Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lost in Translation

It's a good thing you know what you are talking about. Not only can you read, but you do it so well upside down.I love you, Kendyl. Thanks for making each day a little better :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

I think it's time for some new sandals

I can't believe I actually let her out of the house with the toes hanging over the front. Sorry Kendyl. I promise I'll get you some new shoes asap. Love you.

Go Bulldogs, way to beat the Bruins :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Too fast

This weekend went by way too fast. Friday we all hung out because mommy's allergies were acting up again. But grandma and grandpa came over to see you, so that was fun. On Saturday we went out to breakfast where one lady said, "Your face just made my day." I told her it makes mine everyday :) Then we went to Mallorey's game, came home for a quick nap and then me, you , Aunt Netty, and Hailee all went to a carnival. The school Aunt Netty and I attended for elementary school was having their annual fiesta, so we took you girls for some fun times. You were a trooper. The best part was that I got to "show you off" to so many old friends that were there. We stayed there until about 11 and you were awake the whole time, but you crashed on the way home. Today you slept in til about 9:30 and then we ate, played and took baths. Me, you, and Daddy headed back to the fair. We hung out there for a few hours playing games and eating some yummy food. Then we came home and you and Daddy fell asleep. You two are still asleep and it would be the cutest picture, but my camera is in the car and if I go get it, it'll will definitely wake you guys up. So, thanks for an awesome weekend, sorry it had to end so quickly. I love you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

One Year Ago

Wow, how you have changed and how you have changed me. Love you French fry.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Like father, like daughter

Now I know where you get the idea that it's ok to stick everything and anything in your mouth. Good example, Daddy. :) Love you guys

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grandma's Protege

This morning we went over to grandma and grandpa's for breakfast. The whole gang was there, minus Uncle Doug. It was there that you became grandma's protege. She just happens to be the world's best and self proclaimed Badminton champion. :) We played there all morning and then me and you took a nap. After we woke up we played for a few more minutes and then we came home. And now you are, in Daddy's words, "A bundle of energy." Love you

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a day!!

Today me and you drove all the way out to Simi Valley for Aunt Cyndi's sister, Tifany's baby shower. We had a great time. You slept the entire ride there and then played practically the whole time. There were a few other kids there for you to play too. You even got to go on your first "date" with Brandon. His grandma Suzy chaperoned the two of you on your fist outing in her new double stroller. You both loved it. We left Simi around 7:30 and on the way we discovered that Daddy was over at Aunt Heidi's. so we went over there because you were not in the mood to sleep. In fact you stayed awake the entire ride home. So we got to Aunt Heidi's around 9 and stayed there till about 10:30. You were wild and crazy playing with your cousins. You had such a good time with them that we brought Mallorey home with us for your first sleepover. After we got home you still were not tired and stayed up for about another hour. Then we all crashed. Wow, what a fun we had together. Thanks for being so fun to be with . Love you

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Night Rider

Tonight we had a special treat delivered from Uncle Mark, Aunt Netty, Hunter and Hailee. They went on a bike ride to Golden Spoon and brought us back some. It was yummy, you loved it too. While we were outside we decided to see if you would sit next to Hailee in the bike cart and go for a ride. I have always been nervous about you smacking her in the head or pulling her hair, but you did just fine. Aunt Netty rode you guys around the street a few times and you both had a ball. Good to know! Now we can go on bike rides :) So here are some pics from your first bike ride..

Here is crazy Hunter with his new hair-don't

Love you Kendyl. Thanks for being such a joy

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Boom Boom

About a month or so ago I blogged about how you starting filling in the words to our bathtime song. Well last night, I caught a little on video. So, here it is. Please excuse my non-American Idol singing voice. Love you Kendyl

Monday, September 15, 2008

Still in Shock!!!!

I still can't believe that you are one years old. What happened to the last year? You were just sitting up by yourself and testing baby food. Now you are climbing on top of things and practically running everywhere. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this growing up thing. I miss my baby (maybe that's a sign it's time for another one) hahahaha j/k. Well, the best part about you growing up is that you seem to get better each day. I love being your mom and I hope you never forget that. Happy dreams

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Here is your latest America's Next Top Model picture...
Love you beautiful

Sorry French Fry

I know I haven't been keeping up-to-date with your blog this past week, and I am sorry. I haven't been feeling very well this week, in fact yesterday Grandma had to take me to the ER. Come to find out, I have a kidney stone that wants to remain in me for some odd reason.
Well, hopefully the little brat will go to the light and find it's way out soon, so I can return to my happy self:) You, on the other hand, have been a great girl. And daddy has been amazing. He has been really pulling the load this week with me out of commission just about every night. I hope you know what a great daddy you have. I wouldn't trade him in for anything.
Well, I'll try to get back into the swing of things with your blog. Sorry french fry. I love you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

All grown up

One year later, One year cuter... Life doesn't get any better.
Love u Kendyl

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's my birthday!!!!

Today you officially turn the big 1. I know every month I say I can't believe how fast it has gone, but it is really true in this case. This morning when the alarm clock went off at 5, I thought wow last year at this time I was pushing you out. It really is amazing how time flies and how quickly you have grown.
You are like a real person now. Not that you weren't before, but now you are so mobile and active that it is really getting fun. Your personality is the best thing ever. I will take credit for giving you that gene:) No matter where we are you make someone (besides me and daddy) smile and you make their day just a little bit better.
I wanted to come up with somthing cute to write about on this great day, but there isn't anything much cuter than you. I really am the luckiest mom in the world. I have such a happy, loving, curious, beautiful, stinky, little girl and I love every inch of you, even the stinky ones.
Thank you for giving me the greatest year of my life. I have changed in so many ways because you have taught me about the true importance in life. You give such unconditional love that it is impossible to see your face and not instantly become happy. I love you, Kendyl Elaine Sumlin. You truly are my reason for living. And thanks daddy for being such an awesome partner and friend throughout this new experience for us. You are amazing. Kendyl will be lucky to one day find a husband like you. Love you both.

Happy Birthday Kendyl.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Circus Fun!

Yesterday we had your first birthday party and boy what a day we had. We decided to go with a circus theme and it was a hit. You of course were the star and looked so beautiful in your birthday dress.
We started off the party with the jumper. Most of your cousins were there and some of your friends as well. There are waaaay too many to list right now but boy you sure are loved. After almost everyone got there, Wendee, the bubble lady came and did a cool bubble show. She even put you in a bubble...
After the bubble show we had dinner, the kids played a game where they all cheated:) they had a silly string fight

and then it was time for your 1st birthday cake, made especially by Aunt Cici..

You were a little shy at first about digging in, but once you got started you really had fun with it.
After cake we opened all your nice gifts. You really received some cool things from everyone. Then we played, played and played. We had such a nice time and you were such a trooper. You stayed awake and happy for the whole thing. I guess you like being the center of attention:) I hope you had fun on your first birthday, I know I did and so did everyone else. Thanks for bringing such joy to so many people. I love you little french fry, but I still can't believe you are going to be 1 tomorrow. Wow! What a year it has been. I love you.
P.S. more birthday pictures on her monthly picture site (click the link at the top right of this page)

Friday, September 5, 2008


Tomorrow is your 1st birthday party and I am soooo excited. I hope you have a great time because so many people who love you are coming to share the special day. We just really want to thank EVERYONE who helped us get the party together. We really couldn't have done it without you. LOVE YOU. Now let's party!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Frown for the Clown..

Bad news.... no clown for your party. Sorry french fry, we tried to work it out but we weren't able to get you a clown. Good thing we have grandma in the family to take his place:) hahaha just kidding grandma. So no clown this time, but next year we'll get something even better. It's still going to be a Grrrrrreat day. I can't believe you are going to be 1. Love you.
P.S. If anyone out there knows of anyone who has a clown act, performs at children's parties, and is available in 3 days, please let me know, I can't stand to see my little girl sad:)

Busy, Busy , Busy

These last few days we have been busy, busy, busy. Not only am I working like crazy to start the new school year off tomorrow :(, but we are planning and getting ready for the best day ever.... YOUR 1st BIRTHDAY PARTY. That's right, this Saturday is the big day and everyone has chipped in to help in any way they can. Tonight we set up the back yard with the tables and chairs with the help of family, and tomorrow grandma and I are going shopping to get all the yummy food for Daddy to BBQ. I can't wait for your big day. Love u

Monday, September 1, 2008

Under the weather

It's true, you're a little sick. You have been having some very liquidy BM's and a little bit of a fever. Not to mention a nasty diaper rash from the pool yesterday :( However, you are a tough cookie. You played with me and Daddy last night pretty hard and then you finally fell asleep around 9:30. It is now 9:30am and you are still asleep. I think your body is just fighting off whatever it is that got you. I hope you feel better when you wake up. I love you.