Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekend Fun

This weekend was another fun one. Friday we headed to our favorite Friday spot- Logan's game. Then we came home and hung out with Daddy. On Saturday, the 3 of us ran some errands, did some shopping, had lunch with the Nordlanders and then we came home and got ready for Mallorey's First Communion. You were very good during Mass, and you looked very cute too. After Mass we went to the Seyfried's house for dinner and more celebrating for Mallorey. We hung out there and you got to show everyone how well you crawl around now. You even are starting to pull yourself up into a standing position. Slow down sister, the house is not baby proofed yet. We stayed there til about 9 and then we came home and went to bed. Everyone will be happy to know that I didn't put you in your straight jacket to go to sleep. You were a free woman. I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that you are a big girl now :( Today, we woke up to your beautiful face and we hung out in our bed for a little while. Then you had some breakfast and played around. You took a great nap while Daddy and I got ready and then it was off to The Nordlander's house. They were going to babysit you while Daddy and I went to a Charity event for the Clippers. I think they were a little nervous, especially since you hadn't had your daily dose of poop before we dropped you off. So Daddy and I went to bowl with the Clippers and you got to hang out with the Nord's. I checked on you a few times and you were doing fine. We picked you up around 5 and Aunt Cyndi said you pooped twice for her :) Way to initiate her into motherhood, Kendyl. Good Job. Other than that they said you were a pleasure to have. We came home and are going to just relax and try to stay cool in this hot weather. Love you sooooooo much. Thanks for being the best baby ever.

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