Monday, September 8, 2008

It's my birthday!!!!

Today you officially turn the big 1. I know every month I say I can't believe how fast it has gone, but it is really true in this case. This morning when the alarm clock went off at 5, I thought wow last year at this time I was pushing you out. It really is amazing how time flies and how quickly you have grown.
You are like a real person now. Not that you weren't before, but now you are so mobile and active that it is really getting fun. Your personality is the best thing ever. I will take credit for giving you that gene:) No matter where we are you make someone (besides me and daddy) smile and you make their day just a little bit better.
I wanted to come up with somthing cute to write about on this great day, but there isn't anything much cuter than you. I really am the luckiest mom in the world. I have such a happy, loving, curious, beautiful, stinky, little girl and I love every inch of you, even the stinky ones.
Thank you for giving me the greatest year of my life. I have changed in so many ways because you have taught me about the true importance in life. You give such unconditional love that it is impossible to see your face and not instantly become happy. I love you, Kendyl Elaine Sumlin. You truly are my reason for living. And thanks daddy for being such an awesome partner and friend throughout this new experience for us. You are amazing. Kendyl will be lucky to one day find a husband like you. Love you both.

Happy Birthday Kendyl.

1 comment:

jackson'smama said...

Happy Birthday, Kendyl! : )