Monday, June 23, 2008

Step by Step

Today you and I went to grandma's house to swim. You had a really fun time in the pool, even though you almost fell asleep in your boat. So, we got out and I tried to help you fall asleep but you were not having it. You were too busy playing and you actually took 3 steps for me and grandma. Finally about 30 minutes later you fell asleep in the swing for 2 hours :) After you woke up you discovered grandma's kitchen cabinets. She is going to kill me for sharing the pics but they are so cute. After you figured out how to open the cabinet, crawl almost all the way in and pull almost everything out you had a blast.

Until I picked you up and sat you in the cabinet and accidentally closed the door. Apparently you are not a fan of the dark.
Sorry french fry. Then me and grandma wanted to see if the step thing was a fluke and we wanted to show grandpa. So we out you down and you took 11 steps in a row without falling or anything. You Rock! After that you had enough. We tried to get you to show Daddy but you weren't feeling it. I'm so proud of you big girl. In no time I'll be chasing you all around. :) Thanks for being such a big girl. I love you.

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