Monday, June 30, 2008

Bye- Bye

Close enough. You're so cute. Love you.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend Fun

What a fun weekend we had. Friday started off when surprise visitors grandma, Mallorey and Logan came over at 8:45am. Mal and Logan stayed with us for a little while and we all went next door to play for a little while too. After we came back, we went - where else?- grandma's to swim. You had a blast again in the water, in fact you guys had so much fun, you and Logan crashed in grandma's patio.
Well, we left there and went to Disneyland, which I already wrote about.
Saturday started off with a little errands, some shopping and then work. On the way home we stopped for some lunch. Here you are looking over the menu, trying to decide what you'd like:)
Daddy bought a new stand for the TV and we got to put it together.
You tried to help, but you're still a lil munchkin. So grandma and grandpa came to get you and took you to Cici's house for dinner. You swam there too, and have fun with everyone. Daddy and I picked you up later and then we came home.
On Sunday, we met grandma, grandpa, Cici, Doug, Mallorey and Logan for breakfast. Then Mal and Logan came home with us for a few hours. We pulled out the slip and slide and had some fun in the front yard. We brought your pool out too but you wanted to play with the big kids.

Then the 4 of us went for a walk to get a slurpee at 7-11. Little did they know how far away it was. But they hung in there and you slept. When we got back, we went to grandma's again to swim. We stayed there for a little while, swam, blew bubbles, had dinner, laughed at your funny faces, then came home. Right now I am listening to you babble from your crib. Apparently you are fighting the fact that you need to go to sleep even though you are extremely tired. Well, thanks for an awesome weekend. I love you. Now close your eyes (and mouth) and get some sleep :)

Friday, June 27, 2008

"Cutest baby of the day"

This evening me, you and Daddy were on our way to dinner, but we couldn't decide what to eat so we ended up going to Disneyland. We walked around CA Adventure first, but didn't get on any rides because it was really crowded. We stayed there about 30 minutes, then headed over to Disneyland because we wanted to take you on It's a Small World, but wouldn't you know it... it was closed. So we just walked around. You loved being in your stroller looking around, checking things out and talking up a storm. For a while Daddy and I (in a very vain state of mind) decided to count how many people said, "Oh she's so cute." or something to that effect. We lost count after 42 but that doesn't count how many were thinking it :)Ok, I know we are very spoiled with your cute face. Well, on our way back to the tram these girls behind us were smiling at you and talking about how cute you are. Then they all agreed that you were the "cutest baby of the day." I told them we agreed and we all walked away with a smile, which is kinda hard not to when we're with you. Thanks for making me and Daddy even more conceited about you than we already are, and thanks for a nice evening. Good idea Daddy. Love you.

Let's go to the movies

Today we went to grandma's to swim again. Only this time I didn't get in with you because I didn't have my suit. So grandma, Mallorey, and Logan all played with you while you were in your boat. Then we took you out, sat you on the step and you started splashing all around. The next thing I knew you were being held by grandma, who was bouncing around with you close to her singing, "Let's go to the movies," from the musical Annie. For a minute, I got a little teary eyed, because when I was a little girl grandma used to do that with me too. It was a very nice moment and you loved it as much as I did. Love you.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Proved me wrong

Well, last night I doubted that you would sleep through the night because you crashed so early and took such good naps, but you proved me wrong again. You slept from 8:45 to 6:45 without a whimper. I kept waking up to check on you and you were snoozing away. So thanks for proving me wrong again. You are totally awesome.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The shirt says it all

You are becoming little miss trouble now that you are becoming more independent, but I still love the bageezies out of you.


I am not sure what it was about today, but you were a sleepy head. You fell asleep last night around 10pm and woke up this morning at 7:15. (thank you, by the way). Then me and you hung out until you fell asleep at 9am for your morning nap. Hailee came over to hang out and play but you crashed until 10:30. After you woke up you played with Hailee for a little bit and then she fell asleep. So me and you hung out some more. Aunt Netty came to pick up Hailee and then you (and me) fell asleep from 3-5. We were crashed hard too. Next thing I knew you were kicking me in the stomach. So we got up, played, had some dinner, then we went for a walk with Aunt Netty and Hailee. After we got home at around 7 I gave you a well needed bath, and then Daddy fed you a bottle and you crashed out again at 8:45pm. I wonder if you'll sleep all night??? I doubt it. Oh well, I hope you at least had a fun day with me today. Thanks for being so cute :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sure is boring

Today I am home alone and you are with Jennifer. I sure am bored without you. This morning I have been trying to organize the gazillions of pictures that I have of you so far. Not really sure why I have soooo many, but with a face like yours I guess it makes sense. Well here are just a few of my favorite Kendyl faces. Love you. Hope you're behaving at Jennifers:) See you soon.

Did I mention

You took 11 steps last night. 11, not 1 at a time 11 times, 11 in a row. You are a stud. I'm so proud. I can't wait to catch it on video. Love you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Step by Step

Today you and I went to grandma's house to swim. You had a really fun time in the pool, even though you almost fell asleep in your boat. So, we got out and I tried to help you fall asleep but you were not having it. You were too busy playing and you actually took 3 steps for me and grandma. Finally about 30 minutes later you fell asleep in the swing for 2 hours :) After you woke up you discovered grandma's kitchen cabinets. She is going to kill me for sharing the pics but they are so cute. After you figured out how to open the cabinet, crawl almost all the way in and pull almost everything out you had a blast.

Until I picked you up and sat you in the cabinet and accidentally closed the door. Apparently you are not a fan of the dark.
Sorry french fry. Then me and grandma wanted to see if the step thing was a fluke and we wanted to show grandpa. So we out you down and you took 11 steps in a row without falling or anything. You Rock! After that you had enough. We tried to get you to show Daddy but you weren't feeling it. I'm so proud of you big girl. In no time I'll be chasing you all around. :) Thanks for being such a big girl. I love you.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kisses for Daddy

Maybe this is your way of apologizing for peeing all over Daddy yesterday? Or maybe you just think he is the best Daddy in the world. I'm going with the second one. :) Save some kisses for me too, french fry. Love you.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ms. Pee-body strikes again

Today we went to grandma and grandpa's to swim because we were melting here in Lakewood. We had a lot of fun, and Daddy even got in the pool with you. After the first round of swimming you took a nice hour and a half nap on Daddy. After you woke up, I noticed your bathing suit, Daddy's shirt and grandma's couch were all wet???? Uh-oh we forgot to change you out of your swim diaper, and it could hold no more. The best part of you peeing all over is that Daddy said you were smiling and giggling the whole time. You little sneaky thing. We stayed there all evening. We left after round 3 of swimming took place. Everyone needed to cool off after dinner, so they went in and you were already dressed so we just put your feet in. But that wasn't good enough, so off came the dress and in went Kendyl. Even on such a HOT day you are one COOL kid. I love you very much. Thanks for another great day. Sleep well baby girl.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Not what he meant!

I don't think this is what Dr. Percer meant when he said you could start having some solid food. I think it's crazy how you can find a way to get you little mouth onto anything and everything. Acually, I find it more gross than crazy, but I'm trying to be positive here. Well, thanks for another great day. Tomorrow starts mommy's official summer vacation. Yeahhhhhhhh!!!
Here you are trying to eat the knobs on the arm of the couch

In these two you are trying to eat the handles on Gigi's old coffee table.

I love you

Swaddle me not!

Apparently you are over this swaddling thing because this is how I found you this morning. The good part is you at least slept all night, well most if it. Love you

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who spiked her milk?

Last night was a doozy!!! Normally I lay you down around 9:30 and you are either already asleep or just about there. Well last night you decided to go crazy. While I was writing your blog about our fun day with the water, you were very quiet in your crib, so I thought you were asleep. 20 minutes later I went to check on you, and you were wide awake smiling, literally looking drunk. Needless to say, you were hyper and stayed up until 11:30. Daddy finally got you to sleep (The Tylenol worked great:) j/k but you actually slept in our bed because you had spit up all in yours and I was too tired to change your sheets at 11 pm. So it was nice having you in bed, but neither me nor Daddy really got any sleep because you are such a mover and a shaker. So all I want to know is, who spiked Kendyl's milk and next time, could you please give me a little too. Love you Kendyl

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's all fun and games til

she puts her hands in her mouth

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Today we had a very wet and dirty afternoon. While I was watering the front lawn you were playing with the wagon. All of a sudden I looked over and you were playing with the mud (hence the video). Then you noticed that the water was running down the sidewalk and decided to figure out where it was coming from.

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It was shortly after that you made your biggest and best move of the day.Unfortunately I missed some of it because my memory card was full and I had to go back and delete some old stuff. But I was ready just in time. By the way I think I may curse in this video. The "s-h" word comes out although it could be mistaken for shoot.

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I only wish someone else could have witnessed this. Actually, I hope no one did because at the end it looked like I had a major "accident". Well, thanks for a really fun day Kendyl. I love you

Monday, June 16, 2008

Little fish

Here you are at grandma and grandpa's house in the pool. You love the water and I love that about you. You just roam around in your little boat and splash the water. You would stay in there for hours if I let you. I guess you're going to take after your other cousins and become a little fish. Well, I'm glad you love it, because it's going to be a hot summer. Love you Kendyl. 2 more days of work for mommy and then we get to play all day long. YEAHHHHHH

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Kendyl you have a great Daddy. He loves you very much and I hope when you are 25 and allowed to start dating that you find someone just like him. And I'm not kidding about being 25 before you are allowed to date either:) HAppy Father's Day Daddy. We love you!

Baby Step

Last night we went over to visit the Nordlanders but really to see baby Brandon. He is soooo cute. I can't wait for you two to date one day. :) You were your normal wild and crazy self while baby Brandon was trying to get some well needed rest. We took them Mi Casa for dinner and I foolishly gave you some beans from my burrito again. You would think I learned my lesson the last time. Well, while we were there you took your very first baby half step. Eric even witnessed it, so I'm not lying. Your feet were sideways and you took your left foot and actually moved it around so you could face the other way. Of course you weren't holing on to anything, that would be cheating.
This morning while I was getting ready to write about your triumph you crawled in here, got into your standing position and again took one little bitty step with your left foot. You just needed a little one to reach my leg so you could use me for balance. I'm so proud of your big girlness (is that a word?)
Love you big girl

Saturday, June 14, 2008

All by myself

Here is a short video of you standing up all by yourself from a sitting position. I don't like to brag, who am I trying to kid, yes I do!! Love you Kendyl. Have a nice sleep.

I'll have Italian

Today while I was cleaning out the fridge I thought you decided to help. But little did I know that you were really just interested in the salad dressing. You pulled out the bottle and did what you do with everything else....put it in your mouth. You played with that for a minute, then I guess you decided it was time to try something else, so you headed for Mrs. Dash. The look on your face in that last picture cracks me up. You look like you're saying, "Leave me alone, mom." Love you.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Family Fun

Tonight we had a fun family night. After Daddy got home we headed over to Cici and Uncle Dougs' house because we were going to celebrate Cici's birthday. Everyone had a great time. When we got there we all had dinner and you even got to have some real mashed potatoes, potato salad and cornbread. Which, surprisingly, you loved. Then we went in the jacuzzi with all your cousins, Aunt Netty and grandma. You were in there so long I was afraid you were going to turn into a raisin. So we got out, put on your pj's, had a bottle, and went to bed. Ya right. Normally you have a bottle and go to bed, but heaven forbid you miss out on anything. You stayed up the whole way home and just played in your carseat while everyone else rested. When we got home, we put you to bed and 5 min later you were snoring- literally. Love you Kendyl. Thanks for a fun night. Here are your little raisin feet.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Too tired

Tonight I am tooo tired to write. So here's a picture instead. Hope it makes your day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Here you are with Grandpa at Aunt Netty and Uncle Mark's house enjoying the bubble machine. You are so cute. Love you.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Mr. Ducky

Today in the tub Kendyl proved just what a genius she is. Watch this video.
No, it wasn't just plain luck, she knew all along. She is a genius whether you want to admit it or not :) Love you Kendyl. Mommy is very proud of you.

Hello Jello!

Today I gave you some Jello for the first time and you loved it. You had Cherry flavored Jello and you couldn't get enough. It took you a while to eat though because you were very busy looking at the bird outside as well. It was pretty funny, you would stand up to take a bite, then crawl over to the door watch the birds for a few seconds then crawl back and stand up for another bite. I'm glad you enjoyed your new snack. I love you Kendyl. Thanks for being so awesome.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Beans, Beans, the musical fruit...

I'm sure you can fill in the rest. Tonight I gave Kendyl some of my beans from a bean and cheese burrito that we got from Mi Casa. Well, ever since then she's been a real gas:) hahaha Actually she's more like a sheep, because she makes this huhuuhuhuhuhuhuh sound when she's "going" that kinda rattles around in her mouth until the red face appears. It is quite a site for sore eyes and noses. Well, I've learned my lesson.... I wonder if they make Baby Beano????

9 months old

Today you turn 9 months old and I feel like it was just yesterday that Daddy and I drove you home from the hospital. You have grown up so much in the last nine months and I wish I could go back and relive it all again. You have become such an independent little girl. You have mastered the crawling thing and now move almost as fast as a speeding bullet. You pull yourself up on everything and you love playing with the remote, phone and camera. Your favorite thing to do lately is pull mommy's hair as hard as you can and laugh while doing it. I guess that's pay-back for all those times I held you down to pick your nose. You have become very curious about this walking thing. You pulled yourself up about a week after you started crawling and ever since then you have been cruising around objects trying to figure out how to get from one place to another. In fact yesterday we were in the front yard and you stood up without pulling on anything. You were crawling and then stopped, got on your 2 feet, did a few squats and the stood straight up. :0 I wonder how long it will take you to realize you just now need to put on foot in front of the other.
Your personality is amazing. You are the happiest child I have ever seen, not to mention the cutest. You light up everyone's face that comes in to contact with you. You are very easy-going and love to play. You even like to play by yourself sometimes. I guess even babies need personal space. You have the best laugh of anyone and your eyes are truly gorgeous.
You still love being outdoors and are still a fan of the water. You have become a master at twistng around while trying to change your diaper. You used to just lay there, but now you squirm like crazy. You still turn bright red when having a bowel movement and I must say with age comes stink. :( You have ventured out into real food a few times, and you absolutely can't get enough of mommy's spaghetti. Other than that you like sticking to your Gerber as of now. You are a very intrigued little girl as well. That's my nice way of saying you are very nosey. In fact you now sleep with your eyes just a little bit opened so you don't miss out on anything.
Thanks for giving me and Daddy an amazing 9 months. You have changed us in ways we aren't even aware of yet. We love you very much. Happy Birthday.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Much Better

Yesterday Brandon, Aunt Cyndi, and Uncle Eric came over to see your new house and play with you. You had a lot of fun with them, even though Brandon slept the whole time. You showed them how tricky you are with your new walker toy and you even showed them how you stand all by yourself. After they left, Daddy gave you your last bottle and then put you to bed. We were both a little nervous after the previous night's adventure, but you did much better. In fact, I never heard you peep once. I fell asleep around 10 and the next thing I knew it was 6:30 and you were still asleep. Thanks for letting us all get in some good sleep, Kendyl. I love you . Hope you have a great day.
Here is some video of you with the walker that I bought for you Friday. You're a quick learner.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Curly Fry

Our little french fry is turning into a curly fry. Look how curly her hair is coming in. Yeah... no more huge bald spot on the back of your head. And by the way, curly fries are my favorite. Love you Kendyl.

A Wake Up Call - Literally

Well, Daddy and I now realize just how spoiled and lucky we have been to have a daughter that is such a good sleeper. Every night you go to bed around 9:30 and you sometimes squirm around once around 3 for about 2 minutes and then you are back out until we wake you up at 6. Well last night you decided to show us just how spoiled we have been by waking up at 3 and refusing to go back to sleep until 4:30. I'm going to assume/hope it had something to do with your teeth hurting, because a few more nights like that and they'll kick us out of the new neighborhood. Well, I hope you have some nice naps today, I'm sure you need them. I love you. Have a good day, and thanks for the wake up call.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hanging out with Hailee

Today after we got home Daddy took you and Hailee for a little ride in the wagon that Jennifer gave us. Actually the wagon is supposed to stay at Jennifer's so she could take you for walks, but the "husbands" misunderstood. Anyway, here you are hanging out with your new neighbor, Hailee. Love you Kendyl. Hope you like it here.

We're baaaaaaaack

Today the cable guy came and set up all of our goodies so we can share what you've been up to with everyone. So for all of you who have missed us soooooo much, here are some recent pics of Kendyl over the last few days. She hasn't changed much..still freaking adorable :)

Here she is biting Brandon's arm. I guess she's letting him knows who's the boss early.
Moving day!

Here she is just being dang cute

Being a cowgirl at grandma's