Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Family Night

Tonight after Logan's game we came home and had Family Night. I know that sounds strange since every night we are together, but Fridays always seem more special for some reason. Tonight after you had your dinner I took you upstairs to change your diaper and then Daddy came up and the three of us just played for about 2 hours. You crawled all over, pulled yourself up a million times and even let go of our hands to try to stand by yourself (which was pretty good). We turned off the lights and watched the constellation turtle light up, and we listened to the darn farm song one time tooooooo many. I really had alot of fun watching you explore things and try new things. You are getting to be such a big girl, it is a bit scary:) Well, thanks for a great evening. What a way to end a long week. Love you.

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