you never fussed about being filled up like that. We thought we were going in for a regular morning pee change, and then BAM you hit us with the powerful stuff. Thanks for being such a trooper. I love you, but I will NEVER underestimate the power of prunes again.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Not sure if I'm ready for this

Tonight Daddy and I decided that we were going to put you to bed in your big girl crib. You are now 5 months and 1 week old and I guess it's about time you actually spent time in your room. I'm just not sure if you are ready. Ok I'll admit it, I'm not sure if I'm ready. There are so many positive things about you in your bassinet next to me, and I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't roll over and see that little face and hear those cute little noises. I'm going to miss you waking up and me being the first thing you see, and I'm really going to miss waking up and seeing your perfect face during the night. I know you will be fine, because you are such a good girl, but I feel like you are just taking your first step into your independence:) Before I know it, you'll be off to college (OK, I'm taking this toooo far, I know). Plus I act like your room is on the other end of our mansion (haha) when you are probably 20 steps away. Thank God for the genius who invented the TV monitor so I can get a glimpse of you every 5 min:)
Well, I hope Daddy and I survive our first night alone in 5 months. Wish us luck pretty girl and have a wonderful sleep in your big girl crib. I love you and I'll miss you tonight. Sweet Dreams

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is love?

Today I asked my 4th graders to write a paragraph about what they think love is. They had some interesting ideas to say the least and many of them had to do with lollipops.....still trying to figure that out?? I learned that "love is when you really hope someone cares about you and wants to have you around." (yes a student actually wrote that). It instantly made me think about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful, healthy little girl in my life. Every day I fall more in love with you. I want to give you the world and more. I hope that I am able to show you how much you are loved and how much you are wanted everyday. Thank you for being the best thing I have ever done. I love you and I hope you feel that and remember that for the rest of your life. Happy 1st Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Defiant already??????

Well my little girl, I can't believe it. Today you actually did something me and Daddy have worked REALLY hard to get you to not do. We have been telling you everyday to not do this and praising you each day you don't, but today you went and proved you are a real stink butt. Yep that's right... you pooped after getting home from Jennifer's (after pooping twice there too). We have told you a million times (in the month that you've been with her) that you are only allowed to poop at Jennifer's and we have practiced how to hold it in until you get there. I guess I should have seen it coming. I knew one day my perfect little girl would defy me. :( hahahahaha

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Music to my ears

Kendyl makes the cutest sounds when she's sleeping. Sooo much nicer than daddy's snoring:)

Make sure your sound is up
(Sorry it's so dark, I didn't want to wake her) If you watch it at night it's much easier to see.


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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Family Fun

Today we went over to grandma and grandpa's after sleeping in :) The whole family was coming over because today is grandpa's birthday, and Uncle Eddie's birthday was Thursday. So we all met over there to celebrate. We played all day, you ate your oatmeal and peaches, we had cake and ice cream and you even made a nice stinky for everyone. We had a great time and you were a great girl (surprising, I know). We came home around 10pm and you just woke up, so Daddy is feeding you and then it is bedtime. I hope you had a great day. I love you baby girl.

Here is my Amy Winehouse remix to the picture below

Aunt Netty tried to give you kisses, but you were saying, no, no, no.... (OK, I'm tired and bored)

Friday, February 8, 2008

5 months old

Well I can't believe that you are actually 5 months old today. Time does really fly when you're having fun, getting pooped on, sleeping with one eye open, changing diapers, making bottles and enjoying each day more than the last one. I cannot imagine my life without you and I am so thankful that you are such a wonderful little girl. I love watching you grow and change each day. I never expected to feel so much love everyday and enjoy this new life so much. You are officially an infant and I never thought I would say it, but I miss your newborn days. Don't get me wrong, I love how you are so independent, I just wish I could go back in time to really take it all in. I love you Kendyl Elaine and I hope you have had a nice 5 monhs of life. Happy Birthday.


Sorry I have not written in a few days, we have a had a bit of a crazy week. We have been working on one car all week because Daddy's car needs a new transmission, so luckily Aunt Cyndi has been helping us out by driving me to work each day and taking me to pick up you. I don't know what we'd do without her. So we have had a few busy days, but we definitely found time to do some shopping for all these February birthdays. You also found time to take a great big smelly poop in the middle of the mall :) Thanks for that by the way. Last night we had to wait at grandma's until Daddy picked us up and then we went to pick up Daddy's car. I think we decided to not spend the $1200 on a new transmission and just buy a new car. the only bad part about that is it means no more shopping for me and you:( Well, thanks for being such a trooper this week. I feel like I have been passing you around and inconveniencing everyone around me just to get through each day. Sorry I have been MIA (Mother is absent-minded)
But through all the craziness, the best part of each day was getting to see that gorgeous smile.
I love you Kendyl

Monday, February 4, 2008

Baby bird, mama bird

Today you had an interesting day (to say it nicely). First of all you pooped twice at Jennifer's house to the point where it came out everywhere and she had to change your clothes and give you a bath. Then after Cyndi and I picked you up we came home and played for a while. You tried Squash today for the first time and I am happy to report that I finally found something that you are not a fan of. You kept spitting it out. It was pretty funny. SO after your bottle, I brought Cyndi upstairs to look at a few things while I was trying to burp you. But noooo, you wouldn't burp. So as I was showing Cyndi a few things I laid you in your crib and you were just as happy as can be. You played in there for about 15 minutes and then I took you out because you needed a new bib. So I picked you up and that's when the fun began. Not only did you burp right in my face, you then laughed about it. So we of course laughed with you and then you threw up all over my sweatshirt, all over your clothes, and on your new bib that I just put on. Cyndi thought it was pretty funny, but little did she know you were not finished with the jokes. You stuck your hand right in your throw up on my shirt and then without any warning, shoved it right in my mouth!!!! And here all this time I thought I was supposed to be feeding you. It was quite disgusting, but I couldn't help but laugh. I put you on your changing table to change you and you started cracking up. Cyndi and I couldn't believe how much you were laughing. It was like you had this trick planned for months and you finally performed it. I tried to capture your adorable laugh on camera, but as you can imagine I was a little busy cleaning the junk out of my mouth. Once I did grab the camera you became camera shy. I can't wait to be able to share your cute laugh. It really is almost as cute as your face. Well, thanks for trying to share your dinner with me. I deep down (somewhere) appreciate the thought. Thanks for being the best baby bird ever, but next time let's leave the feedings to mama bird.I love you Kendyl

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kendyl's "Super Bowl"

Super bowl

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She is definitely my MVP

Miss Pee-body

This morning when Daddy took you out of your bed, he noticed that your entire back was wet. So I checked your bed and the entire sheet was soaked too. We couldn't believe how much you had peed throughout the night. Your diaper was the heaviest it has ever been and you were wet from shoulder to butt. :( So we quickly threw you (not literally) in the tub and cleaned you up. You are once again the cutest and cleanest thing ever!!
You better hold back on that bottle little girl :) haha
Love you forever

Friday, February 1, 2008