Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving fun

Here are some videos of you having a lot of fun up at the lake. This was your cheese ball night. You ate about 40 cheese balls and sang 5 little monkeys with the cheese balls in your mouth. It was hilarious.

In this video you started off taking Max for a walk, but he decided he wanted to take you instead. Once you realized he was a bit stronger, you quickly let go:)

This last one is one of my favorites because it gives such a true picture of your cute personality. Plus I love how cute you look with the pigtails. Although, you do look a little old which makes me sad.

Overall, we had a great trip. You were a great camper. You only really fussed once and that was because wewoke you up from your nap for Thanksgiving dinner. Other than that, youwere awesome. I love you french fry. Thanks for being so cool. PS... sorry for all the camera noises. I'm still figuring out how to work the darn thing.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Tonight in the tub I asked you is you would count with me. Lately you have been skipping 5, so we have been working on it. Well tonight you gave me this...1, 2, 3, 4 shut the door, 5 little monkeys jump on bed mommy fell off and bump her head, mommy called Dr. and the Dr. said no more monkeys jumping on the bed. Well, at least I got you to not skip 5 this time :) Love you french fry.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Last night I finally got a new camera so now I can post more pics of you. I know I haven't been posting very often lately, and I have no excuse for it at all, so sorry french fry. You have been doing soooo many amazing things lately and I am so proud of how much you have grown. I will do my best to try to post more often to share your wonderful life with everyone. This is the first picture I took with the new camera.

Love you french fry, and I can't wait for a wonderful week with you. I'm so thankful for you!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lost my marbles

Today I think I officially lost my marbles, what's left of them anyway. I left a typical day at work, got in my car, had a conversation with my sister, hung up as I was pulling into my neighborhood....only to realize I hadn't picked you up yet!!!! I don't know what I was thinking, Kendyl. Obviously, I wasn't thinking too hard that's for sure. I'm sorry for "kinda" forgetting you, french fry. Please forgive me!!!!I love you sooooo much.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily

This morning we learned a new song.. Row, Row, Row your boat. I sang it to you once while I was reading you a book. About 5 hours later as you were laying down to try to take a nap, I had the absolute pleasure of listening to you sing yourself to sleep. I wish I had video because it was sooooo cute, but that would mean I finally had a new camera :O, which I don't. So you're going to have to take my word for it, until I can get one... This is what I heard... "Murly, Murly, go stream" It was really cute, just like you are:) Love you french fry. Thanks for a great weekend.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happiest Place on Earth

Today after work, we took Grammy and Grampy to the happiest place on Earth....Disneyland!! They had never been there with you before so we were all very excited to go. When we first got there we saw Minnie and Pluto. Normally you get a little scared when you see the actual characters, probably because they are so big, but today you were a super big girl. You went right up to Minnie and Pluto (with grampy holding you, of course) and you even gave Minnie a hug.

It was very cute. After that we went on a few rides

and then you were surprised again because as we were getting off the train to get some dinner...Cici was standing there. She came to see you too. You were so excited. So the 5 of us had dinner and then headed over to see the pirates and the haunted mansion. You were so brave during all of them, I was very proud.
Then we started to head back to Main Street when we noticed a parade going on, so of course we had to stop and watch all the fun. After the parade Cici bought you a churro and you loved every lick of sugar on it;)

As we were getting ready to leave, we spotted Mickey and Minnie together and you, me and Cici went over to say hi. Again, usually you are not a fan, but for some reason.. you went right up to them, gave them both hugs and even stood all by yourself for a picture. I was so amazed :)

Well, we had a great time at the Magic Kingdom and we hope that we can all do it again soon :) Thanks Grammy, Grampy, and Cici for an awesome night.

And thanks, Kendyl, for helping us believe that miracles do come true (corny, I know)
Love you french fry.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tardy for the Party

You have become a little singer lately. You love singing your ABC's, 5 little monkeys, wheels on the bus, twinkle twinkle, and of course you new favorites: Tardy for the Party (Real Housewives) and Paparazzi (Lagy Gaga). You are sooo cute and funny. Today you are another month older and I am loving every minute we have together. Love you french fry.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Getting so old

Here is a picture of you from exactly one year ago today......

Wow, you are getting to be such a big girl these days. In fact, tonight Daddy and I just put in a movie while you were "drawing an elephant" and Daddy said, "Kendyl, come watch the movie." And you nicely repeated, "No, I'm drawing right now. I'm busy." We both started cracking up. You are the best. Love you french fry.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Yesterday was your 3rd and best Halloween ever. Every year gets a little better. I was quite nervous about how you would hold up considering you had a 20 min nap all day, but you surprised me and did great. We had sooo much fun snacking, playing games, eating,laughing, watching football and baseball and especially trick-or-treating. Here are just a few highlights of the entire day.
Testing the mummy fingers

Our graveyard/pumpkin patch

Dressing up before the party even started

You kept this thingin your mouth for 30 min straight. The spit bubbles were awesome

Mal and grampy trying to pass the jack-o-lantern using only their necks

You wanted to play too

Daddy and Jen Jen gave it a try

Grammy and the girls took 2nd place in the mummy wrap game

The boys were the winners of the Wrap the Mummy game.

Again, you wanted to play

Brains and eyeballs for dinner

Off for trick-or-treating

You and Mal (she is the best cousin ever)

I know you had a great time last night because you fell asleep at 10 and didn't make a peep until 8 and right now you are going on your 3rd hour for a nap. I had alot of fun too. You were such a brave, big girl, especially when we took your candy away for the night. YOu didn't complain once:) Thanks for being such an easy going little girl. You make every day sooooooo enjoyable and thanks for always making me and everyone else smile. I love you, dinosaur;)