Monday, December 31, 2007

Jinxed by Grandma Leslie

Yesterday we were at grandma's house and she said how amazing it is that you sleep 10 through the night every night. Well, I should have known that she was really putting a spell on you because you woke up at 4:30am last night. This was the first time in probably at least 3 weeks that you didn't sleep all night. I should have seen it coming, knowing that grandma is the master poker jinxer. Thanks grandma.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Baby dreads

Check out my baby's dreadlocks :) Rasta woman. One love

Thursday, December 27, 2007


The last few days you have been talking like crazy. If I didn't know better, I would think you were related to aunt Cyndi :) just kidding. Me and Daddy have found it quite entertaining to listen to you gaa gaa and yaa haa for hours at a time. I love watching you grow each day and learn new ways to make me smile. I really think you are the coolest kid around, not to mention the cutest. Love you forever

What a week

Well Kendyl as you get older you are going to see just how crazy this time of year is for our family. Not only is it because of Christmas and we all get together, but the 26th is Mallorey's birthday and the 27th is Uncle Mark's. So we get together for both of those as well. Not to mention New Year's Eve is around the corner and then Daddy's birthday on the 3rd of Jan. So as you can imagine, we have been going, going, going... Last night we went to Mallorey's birthday party and then cousin Curtis came home with Daddy. He was our first overnight visitor since you have been born. We had a lot of fun. This morning, he helped us clean up all our Christmas stuff and get the house nice and clean. Then we met Cyndi for lunch and then we headed to mommy's classroom because I had to do some cleaning. You were a pretty good girl most of the time, but got a little fussy a few times. After we left there we took cousin Curtis home and then we went to Uncle Mark's house for his birthday party. You were a great girl and everyone loved seeing how b-e-autiful you are. Hope you had fun at all the parties. Love you baby girl.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Santa and her elves

The Clause Family

She's going to kill us, we know

Christmas Day

Your first Christmas was a big one. We had a very busy day. First we woke up and opened presents at home and Santa bought you your first pair of diamond studs. So, we are going to have to get your ears pierced soon. Then we went over to the Seyfrieds house and had breakfast and then opened gifts from mommy's side of the family. You got a lot of new things to play with and fun things for your room. We had a really good time. We came home around 3pm and you took a well needed nap while Mommy and Daddy got ready to go to Auntie Nee Nee's house. We went ove there and hung out with Daddy's side of the family. All your cousins were there as well as some of their friends, Auntie Lisa and Auntie Nee Nee. We had another great time just being together. Everyone loved the picture of you as well as the ones with your cousins. What a fun day we had. You fell asleep on the way home and woke up right after we walked in the door. We played for a few minutes, then fed you , wrapped you and you were out like a light. Thanks for a wonderful Christmas Kendyl. You are the most special thing ever and I love you so much.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Well, it's your first Christmas Eve and we spent it relaxing at home together. Me and you chilled out all day and got ready for a big night and an even bigger day tomorrow. We met Aunt Cici, Uncle Doug, Uncle Dean and Uncle Scott at Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner. You were a great girl, you got a little fussy a couple times, but we massaged out the gas and you were ok again. Tonight was super special because Aunt Cici gave you some books. In fact her and Uncle Doug read Twas the Night Before Christmas to you and it was very special. You really liked looking at the pictures and it seemed like you enjoyed the story too. We will have to make the reading a new tradition. Well, after that we all hung out and watched old movies then we came home so we could get some sleep for the big day tomorrow. I hope you have a great Christmas. I know I already have the best present in the world... you and Daddy.

Love you Kendyl

Merry 1st Christmas

Good Morning Mommy

This is what I get to wake up to every morning.

How lucky am I???? Love you Kendyl. Thanks for making each day worth waking up for.

My little sleeper girl

I am really starting to get spoiled with you Kendyl. For the past 2 weeks at least you have been sleeping through the night without waking up at all. I was just starting to get used to the fact that I can just lay you down in your bassinet and you will fall asleep on your own, but now to be getting used to not waking up at all is, in my book, quite amazing. Last night after I posted about our day I fed you and burped you. Then at exactly 11:15 I laid you down all swaddled up. I looked over at you at 11:22 and you were sound asleep. The next thing I knew Daddy was getting up to go to work, and you and me were still snoozing. You finally woke up at 8:10 and you decided to have some breakfast. You ate, burped then fell back asleep where you are now at 9:06. Get in some good sleep now because the next few days are going to throw you off. I hope you enjoy your first Christmas Eve. Love you Kendyl. Thanks for being such a good sleeper.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Getting excited for Christmas

Today you got so excited for Christmas that you peed all over me :) It was actually my fault, and I really didn't mind. I opened up your diaper because you were having some gas pains and sometimes that helps. Well, once the gas passed we started playing and foolishly I tickled you and all of a sudden my leg felt wet. For all those who say girls don't "spray you" haha I have proof. Just ask my pj's. Other than that we had a pretty fun day wrapping presents and visiting with cousins. You have a lot of very funny and smart cousins. Well, I think it's about time to feed you and put you to bed for the night. Love you precious girl.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wow!!! these are cool

Well you have officially found your hands and fingers. You have been studying them for days now and it is really fun for me to watch you look so intensely at them. It's even funnier when you then stick one of your fingers up your nose :) Love you special girl

First Christmas present

Tonight Eric and Cyndi came over for dinner. We always get together to exchange gifts and have some food before they head out to Simi Valley to be with her family. So they came over here and we had dinner and then they gave you your very first Christmas present. Actually it was your second, your cousin Coral gave you your first one, but this was the first one you actually tried to help open. You tried to help me open it but you seemed more interested in the noises that was coming from the box. Your very first present was a box full of toys that you are just going to love playing with. You weren't too interested tonight, but once you start figuring out how cool they are, you are going to love them. They also bought you a glow worm. You liked looking at him for a minute, then you were over it. After dinner we went upstairs and made Cyndi's gifts to her family about the baby and you fell asleep. Then we all hung out downstairs for a while. After Cyndi and Eric left, we settled down and got ready for bed. You are the best girl in the world, and I love you very much. I hope you enjoy your first Christmas present because you are the best present I have ever been given. Love you

Busy day... still a trooper

Today was a busy day. First we got ready and then went to see Maria, who is probably going to be the lady that takes care of you when I go back to work. She is really nice. She lives right by my work and has 3 daughters of her own, so I know you will be in good hands. After that we hung out with Cyndi all day and ran some last minute errands. We went shopping, went to lunch, did some more shopping and had a lot of fun. We were on a mission to find a cute way to tell Cyndi's family that she is having a boy and I think we found one. After about 4 hours of running around, we dropped off Cyndi and we came home. You were a big trooper even though we carted you around all day. Thanks for being so cool. Love you

Thursday, December 20, 2007

One year ago....

on this very day..

the most wonderful and beautiful little girl was created. (we'll discuss this much later Kendyl) But oh how you have changed my life in more ways than I can count.
I love you forever Kendyl

(sorry if this is too much info for some of you) :0

Christmas fun

Today we went to Mallorey and Logan's Christmas play at their school. You were a very good girl (for most of the time). You sat with Aunt Heidi and watched the performances. Mal Mal and Logie did a great job, but the funniest part of the day was how you would jump when everyone clapped after each song because it scared you. I felt a little bad for you because you were just so happy and you would be getting in to the song and then it would end and everyone clapped and scared you. Me and Aunt Heidi thought that was pretty funny. You fell asleep about half way through the program, but you stayed wide awake just long enough to see your cousins. Then you came home and crashed, which is where you are now. Hope you had fun at the show. Love you, thanks for being so good.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Not sure what's cuter

Kendyl.... you always find a way to amaze me. Today you laughed... I mean really giggled for about 10 seconds while Daddy was holding you. We both just looked at each other in amazement because you have never done that before. It was absolutely the cutest thing you have done lately. However, when you wake up and I take you out of your swaddle... you stretch your arms up, your face gets real red and you make this face as if you are saying, "come on lady, just a few more minutes please." and it is also really cute. So I am really not sure what's cuter. But you are by far the best and cutest of all. I love you so much.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Costco fan

It's true.... you are my daughter. You are a fan of the warehouse shopping. We met grandma today at Costco and as we were walking in we ran into mommy's friends Beth and Kelly. They were just leaving and you were wide awake for them. You loved the wonderful world that is Costco. You were just cooing and gooing the whole time, until you found your fingers and they went straight into your mouth until you fell asleep. Thanks for being such a great shopping partner. Love you

Look what I bought at Costco

Sorry everyone... I got the last one and she is PRICELESS!!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cookie Day at Cici's

Yesterday we had our annual cooking making day at Cici's house. This was obviously your first time and boy was it fun. We went to Cici's around 1pm and they had already started. Grandma, Cici, aunt Heidi, Mallorey and Logan were all working so hard. We all made at least 12 different types of cookies/candy and I wanted to let you try each one, but I though your belly has been giving you enough trouble lately:) You were a really good girl and I can't wait until next year when you can really be involved with the kids decorating and sampling :) Love you .. thanks for being so great

Science experiment..outcome not so pleasant

Well, because I have not been able to solve the spit up/ belly/gas/poop every other day problem with you Kendyl I decided to do a little experiment.
I stopped eating dairy for a change I stopped drinking caffeine for a change
so this weekend we started giving you lactose free soy formula. I really didn't want to take you off the breast milk, but I kept pumping in hopes that the soy formula would give me the same result as the others. I have to say you are much less gassy, your belly hasn't been bothering you nearly as much and you have rarely spit up at all. So I thought everything was going to be peachy.... then you pooped! Wowzers, talk about a smell. P U I was so excited that you actually pooped (since your last one was Thurs and today is Sun), but once I saw it I couldn't believe it. Up until now, your poop has been mustard yellow, but today you let out some deep olive green play-doh. Wow is an understatement. I know it is due to the change in your intake, but could you have eased me into it a little? Now I know why Science was never a favorite subject if mine. Love you Kendyl

Friday, December 14, 2007

Fussy Friday

Well today you had your first real fussy day, and I definitely didn't know how to quite handle it :) You have been such a perfect little baby that I didn't realize just how spoiled I have been until today. I wish I knew what was making you so grumpy most of the day. I'm pretty sure it is that nasty gas that we can't get rid of because every time you would let it would stop crying and it appeared that you felt better. I am trying to do everything I can to help that belly of yours and I promise to keep trying. I'm sorry you didn't have a better day. Let's just be thankful that this isn't an ever day thing. Love you baby girl.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The newest Pink Lady

Today we met Daddy at his work for lunch. You were a good girl on the way there and on the way back. When me and you got home we took a little rest then we played with your toys. You are really starting to grab for things and notice a lot more. After that we ate dinner and then we laid on the bed and watched Grease 2 together. You were so cute just kicking back, studying the moves, and in my book you offically became a Pink Lady. I must say I am a bit jealous since I always wanted to be one, but I am so excited to have a routine buddy. Poor Daddy, he doesn't know just what he quite signed up for :) Well, thanks for hanging out with me today. I love you so much. Can't wait for tomorrow

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Where's Kendyl?

Today at grandma's instead of playing Where's Waldo, we played Where's Kendyl. See if you can find her :) She is so ET.... I love it. Thanks for letting me always play with you Kendyl. I know you'll get me back one day. Love you

Monday, December 10, 2007

What could be better..

than your 3 month old child sleeping 10 hrs each night and then you get to wake up to this....


I love you Kendyl, thanks for being so awesome

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Where does the time go

Yesterday you offically turned 3 months old and I can't believe it came so quickly. It honestly feels like we were just in the hospital welcoming you to the world and here you are an Earth veteran already. You have changed a lot in the last 3 months and I know each day you will continue to get bigger, stronger and smarter(not sure if that's possible since you are already a genius). I am anxiously looking forward to all the exciting and memorable times that we are going to share together as a family.
We didn't do much for your b-day yesterday. We hung out at home most of the day, then we met grandma, grandpa, aunt Cici, uncle Dean, uncle Mark, aunt Netty, and cousin Hailee at Frantones for dinner. You were a very good girl, but then I think you got a little jealous because we were all eating, so you threw a mini fit when it was time to go. We took care of that by feeding you in the car and then we came home. After we got home, you woke up and played with Daddy for a little and then all 3 of us fell asleep on the couch until about 10, when your belly decided it had serious gas (again) which made you wake the entire neighborhood up with your screaming. Once we got most of it out, you ate again and then we hung out until almost midnight (I gues you wanted to see your b-day come to a close) We went upstairs, swaddled you, laid you in your bassinet and 10 minutes later you were out like a light. I guess you had a pretty wild day because you are still out and it is 10 am. Well, today we are going to go to a X-mas party, so keep resting up. Uh-oh I spoke too soon... time for the milk machine to turn on. Love you baby Kendyl
Hope you have had as much fun as I have these last 3 months. Happy Birthday.
Love Mom

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Jacuzzi Tub

Last night you were having some real bad belly (gas) pains, so me and you jumped in the bath tub. I heard that the warm water on your belly and back makes it feel better. Well, apparently that is correct because as we were sitting in there relaxing...blooop blooop blooop you turned on your jets and we experienced our first jacuzzi bath together. A first I never thought I'd be so happy to share, but you got it all out and then you were a happy kid once again. Love you gassy girl

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kid Genius

Well it is official... Kendyl is a genius. Not only do I swear that she said, "I love you " over a week ago (and I have witnesses), but today she actually held her bottle all by herself. The kid is not even 3 months old. Ok, so maybe she only held it for 4.5sec, but come on, that takes some serious skill. And did I mention that she reads now too? check out the picture below for proof of that one. Look out Doogie Howser, here come Kendyl Elaine..genius, just like her mama :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Had to go back

We had so much fun last night at Disneyland that we had to go back today. This time it was me, you, my friend Evonne and her daughter, Abbey. We took them to see how pretty Disneyland was all decorated. So we got there about noon and hung out. You were awesome of course. You slept a little bit when we got there but woke up just in time to go on It's A Small World for the first time. You just kept looking at all the lights and all the different characters. It was really fun, however I wished Daddy was there with us. I know he will be sad that he missed your first boat ride. But we'll go back one day so he can go with us. Then I bought you your first pair of Mickey Ears. They are a bit big, but you'll grow into them. So the 4 of us walked around and me and you chilled while they went on a few rides. We had a really fun time. Then we all came back here and played until you got really tired and fell asleep. Daddy is on his way home right now, so keep sleeping because when he gets here, he's going to want to hug, kiss and play with you all night. So rest up. Thanks for another wonderful day. You always find small ways to make me love you more. I don't know how it's possible to love you anymore than I do now, but you find a way. Love you cutie pie.


First trip to the Magic Kingdom

Last night you had your first trip to the Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland. We went to Daddy's holiday Family party for work and you were great. I was afraid you were going to sleep the whole time, but you didn't. When we pulled in to the parking lot you started screaming your head off...uh-oh off to a rough start, but you just needed some food to get through the exciting time. So we fed you in the car and then it was off to the tram...your first ride:) Everyone kept smiling when they saw you. I don't think I will every get tired of hearing, "look how cute she is." Before we could get to Main Street you were asleep. "Oh-No" I thought, but then again it's not like you would remember it all anyways. So me and Daddy decided that this was the perfect time to eat. While we were eating you woke up and then we started off the night. Thanks for giving us some time to eat:)

We walked all around and you were in love with all the lights. You stayed awake the rest of the night. Daddy and I took turns holding you so you could see everything and you just looked all around, never fussy once. Me and you went on the Merry-go-round and you just looked around, checking things out. I tried to put you on the horse, but you were not a fan. So we sat on the bench. We had a lot of fun, although we forgot to take the Family picture that Disney sets ups (which was the reason we went inthe first place), but we took enough of our own. We stayed there until about 10:30pm and then snuck out during the parade. Wow, I can't wait until you are big enough to really enjoy the place. You were a bit grouchy on the way home, which can only mean that you didn't want to leave. However, I think it really meant you were exhausted, which you were because you fell asleep on the way home. We got home around 11pm, you woke up immediately, ate and then babbled until midnight. I swaddled you up, laid you in your bassinet and there you lay dreaming about the Magic Kingdom :) Thanks for an awesome time baby girl. Love you so much.


Well yesterday you got me good missy. After you slept through the night (again) :) I took you downstairs and changed you. Well, I guess I was half asleep because I left you on the changing area diaper free for a half a second, just enough time for you to shower the entire area with your magical waterfall!! AHHHH. You got everything wet. It was quite gross, but pretty funny because you just smiled and laughed afterward, like yu were planning that for days. You got me that time, but I'll be ready next time. :) Luv U

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh Christmas tree

Yesterday we had such a fun and busy day that I didn't have time to even write about it. We started off by waking up around 8:30 and giving you a much needed bath. The we got you dressed in your USC outfit because the big game was going to be on later. After Daddy and I got ready we put you in the car and we went to get your first Christmas tree. It was really windy and chilly out so we did it quickly. Then we came home and all took naps. The game started at 1:30 and we all woke up just in time to watch it. While it was on, we also decorated the Christmas tree. It was so fun watching you just love the lights. At halftime, we all went over to aunt Cici's house for dinner. We had a really fun time with everyone. Mallorey and Logan just think you are pretty cool, which you are. We stayed there until about 9:30 and then came home and crashed. You fell asleep in your swing and we fell asleep on the couch. Before I knew it, it was 4:30 am and you were still sleeping in your swing and I was still on the couch. You woke up and ate, then we went upstairs and slept until 9 this morning. We woke up to Daddy making us breakfast, well I guess he was making it for me, but you will also enjoy it later in the day:) Today we are planning on just hanging out, doing laundry, watching basketball, and just being together. Maybe we'll get out and go for a nice walk since it is so pretty outside. We'll see. Thanks for a wonderful weekend Kendyl. Love you so much

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Rainy Day Surprise

Well today was a real wet one. It was pouring almost all day. Me and you laid around most of the morning until about 12:30 when we finally decided to get out of the house. We met some of my friends at Olive Garden for lunch. You made everyone's day because you just sat in the seat while we ate smiling and laughing at everyone. It was really fun. After we left we there, we came home because it looked like the rain was going to start again and the last thing we need is another sick baby:( So we pulled in and to our surprise Daddy was already home:) So we spent the rest of the day with him. Of course we couldn't do anthing because of the weather but just being together is always enough. You actually spent most of the evening alone with Daddy because my allergies were acting up again and that is never fun for anyone (let's hope you don't get my loud sneezing attribute) So you watched basketball and babbled all night until it was time to eat and go to sleep. We laid you down around 11:45 and you are still asleep now as I type this.
I think today we might try to go get your first Christmas tree. :)
Thank you baby girl for being so wonderful. You are everything I could ask for and much more.
I love you