Thursday, November 29, 2007

Car ride Queen

Today I took you out to do our favorite thing..... SHOPPING!! Where off course you were an angel, until you decided you didn't like the elevator music playing at Kohls and screamed your head off for a few minutes. Luckily, I knew you were just getting tired, so I strolled you around the store (people probably thought I was out for my mid-day walk we circled the store so much), and you fell asleep. You woke up while I was putting you in the car, and you just smiled at me. It was really cute. Daddy installed a mirror in the backseat so I can see you while I am driving and I have to say you are one awesome kid. You sometimes fall asleep in the car, but when you don't you just look around and babble. We just talked/sang the whole way home. You are officially the car ride queen, and I love every minute with you.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007!

Well today you played a great trick on mommy. The plan was to decorate the house for Christmas so that we could get your first tree one day soon. After sleeping from 11-7 last night then taking a nap from 9-11:30 and 1-3 I finally was able to play with you. I was so excited because I knew you would love the decorations, and I wanted to take some pictures of you with them..

SIKE!! You wanted nothing to do with it all. In fact the only thing that made you happy was being in your swing with a pile of christmas lights in front of you to stare at. My how you love bright lights. So that's where you stayed while mommy decorated and sang songs alone:( I'll get you next year missy. Love you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Double poop

Today was the first day in your entire life (81 days) that your pooped more than once. Daddy and I have been a bit worried because you normally don't poop that often, but today you did it TWICE. And they weren't little ones either. What a big girl. We're so proud of you Kendyl.
Love You

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Short and sweet

Today's post will be just like you... short and sweet. We had a great lazy day, just the 3 of us. We watched football, and videotaped you becoming a chatterbox. It is really cute. You slept a lot and me and daddy did some work. You are getting to be such a smart little girl. I love every minute of the day because of you and I am trying to forget about the day I have to go back to work :( Well, I love you missy and thanks for being my everything, but especially for being ....short and sweet.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I was close

Last night you fell asleep around 11:30 and were up and fussy around 4:30. I guessed 6 hrs, you were down 5. However, after about 5 minutes of uncomfortableness (is that a word?) you quickly fell back asleep until 7am when you decided it was time for breakfast. Then you slept again till 11am, when you decided it was time for lunch. After that we changed your clothes (and diaper) and then hung out for about an hour when you decided you were yet again, sleepy and you took a nap with Daddy. That was pretty much what we did all day, until we went to Aunt Heidi's house to feed Kokomo for them because they are still out of town. On our way home, we stopped and picked up dinner and then grandma and granpa came over to see you. You were so cute with them. At one point you were babbling like crazy while grandma was holding you. We all thought you said "I love you", it was really funny. I love it when you are happy, which is almost all the time. After they left, we did some shopping on the computer and then we settled down and got ready to go to bed. I just put you down about 20 minutes ago and you quietly fell asleep. This has been the best 11 weeks of my life. Thank you for being so special and making me feel so loved all the time. I love you, Kendyl.

Friday, November 23, 2007

More cousins

Today we had special visitors. You Auntie Lisa and Lenee came over along with your cousins Aaren, Evonne, and Garryl. You were kind of grumpy for most of the day (probably because of your huge sleep last night), but they still adored you. This was the first time Garryl has been able to meet you because he goes to school in Arizona, but you have met the girls before. Well, Daddy cooked for us all and we all just hung out and admired you. After they left, me you and daddy just lounged around. We had a nice family afternoon, then me and you fell asleep on the couch for a little bit while Daddy watched whatever sport he could find on a Friday night. Right now you are hanging out with Daddy getting ready for bed. I wonder how many hours you will sleep tonight. My guess is 6. Let's see how close I am tomorrow. Well, I'm so happy that you have such a wonderful extended family in your life. You bring so much joy to everyone and we all feel so blessed to have you in our lives. Thanks for being so special and so dang cute. Love U 4ever.

"Thankful" is an understatement

Last night after I posted about your Thanksgiving, I fed you and then we "talked" for a few minutes. Then I swaddled you up, laid you in your bassinet and the next thing I knew you were fast asleep. That was 11pm (what a party animal you are) :) Before I knew it it was 8:30 am and you were STILL asleep. I couldn't believe it. You slept 9 1/2 hours :) and guess what..... so did I:) hip hip hooray.... Boy what a way to end such a Thankful day:) Love you so much baby girl.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Your first Thanksgiving

Well, today we celebrated your first Thanksgiving. We started off by sleeping pretty well last night, which made me and daddy really thankful. Then we gave you a bath and got ready to go to aunt Netty and uncle Marks house. We went over there and had yummy turkey and all the rest. You were a very good girl, even though at times you got a little cranky. :) Your cousins Hunter and Hailee were there too. Aunt Netty did a great job cooking and we all had a really nice time. We watched some football, ate, played some poker, ate some more, made a fire, ate some more (are you noticing a pattern here). Then we came home and I just stared at you. I cannot think of anything in the whole world I am or have ever been more thankful for than you Kendyl Elaine. I love you so much. I hope you had a nice first Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rough Night

Last night we had a rough night:( I was afraid that your wonderful trend of sleeping through the night would end soon and I was right. You were up every hour and a half and you just could not get comfortable. I don't think that Daddy's snoring helped at all. So me and you went downstairs to sleep and that didn't help either. It left both of us quite sleepy all day, but that didn't stop us. We had to go shopping for turkey day. We picked up grandma and then went to Cici's house because they are going camping with the Seyfried fam. This will be the first time we are not all together on Thanksgiving which is going to be weird. After leaving Cici's we took grandma home and hung out there for a few hours. You were so much fun, laughing and playing with everyone. You really are a cool kid and I am so lucky to have you. We came home and you made daddy smile because he missed you. Now you are waking up, ready for some late night food. Hopefully tonight will be a little bit better, because tomorrow we are going to celebrate your very 1st Thanksgiving and boy is there a lot to be thankful for this year.
Thanks for being you baby girl.
Love you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rolling at 7 weeks old

I'm not sure why I never posted this before, but at 7 weeks old, you rolled over from your stomach to your back. I know I mentioned it when I first started this blog, but it just occured to me to actually show you how cute it actually was. Since this day you have been doing it once in a while, and we are currently practicing going from your back to your stomach (not so easy with you gigantic head... I mean brain) Love you Kendyl and am very proud of you.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today we had a very exciting day. One that made me very proud. Today you got to see all 5 of your cousins on mommy's side of the family. Your oldest cousin Coral came over to meet you for the first time. She was very good with you and kept saying how cute you are. I hope that she will continue to be in your life. I think she will. Then we went over to grandma and grandpa's house because your cousin Hunter just flew in from Utah. He lives there but comes here a lot to visit. You got to meet him for the first time too. He is in 4th grade already and Coral just started college. Mallorey, Logan and Hailee were there also, but you already know them. You see them all the time. You have a great group of cousins who love you very much. I can't wait until you are big enough to run around and play with them. I know the time will fly by and before I know it my little baby girl will be a walking toddler and I will wonder how that happened. But until then please continue to amaze me daily and remember that I love you forever.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

So grateful

Yesterday, me and you went to BJ's for a Bridal Shower. We got to see many of my friends and there was even another baby there. He was only 5 weeks old, and so tiny. He reminded me of you when you were first born. He was a very good baby, just like you. You wore your first pair of shoes at the party and everyone thought they were very cute. Well, we came home and hung out with Daddy for the rest of the night. You were kinda grumpy and I think it was because you had a lot of gas.:( You had your last feeding at 9:30pm and then you watched the rest of the Survivor with me and Daddy from the night before. I swaddled you up around 10:30, laid you in the bassinet and then you were off to dreamland. I fell asleep next to you and the next thing I knew it was 6:30 this morning. You slept all the way through the night again. You are such a big girl, and I am so very grateful for you. Love you.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

You are my sunshine

Today I sang "You are my sunshine" to you and you smiled and laughed the entire time. I started to tear up because the words in that little simple song are so true. I couldn't help but hope that you were smiling and laughing because you were entertained, although I'm pretty sure you were laughing at my horrible singing and smiling because you had gas :0
Well, I love you even if you don't appreciate my singing

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Never alone

Today we hung out with Cyndi after we went to a meeting at my work. She was talking about her pregnancy and how she is going to her Dr. tomorrow to hear the heartbeat. I remember when I first heard your heartbeat. It was March 7, 2007. I went by myself because Daddy had to work, and I remember being very scared and nervous. I sat there all alone waiting, wondering, hoping. Then the nurse came in, put the Doppler machine on my stomach and I heard you heart thumping away. It was then that I realized I wasn't there alone, I had you with me. I felt so happy. I knew from that moment that I had you, and you had me. And I never felt alone again. Love you Kendyl

Monday, November 12, 2007

Foot in the poop?

Today while shopping with Cyndi, I took you to the bathroom to change your poopy diaper. I quickly learned how strong as fast you really are because before I knew it you smashed your foot (sock and all) into your poop filled diaper. Gross!! I couldn't help but be a little grossed out but at the same time I found you quite funny. After I changed you, we finished shopping and you just played and laughed during our trip. I guess you are getting a little familiar to the great land that is Target:) Thanks for always finding a way to make me laugh and smile each day. You really are a joy to be with everyday.
Love you so much Kendyl.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

7 hour stretch :)

Well my little lady last night you had your biggest and best sleep. You slept for 7 hours!!!! I couldn't believe it. I went upstairs after feeding you at 9:30 and you fell asleep with Daddy downstairs. I fell asleep upstairs. This is a little routine the 3 of us seem to be in. You stay with Daddy while Mommy gets a few hours of sleep. You usually wake up hungry around 2 am, so Daddy brings you up for me to feed you. Then you stay upstairs and sleep in your bassinet until around 6 or 7 am. But last night you stayed slept with Daddy until 4:30 am. My body instinctly woke up at 4 because I knew it had to be time for you to eat and when I went downstairs to check on you guys, you were both still snoozing away. 30 minutes later, Daddy brought you up to eat. Boy what a big girl you are getting to be. I can't wait for the day you sleep all the way through the night. I shouldn't complain because you are only waking us up once during the night. SO thank you in advance for being such a great girl. Here is to another 7 hour night :) (crossing my fingers while I type)
Love you Kendyl

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I wonder

Things I wonder about
....... why God chose me to be your mom
....... what you think about when I hold you
....... if I can find a way to love you more than I already do
....... what color those eyes are really going to be
....... if I make you as happy as you make me
....... what your first word will be
....... when you will take your first step
....... what it is about those 3 pictures in the living room that make you stare so intensely at them
....... what I can change to help your gassiness
....... why I am so blessed to have such a healthy baby
....... how bad it really hurts you when you have gas
....... where you have been all my life
....... what you dream about
....... if you think I am doing a good job
....... if you will be proud of me like I am of you
....... what makes you smile so big
....... why I can't stop looking at you
....... where you will go in life
....... what your dreams in life will be
....... if you will like your new room
....... what you will grow up to become
....... why you make those crazy noises
....... what those noises mean
....... if you will take after me or daddy more
....... what I can do to give you a great life
What ever it is I will do my best to give it to you.
Love you Kendyl Elaine

Hard to leave

Well, you are officially in your 3rd monthof life. Yesterday we had another very busy day. I still am amazed at what a trooper you are. You are the best baby anyone could ever ask for and I am so lucky to have you in my life. We got up around 7 and gave you a bath, then we hung out for a while and then it was off to grandma's house. We stayed there for a couple of hours so I could do your laundry. Then I took you up to my work to have lunch with the 3rd and 4th grade teachers. We all walked to Carl's Jr and everyone thought you were so beautiful and extremely well-behaved. One of them even said, "You wouldn't even know there was a baby with us, she is so good." I just gleamed inside. Then we went back to school and I took you to my classroom where you got to meet all my students. They were very excited to see you and again you just hung out. You got fussy for a minute, but that was only because you were hungry. The kids loved having you visit. We also ran into some of my students from last year and they couldn't believe how cute and big you are. The girls were all over you. They were with us during almost our whole pregnancy so they sorta feel like you are their little sister, I hope you don't mind. In fact, we even first heard the name Kendyl from one of them (Courtney Grant). If it wasn't for her, you may have a different name.
After we left school we came home and started getting things together for Daddy. I was going out to play Bunco with some friends and was getting a little nervous to leave you. I don't like the way it feels when I can't just look over and see you or hear you, but I guess I had to do it sooner or later. So me, you, Cyndi, Mallorey, Logan, Aunt Heidi, Cici, and grandma all meet at TGIF for dinner before Bunco. You love going to new places because it gives you so many new things to look at and try to figure out. Everyone got to play and hold you while we waited for our food. Logan kept everyone entertained and you were a great baby (again). I hope I can always write that and you are not just setting me up for torture later on in life:)
Well, we left TGIF and went to Aunt Heidi's house where Daddy was going to pick you up. Me, Aunt Heidi, Cici and Cyndi were leaving for Bunco and it was really hard for me to leave. I knew you would be ok with Daddy, because he is the bomb and loves you more than anything, but it was still hard to leave. At Bunco, I showed off your picture to some of the girls and I couldn't help but brag about what a wonderful time I am having with you and how amazing you are. However, it is still hard to leave. I love you baby girl. Thank you for bringing so much joy to my life.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Boy, how time flies

Happy 2 month Birthday Baby Girl. What a big girl you are getting to be. Today you had your 2month Dr. appt which meant shots :0 We went to Dr. Percer's office and today you weigh 12lbs 4oz and you are 22 inches long. I was pretty close on my guess. Everytime we go to the office, the nurses are always so happy to see you because you are such a good baby. Today was no different! Dr. Percer said you look great and mommy asked him a bunch of questions, especially about your gas :( He said most of the things I am concerned about are normal things for a 2month old. He did give us some medicine to help with your spitting up, so hopefully that will help. After he left the nurse came back in for your immunization shots. I was scared for you, but you were very brave. The first one you actually got to drink and then you had a needle stick in each leg. You let out a nice healthy scream and cried for about 2 minutes, and then you were done. You are such a brave girl, I am very proud of you. We left the Dr. office and met grandma at Sam's Club where we did some X-mas shopping. You chilled the whole time. After that we took your prescription in for your spit-up, then we did more shopping with grandma. Again, you just hung out with us. Then we went to lunch and yet again you were the best girl ever. You finally woke up and had some lunch too. Once we got home, me and you played a little and then you took a nap. When Daddy came home we showed him all the damage we did shopping and he played with you until it was bed time. Every day when Daddy gets home from work, he lights up the minute he sees you. You are very lucky to have sucha loving Daddy.
You were a very big girl today and I can't believe you are 2 months old already.
Boy, how time flies.
I love you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fun with the cousins

Well today we had a very busy day. First we went up to mommy's work to pick up a package that was delivered to her. Then we picked up grandma and we went to the park to walk. You were such a good girl, you slept the whole time, even when mommy attempted to run (which didn't last long). Then we made a few stops and finally came home with grandma. I gave you a bath, and I love how you love the water. It is really cool. Then we got dressed and did your hair and then we worked on your scrapbook. I hope you enjoy your scrapbook when it is finished. I am trying to make it as special as I can. After that we got back in the car and went to pick up Mallorey and Logan from school. We got there early so we watched Logan and his Kindergarten class play on the field. Boy, I can't wait for the day I get to watch you run around too. We picked them up and then took Logan to his soccer practice. Again you were a trooper, just hanging out in the car, not fussy at all. We kept you in the car during his practice because it was pretty cold today, but don't worry grandma stayed in there with you. After Logan's practice we went to their house and Logan fed you dinner. He did a better job than mommy and daddy. He is a pretty nice cousin and he loves you very much, just like everyone else. We stayed over there to play for about an hour and then we came home. Daddy was so excited to see you, he played with you all night until you finally fell asleep. Tomorrow we have another big day. It's your 2 month birthday and we have to take a trip to see Dr. Percer which means SHOTS!!!! uh-oh I hope you show them how tough you are. I know you will. I'm predicting you weigh 12 and a half lbs. Let's see how close I am tomorrow.
Well, thanks for a fun day.
Love you baby girl.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gasious Clay

I hate to do this to you Kendyl, but you need to know that you are the gasiest little creature I have ever met. :) I am sitting here writting all about how much I love you and think you are wonderful while you are napping in your crib. Every few minutes I am blessed with a big gassy fart coming through the monitor, which of course wakes you up and makes you cry, probably because your farts are not only loud but boy do they smell. I shouldn't be so mean because it's not your fault. You are probably so gassy because of mom' s diet or lack there of. Although, I should tell you I tried to eat very healthy for you to help your belly out and it only got worse. We'll work out the gas issue, I promise. I'm not sure how much more Daddy and I can stand:) just kidding. We love you stinky and fresh:)
Ohh there was another one. Let er rip girl!! Make grandma proud.

Your hospital stay :(

I wanted to share some of the events of your way to early hospital stay in October 07. You caught a bad virus from someone and we took you to the emergency room where they admitted you and began giving you breathing treatments every 4 hrs. They did a chest x-ray (wow did your lungs work for that), and took blood to run some tests. Luckily it wasn't pnemonia or anything very serious. However, a 3 week old with a cold was pretty serious for me. You really were a great patient in the hospital. You were poked and prodded for 4 days and you hung in there the whole time. The worst part was watching you cry when they would suction out your mucus filled nose with that tiny tube. Daddy actually did it once and I was very proud of him. I stayed with you every day while you were there and we had many visitors. While we were there they found a small hole in your heart that was causing a murmur. You had an entire ultrasound with this huge machine and you were so good during the whole thing. I was very proud. You had wires and machines hooked up to you for 4 days. It was not fun for anyone to see such a small precious child so sick. We came home and continued to fight the virus off. The Dr. said that the small hole will probably close on its own. But we are going to have him check for the murmur at every visit to make sure. Thank you for being so brave and strong during that stressful and uncomfortable week. You really are an amazing little girl. I love you.

Why didn't I do this sooner?

Dear Kendyl,
Today is November 6, 2007 and you are quickly approaching your 2 month birthday. I have enjoyed these last 8 weeks more than anyone can imagine. I wish I would have started this blog sooner to show all the ways you change daily and to share your first days of life with you as you get older. So much has happened in these 8 weeks and you have changed so much. I want you to know that you have been a blessing that Daddy and I am thankful for every day. Here is a quick recap of your first 2 months as best as I can remember.
We came home from the hospital on Sunday, September 9th and brought you to your new home. You have had visitors almost every day since then. Everyone wants to love and kiss you as much as they can. You truly have brought so much joy to everyone's life.
We had a rough first week adjusting to each other between the feedings and the pooping. I knew we would work it out quickly. You were a very good sleeper, unfortunately you only liked to sleep during the day and you loved to keep me and Daddy up at night. That's was ok with us, as long as you were happy, we were happy.
Daddy stayed home with us the entire 1st week and that was when you and I both fell deeper in love with Daddy. He is a wonderful man Kenydl, and I hope someday you find someone just like him.
We took you to Logan's soccer game when you were 1 week old. You loved being outside. You still do.
Our 2nd week together was a little harder because Daddy had to go back to work, so it was just you and me. You still continued to get visitors and on your 2 week birthday, we went to grandma's house where you met cousin Hailee, and mommy's cousins Dana, Lani and their families. You were such a trooper and so beautiful. We went to see Dr. Percer for your 2 week appointment and he said you looked great. You were now 9lbs 6oz and 21 1/2 inches long. He noticed how strong you were already holding your head up.
Week 3 was a lot of the same. You and me continued to really get to know each other and I can honestly say I don't remember life without you in it. On your 3 week birthday, we noticed that you weren't acting normal. We noticed you had a lot of congestion, you would choke and gag and you were coughing a lot. I took you to the Dr. on October 1st to have you checked out. We saw Dr. Tran and she said you had a respiratory infection and she wanted us to give you breathing treatments every 4 hrs. Unfortunately, there was a problem with mommy's insurance and we couldn't get the medicine or breathing machine. So we came home, and grandma met us here to help out. You started getting a little worse so I called the Dr. and she said to take you to the emergency room. So we did. This was probably the scariest time of my life. Let's just say you had to stay in the hospital for 4 days :( It was not fun for you , but you were the best patient that hospital has ever had and I am very proud of you.
Once we were able to come home you did a little better. The follwing Monday was your 1 month birthday and we went to see Dr. Percer for another check-up. I thought you had gotten worse, so he told us to get you some decongestant drops which we did and you got better over time. You were now 10lbs 1oz and still21 1.2 inches long.
I can't tell you enough how sorry I am for exposing you to this virus that made your early weeks so miserable for you. I'm not sure where you got the virus from, but me and Daddy should not have taken you out so soon. We felt horrible and we promise to be more careful in the future.
Your second month of life has been wonderful, minus the serious gas that you have been producing. We have been learning about each other and finding new ways to love you each day. You are such a happy, calm and preciuos baby. You are sleeping a little better (not much though) This month mommy got picture happy and took pictures of you all the time. Some that can be used as blackmail later on in your life if you try to misbehave:) You are growing daily, you are starting to focus more and I think you can even recognize my face a little now. This month we took a lot of trips to soccer games, weddings, and shopping trips:) You definietly are a trooper because you usually are an angel during all of them. The last few weeks, Daddy and I have noticed that you are really focusing and following us with your eyes. Me and you ahve a fun song thath makes you laugh when we change your diaper. We sing, "Shake, Shake, Shake.. Shake, Shake, Shake.. Shake your booty" and you always laugh. I have never seen a baby so content 90% of the day and I am thanking my lucky stars everyday.
You had your 1st Halloween this month, and we went to Aunt Heidi's house to be with the family. Me and you went trick-or-treating with Mallorey and Logan. You slept most of the time. Everyone was there and they all think you are the most beautiful, happy little girl. I think so too. We dressed you up as a little kitty and sent pictures to all your family and friends. Everyone loved them.
Last weekend, Daddy took you downstairs so I could get some sleep and when I came down to see you guys, I looked at you and said "Hi, Kendyl" You gave me the biggest and best smile/laugh that I started to cry. It was then that I realized you really knew who I was and that you loved me too. I will never forget that moment.
On Friday, November 2nd as I was putting your clothes away I laid you on your blanket in your room for some tummy time. You like being on your belly because you already hold your head up and you can look around the room. Well, I laid you down and started putting clothes away right behind you. When I turned around to check on you, you were on your back! I couldn't believe it, I though I was going crazy and maybe I just put you on your back. I knew I wasn't that sleep deprived, so I laid you back on your tummy and watched you. Before I knew you rolled right over onto your back. I called Daddy right away to share the news.
I am so proud of you Kendyl. Every day you do something that amazes me and Daddy. You have brought such joy to our lives that we couldn't imagine life without you. I hope that we can be all you need and want in parents as you grow up to be a beautiful young lady. Please know that there isn't anything we wouldn't so for you. Thank you for coming into our lives and bringing us so much love. Boy, I wish I would have done this sooner.

Greatest Day

Today I want to write about the greatest day. It is the day my beautiful baby girl was born. It all started Friday night September 8th when we left grandma's house. I noticed that my back was starting to hurt a little, but I thought it was just from sitting in a weird position while working on the computer. Daddy and I came home and I took a shower then had a slice of pizza. At about 12:00am, I started feeling some pains not only in my back, but in my stomach as well. I started thinking that these might be contractions. They started getting much stronger, so I went downstairs to get daddy. I told him that I think these are the real contractions, but I don't want to go to the hospital until I am sure I can't take the pain. Well, that lasted about 10 minutes, because before I knew it we were in the car on the way. The contractions were coming evey 45 sec to a minute on the way and all I could do to not scream my head off was put makeup on so I didn't look quite so scary. It helped me take my mind off the pain for a second or two. When we pulled up to the hospital it was 12:55am. It took about 15minutes of pure agony in the waiting room for them to get a room ready.
Finally, in we went and the nurse checked me. At that point I was only 3-4 centimeters dilated. Soon after grandma, grandpa, Aunt Cici, and Aunt Heidi came to see how we were doing. Needless to say, we weren't doing all that peachy:) The back pain continued to get worse as the nurse asked a bazillion questions. Next thing I knew I felt really sick. Daddy grabbed the trash can and up came to pizza. Not a fun start. Once that was over I could concentrate only on how bad my back felt. But before I knew it, my water broke all over the table. Now that was an experience I wasn't prepared for. Luckilly, the water was clear which was a good sign.
I continued to tell them that the pain was getting worse and that you were getting ready to join us, but they didn't seem to believe me. I guess because I was only 4 cm and being a first time mom they expected you to take a long time. At about 2:30 they moved me into the labor and delivery room where I would be giving birth. It was the longest walk of my life. I had to stop every few steps because the pain was so bad. Once we got there I asked the nurse, when can I get the epidural. I really need it now. She said well, we will check you when we get settled and then we'll go from there. Fine I thought. So 20 minutes later when we got "settled" she checked us and we were 8-9 cm. She quickly put a rush on the epidural. She didn't think I would go that fast, and heaven forbid she believe me when I said you were coming. The Dr. came with the epidural and finally I could enjoy the experience a little.
Dr. Ronlov came in at about 3:30 and had me push a little to see where we were at and we weren't quite ready then, so he left and I continued to practice pushing with the nurses. The epidural was great, but I could still feel a lot of the pressure. At about 4:30 Dr. Ronlov came back with a team of nurses and they noticed that your heart rate was dropping a little and they wanted to keep an eye on it. We started to seriously push, which has been the hardest thing I've ever done. You decided that you didn't really want to come, so they kept switching me around from side to side to push. Nothing would get you moving very well, until Dr. Ronlov pulled out the vacuum. He said we needed to help you a little and so on went the suction. He was pulling and I was pushing. Before I knew it, at 5:10 am they said "Look down, and grab your baby." I couldn't believe it. I reached down and pulled you all the way out and laid you right on top of me. It was the best feeling in the world. I didn't remember or feel any pain after that moment. I couldn't believe that you were actually here and that I had just given birth to the most beautiful thing in the world. Daddy and I both had tears in our eyes and aunt heidi was there to help us get through it all.
They cleaned you off, then took you to get weighed and check you over. You were PERFECT. 8lbs, 6oz 21 inches long and very alert. They brought you back and I didn't want to let you go. I instantly knew that my life would never be the same and it would now be better than it had ever been. I was officially the luckiest person in the world. Everyone came to the hospital to welcome you to the world. That is the greatest day of my life (so far). :) Welcome baby Kendyl Elaine Sumlin... you are and will be loved unconditionally forever.