Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I've been scammed

OK, I'm having a hard time understanding why one would invent and market the "wonderful" sheet saver? I was under the assumption it is supposed to keep the drool and junk off the sheets while the precious child sleeps, right? Well, what is the point of it when your child, like mine, flips all around the crib all night long. Every hour she is in a new position, so what's the point? I still have to change the sheets in the crib all the time, which is much harder than I thought it would be with that darn bumper:( So another $12.99 down the drain. Thanks for the scam :) I guess I should be happy that Kendyl sleeps through the night, instead of complaining that I have to change/wash her sheets all the time, huh. Well, thanks for finally giving me something to complain about Kendyl. I love you. :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Truth be told

My daughter is the most loving, happy, beautiful child in the whole world. And I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom, although it has a lot to do with it:) Love you Kendyl. Have a good night's sleep. (please)

Monday, April 28, 2008

It's true

The pacifier says it all :) (I know I'm vain, but like I said before...until she says otherwise, I get to make up her thoughts/words) :) Love you Kendyl

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lemonade Jacuzzi

Well after yesterday's scorcher, I bet a lemonade in the jacuzzi sounds great huh? Well, it does, unless you are Kendyl. Today Kendyl made her own version of a lemonade jacuzzi while taking a bath. (I know you are visualizing it) Yep, the minute I put her in she peed and made the "lemonade." So after chuckling, I took her out emptied the water and proceeded to start over. This time right when I put her in she made her own "jacuzzi", and for those of you who know Kendyl... it was a powerful cuzzi. She laughed the whole time. I think she was more excited to be in the cool water than anything. Well thanks for making life so much fun. I love you.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The littlest mermaid

Today we went to grandma and grandpa's because it was H-O-T hot, plus we needed to do some laundry :) Today was also your first time in the gigantic bathtub, otherwise known as the pool. You had soooo much fun even though the water was a bit cold. We didn't stay in too long because it was so hot, and I didn't want you to turn into a little french fry. After the pool we hung out and you showed off. You were pulling yourself up so well that no one could believe it. Thanks for a fun day Kendyl, and thanks for giving everyone a reason to smile and be happy. I love you. Here are some pics of the cutest little mermaid around.

Strollin along

Today after you woke the neighborhood up and had breakfast, me and you went for a little walk around the neighborhood. It was pretty early so there really wasn't much to see except some birds and cars. But nevertheless, you loved it. You were talking up a storm and giving raspberries every few minutes. I think it's so fun to watch you see new things for the first time. We walked (I walked, you strolled) for about 30 minutes, which was just enough time for you to fall asleep for your morning nap. Here's how I found you when we got home..... sooooooo cute

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bumpy Bum

Today I noticed your first rash. And of course it's right on that cute butt of yours. I think you have done pretty well considering you are almost 8 months old and this is your first rash. I'm not just saying this because I am your mom, but it is the cutest rash I've ever seen :) And NO everyone, I did not take a picture of it, although I am tempted. Love you Kendyl
This picture has nothing to do with your rash, I just wanted to share your cute face

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bringing Sexy Back

Tonight after we came home from Aunt Cyndi's you were sitting on the couch with Daddy and I was sorting dirty clothes. Well, all of a sudden Justin Timberlake's "I'm bringing sexy back" song came on the tv and so of course the wanna be dancer in me decided to entertain you and Daddy. So as I brought my sexy back, you laughed and laughed. It was really funny. You were really giggling at my moves, which is going to make it soooo much more fun to emarrass you when you are older:) Well, thanks for loving me even though I am such a dork. I love you, and I can't wait until you rock it out with me one day. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ooops I did it again..

Just call me Britney. Today after picking you up from Jennifer's house I put you in the car while talking and saying good-bye. Well, I was so excited to get you home I hopped in the car and took off without putting your seatbelt on :0 I know, I am a horrible mother. Luckilly, I noticed before I even got off her street and quickly jumped out and hooked you in. Soooo sorry Kendyl. Thank goodness you are so cute. Otherwise I might not look back to see that cute face every 10 seconds, which was when I noticed it. Love you girl. I promise to not follow in Ms. Spears footsteps any further. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baptismal Angel

Today was a very special day. You were baptized today and you were the most beautiful little girl in the world. Not that you aren't beautiful everyday, but today you were extra beautiful. Just about everyone came to watch you get baptized and you did a great job. You didn't even fussy when he baptized you, in fact you acted like you wanted to go back in. After the ceremony we went back to Cici's house and had a little party. It was great to have everyone together. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it and thanks for playing such a special role in Kendyl's life. May God always bless you Kendyl Elaine. I love you.
getting baptized

Here you are in your beautiful dress

A family photo

You "sorta" enjoying some cake :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Daddy's Remix

Well I had to document this because you will appreciate it later in life. Daddy has become a real life performer these last months. He goes all out to make sure you laugh and smile.He often creates his own versions of popular or not so popular songs and changes the words to fit the event. I know most people probably do this as well, but it sounds real cute coming from Daddy. About 5 minutes ago he even went as far as to sing "Who let that fart out, woof woof woof woof" and you thought he was pretty funny. You didn't even mind that he was talking about your stinky butt:) Well, thanks for giving us so many reasons to smile. We love you. And thanks for turning Daddy into a singing fool :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Family Night

Tonight after Logan's game we came home and had Family Night. I know that sounds strange since every night we are together, but Fridays always seem more special for some reason. Tonight after you had your dinner I took you upstairs to change your diaper and then Daddy came up and the three of us just played for about 2 hours. You crawled all over, pulled yourself up a million times and even let go of our hands to try to stand by yourself (which was pretty good). We turned off the lights and watched the constellation turtle light up, and we listened to the darn farm song one time tooooooo many. I really had alot of fun watching you explore things and try new things. You are getting to be such a big girl, it is a bit scary:) Well, thanks for a great evening. What a way to end a long week. Love you.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Big Leaguer

Last night when Daddy came home he surprised us with tickets to the Angels game. Aunt Cyndi was already with us so her and Uncle Eric went too. This was your first game and you were the hit of the night. It didn't even matter that the Angels lost, everyone's night was great because they got to look at your smiling face. I told Daddy that we did our good deed for the day by letting other people share in the joy that is you, Kendyl. And I couldn't have been more proud to be your mom. Thanks for being such a beautiful distraction during an ugly game. I love you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Your first "serious" talk

with Daddy

Monday you and Daddy had a very serious talk. I only wish I knew what it was about. I'm sure you both learned something from it :) Love you Kendyl. Thanks for always finding a way to make me smile.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Switch hitter

About 2 months ago, Aunt Cyndi gave me a balloon for my birthday. Well, somehow the thing is still afloat?? It has been floating on the ceiling everyday since and it has become Kendyl's favorite toy. Forget the expensive "carnival", and everything else she has, it's all about the balloon for hours at a time (ok, maybe not hours, but at least 20 -30 min) :) The video shows how much fun she has with it and today I actually noticed she took it from one hand and switched it to the other.. on purpose. Genius, I tell ya. Enjoy.

from right to left

Weekend Fun

This weekend was another fun one. Friday we headed to our favorite Friday spot- Logan's game. Then we came home and hung out with Daddy. On Saturday, the 3 of us ran some errands, did some shopping, had lunch with the Nordlanders and then we came home and got ready for Mallorey's First Communion. You were very good during Mass, and you looked very cute too. After Mass we went to the Seyfried's house for dinner and more celebrating for Mallorey. We hung out there and you got to show everyone how well you crawl around now. You even are starting to pull yourself up into a standing position. Slow down sister, the house is not baby proofed yet. We stayed there til about 9 and then we came home and went to bed. Everyone will be happy to know that I didn't put you in your straight jacket to go to sleep. You were a free woman. I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that you are a big girl now :( Today, we woke up to your beautiful face and we hung out in our bed for a little while. Then you had some breakfast and played around. You took a great nap while Daddy and I got ready and then it was off to The Nordlander's house. They were going to babysit you while Daddy and I went to a Charity event for the Clippers. I think they were a little nervous, especially since you hadn't had your daily dose of poop before we dropped you off. So Daddy and I went to bowl with the Clippers and you got to hang out with the Nord's. I checked on you a few times and you were doing fine. We picked you up around 5 and Aunt Cyndi said you pooped twice for her :) Way to initiate her into motherhood, Kendyl. Good Job. Other than that they said you were a pleasure to have. We came home and are going to just relax and try to stay cool in this hot weather. Love you sooooooo much. Thanks for being the best baby ever.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Eyes on you

So, now after 7 months those gorgeous eyes have not changed. Could they possibly really stay this color?? Love you Kendyl

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Double Trouble

Not sure which is cuter?...the 2 teeth coming in or the pigtails :)

Man, she's cute. Love you Kendyl.
Thanks for everything

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ain't no stopping her now, she's

on the move

What a great way to spend her birthday. Another feat accomplished. What a big girl. Love you Kendyl.

7 months old

Today you turn 7 months old and I still can't believe it. You have changed so much in such a short time. I love waiting to see how you are going to amaze me next, and you always find a way. I can't imagine my life without you anymore. In fact I don't even remember my life without you in it.
The last 7 months have been filled with more memories than I ever thought imaginable. Every day is another memory waiting to happen and I look forward to each one. I love everything about you. I love how people (and not just me and Daddy) light up when they see you. You have such an amazing personality that you make the worst day better just by your smile. I love how determined you are to accomplish whatever feat you are working on; whether it be sitting up, crawling, rolling over, or grabbing on to things, just to name a few. I love how the silliest thing makes you smile and I laugh at the fact that I have no shame in performing those silly things. I love how you change each day in the smallest, but cutest way. A way that only I notice sometimes, which makes it that much more special. You have brought so much joy to my life that I just want to say thanks. You and Daddy are my life and I am one lucky lady. (sorry to steal your term grandma) Happy Birthday Kendyl.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Today on my way to pick you up, Victoria and Sophia (Jennifer's daughters) were watching ratatouille in our car. When we got to their house I forgot to turn it off, so when we were leaving it started back up. The minute you heard it, your eyes zoomed right up and watched the movie the entire way home. It was really funny to see, especially since you sit facing the back still. Your poor neck is probably going to be sore tomorrow:( The best part was that every time I looked back to see if you were still watching the movie you nocticed me and smiled. I took it as your way of saying, "Thanks for being so cool, mom." Hey until you talk I can pretend to know what you are thinking, so let me have my fun with it:) Love you Kendyl. These have been the best 7 months ever.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Taxes stink

This was a very busy weekend for us over here. Friday started it off by picking you up and then going to Logan's baseball game. That is your favorite part of the week because you get to be outside for so long. After the game you went to grandma's house because Daddy and I were meeting Cici and Uncle Doug at the church for the Baptism class. We picked you up after the class and then headed home where of course you fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep until 3:30am.???? Daddy got up with you and helped you fall back asleep until about 7. Once we were all awake we had to get showered and put on our cutest dress because we had to drive out to Simi Valley to go to Aunt Cyndi's baby shower. You were such a good girl, you slept most of the way up there and behaved very well while we were there (shocking, I know) We stayed there until about 7:30pm to hang out with Cyndi and her family and then me and you drove home. You, again, slept the entire way home and woke up abut 10 minutes after we got home. Daddy was happy you woke up because he missed you a lot. So he played with you, fed you and then it was bed time. The problem with having activities during the weekend is that it throws off your sleeping habits because you woke up again, this time at 4am. Our hero, Daddy got up with you and took you downstairs where you fell asleep for a few more hours before really waking up ready for some cereal. After breakfast we all got ready again because today we had to go file our lovely taxes. We took you with us for good luck and apparently you didn't enjoy the experience because you took a big dump while we were there and stunk up the whole place:) I guess you agree that taxes stink :)
Then we came home, hung out, took naps and played. Today was a pretty normal and lazy day. This evening we are going to go to the Nordlanders to take them some of the presents we brought home from the shower, then we're going to get ready for another fun week. Thanks for a great weekend. I Love you
Here you are in your pretty dress at the baby shower

Here you are just being cute

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Squirmy Squid

Tonight in the bathtub you were such a squirmy little thing. Usually you love to splash around and play with your toys, but for some reason you couldn't sit still tonight to even notice you were in the water. I guess we'll blame grandma for this one too, she had to give you chocolate cake and ice cream tonight to celebrate her birthday, which was yesterday. Other than that we had a pretty normal day. Jennifer brought you up after school and everyone got to see how adorable you are. I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing "she's so pretty". I'm even get used to the comments about how "big" you are. They no longer are offensive to me, so I guess I am growing up a bit. Well thanks for being so awesome. I love you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Super Mex

Today we went to Super Mex for dinner with Aunt Cyndi, her mom Suzy, and her sister Tiffany. I decided to take you in and let you sit in the restaurant's high chair. This was the first time you have been in a high chair in a restaurant and you were such a big girl. We got there first and I started to feed you while we waited. You had macaroni and cheese, vegetables and for dessert- apples/cherries. You were such a big girl. When Cyndi and her family came they thought you were so cute. So the girls had a nice dinner and you got to try beans from Super Mex. You enjoyed them and then you entertained us every minute we were there. After dinner we came home and you played with Daddy. I hope those beans don't come back to haunt me tonight. Thanks for a great day. I love you

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sugar Rush

Tonight while mommy was making cupcakes for Aunt Cyndi's baby shower she "accidentally" slipped you a finger load (or 2) of frosting. Ever since then you have been the most hyper little girl I've seen. I hope the "crash" part of your sugar rush happens soon because we have a busy day tomorrow and we need some sleep. Love you Kendyl. Thanks for enjoying Cici's frosting as much as I do.