Monday, February 4, 2008

Baby bird, mama bird

Today you had an interesting day (to say it nicely). First of all you pooped twice at Jennifer's house to the point where it came out everywhere and she had to change your clothes and give you a bath. Then after Cyndi and I picked you up we came home and played for a while. You tried Squash today for the first time and I am happy to report that I finally found something that you are not a fan of. You kept spitting it out. It was pretty funny. SO after your bottle, I brought Cyndi upstairs to look at a few things while I was trying to burp you. But noooo, you wouldn't burp. So as I was showing Cyndi a few things I laid you in your crib and you were just as happy as can be. You played in there for about 15 minutes and then I took you out because you needed a new bib. So I picked you up and that's when the fun began. Not only did you burp right in my face, you then laughed about it. So we of course laughed with you and then you threw up all over my sweatshirt, all over your clothes, and on your new bib that I just put on. Cyndi thought it was pretty funny, but little did she know you were not finished with the jokes. You stuck your hand right in your throw up on my shirt and then without any warning, shoved it right in my mouth!!!! And here all this time I thought I was supposed to be feeding you. It was quite disgusting, but I couldn't help but laugh. I put you on your changing table to change you and you started cracking up. Cyndi and I couldn't believe how much you were laughing. It was like you had this trick planned for months and you finally performed it. I tried to capture your adorable laugh on camera, but as you can imagine I was a little busy cleaning the junk out of my mouth. Once I did grab the camera you became camera shy. I can't wait to be able to share your cute laugh. It really is almost as cute as your face. Well, thanks for trying to share your dinner with me. I deep down (somewhere) appreciate the thought. Thanks for being the best baby bird ever, but next time let's leave the feedings to mama bird.I love you Kendyl

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