Sunday, August 30, 2009

Soooo tricky

Here are just a few of the new tricks you learned this summer. You are such a big girl and I am going to miss you so much tomorrow since I have to go back to work. Thanks for an awesome summer. I love you, french fry.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Catching Up

I have been without my camera for about a week so I haven't been able to upload any pics for a while, so we have a lot of catching up to do... Last Friday, we took Jen Jen, Tori and Sophie to Disneyland and had a great time.
Add Image

Then on Saturday, we stopped by Aunt Cici and Uncle Doug's and you experienced your very first shooter... now of course it was chocolate milk but it was still cute.

Lastly, this Thursday we picked up Mallorey, Logan and Aunt Heidi and headed up to Solvang for a night. Grammy and Cici met us up there and the 7 of us had a lot of fun. We did some shopping, snacking, laughing, eating, moo-ing, driving, and some more laughing. You were really off your schedule, but you still acted like a trooper. You loooooved the hotel.

On our way home Friday, we stopped at the Santa Barbara Zoo for a few hours. That place was really cool. We saw all kinds of animals and we even discovered a new species of "strange creatures"

Then you and Logan had fun talking to the birds.

Thanks for such a great summer, Kendyl. Mom has to go back to work starting Monday and I am going to miss you soooooo much. You have grown so much this summer and are such a smart, beautiful, little girl. Your birthday is right around the corner and I know we are going to have a great time. Love you sooo much.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last Week :(

Well Kendyl, this is my last week of summer vacation. I hope you have had as much fun as I have this summer. We sure have done a lot of neat things together. I'm going to miss sleeping in, playing together, working on the potty, swimming, going to the beach and just hanging out. You are the best summer buddy anyone could ask for. The only good thing about summer ending is the fact that your birthday is right around the corner. Yep, you are going to be 2 years old. I can't believe it!! Well, let's make this week the best week so far. Love you french fry.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Not again!!!

Well, today you decided to "do your thing" in your bed at Jen Jen's again. I'm not sure why you think it is ok to do that, but we need to find a way to make it stop. Quick!! Hopefully, it is just a stage you are going through while you learn to potty like a big girl???? Well, at least your soooo darn cute, that it sorta makes up for it. Love you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Giddy Up horsey!!!

Tonight you and Hailee were playing here at our house and Daddy made the mistake of laying on the ground. It didn't take 2 minutes for the 2 of you to jump on his back and ask for a ride. You guys are so cute.

You had fun playing with Hailee tonight, and I had fun watching you become such a big girl. Love you french fry.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Slurpee sharing

Today you got to hang out with your cousin, Hailee, for a little while. She just got home with Uncle mark from 7-11 and she had a slurpee. She was so nice that she offered to share with you, and surprisingly, you wanted some :)

Hailee decided to give you the rest because she had enough already.

You guys were so cute with your slurpee until..... you were enjoying the slurpee when Aunt Netty told Hailee to jump up and down so we could see her cute curls bounce up and down. Little did we know that you felt the need to jump up and down too, slurpee and all. I guess you didn't realize that the slurpee wanted to jump right out of the cup and onto your face and hair.

The funniest part is, you didn't even mind it. You just went back to enjoying it. Very soon after you and Hailee took a bath together and then played for a few minutes before we came home for the night. I love that you and Hailee (occassionally) play well together. You are both learning and growing up so quickly.:) Love you both.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Record breaking day

Today you had a fabulous potty day. When you woke up this morning, you not only went #1, but you also went #2 :) Yeahhhh. That was your first time for that. Then after you woke up from your nap, you said, "I go potty" so we went in there and you did #1 again. Right before dinner you did it again after we came in from watering the grass and then before your bath you surprised us again... You are getting so good at the potty thing. I am so proud of you. Love you french fry. Thanks for a great day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well we made it! We had our 1st (and apparently now annual) staycation at grandma and grandpa's. We had soo much fun. It would take forever to explain all the fun we had so I am just going to post some pics and some videos to show. Thanks to grandma and grandpa for having us all and to all the family for creating such a fun weekend. Love you all.
Here's grandpa ready for the big weekend

Grammy decorated so cute..

the "roasting pig" spot

Friday we had our "main event" where all the kids dressed up in their luau gear, and led by Chief Loganmehameha, we kicked off our staycation. You guys were all so cute.
My little hula girl


Chief Loganmehameha

The whole crew

Even Grammy got in on the action (although we all know she started it all)

You did a little parade followed by a ritual "dance".

After your dance we decided to start the pig ceremony. Grandma and grandpa told everyone that they had a real pig cooking under ground like they do at real luaus. So we all gathered around to watch grandpa take it out.

All of your faces were so funny watching grandpa pull this thing out... and yes it was a stuffed animal. They tricked us!!! and boy was it a good one. On Saturday (after barely any sleep) we all just hung out, played games,shot rockets, had water balloon fights, went swimming, and just had a lot of fun. We had a whipped cream pie eating contest where we weren't allowed to use our hands. Mommy found one of the bowls with the $5 in it and Chelsea found the other one. It was really funny. Swimming like a big girl

Hailee reallllly enjoyed the whipped cream :)

Mallorey is a fan too

Here's Chief Loganmehameha flying through the air

and Chief wanna-hauk-a-loogey

Sunday after waking up at 5am (for some reason??) you decided it would be a good idea to slowly start waking everyone else up. You started with grandma and grandpa. Then one by one everyone woke up and we started another nice day. You even kicked it off with a little song.

After breakfast, we slowly started to get our stuff ready to come home. And by slowly I mean it; we didn't get home until 4:30, so we took our time. We did some puzzles, took naps, swam some more, watched dome golf, and just wnjoyed each other's company. There are soooo many funny things, scary things (possums), silly things, boring things, annoying things, and loving things that happened this weekend. Way too many to write about here, but just remember that you are extremely loved, Kendyl. You were such a trooper and so much fun to be around. I love you soooooo much. Thanks for an awesome staycation!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Staycation eve

Tonight we are getting ready for our 1st ever family staycation with mommy's side of your family. We have all (17 of us) agreed to spend the weekend "camping" in grandma and grandpa's backyard. Yes, we will be in tents, cooking outside, etc.... the whole thing. Well, hopefully except the peeing in the bushes and finding leaves to wipe. I'm sure we will have many stories and pictures to share, so be on the lookout next week for some interesting blogs :) I'm sure you are going to have a blast with your cousins. Staycation - here we come!!!!


I'm gonna keep this short because it kinda grosses me out.... Today Jen Jen put you down for a nap like she normally does. When she went to check on you, she immediately knew you had gone #2 and needed to be changed. Ha!! Little did she know what she was in for. When she actually went to get you, she noticed that you had not only pulled off your shorts, but your diaper as well and yep you went #2 all over the play pen??? I won't go in to too many more details, but apparently you chose to experiment with it as well which led her to grab you and throw you in the tub... Please, please, please, don't ever do that here. I'm so proud that you are starting to understand that things expel out of you, but let's keep the diaper on until we are really ready to face that challenge.

On a lighter did go #1 twice again today on the potty. Once at Jen Jen's and once here. Very proud of you . Love yo, french fry.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Peek- a- boo

I see you!!!!

(and I love you)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Today we had a great day. It started by you waking up and using your potty again!!!! Than we headed off to see Dr. Tran (or Train as you call her). You did great. It was a little sad because we had to go on the "big kid" side, which was strange. It all of a sudden hit me - a baby no more!!! you are truly a toddler :( Well, you now weigh 29 lbs and are 34 1/2 inches long. Dr. Tran was very excited to see you and was amazed at how much you are talking. She said, "If I didn't have your records right here, I would think you were turning 3 soon." You just laughed at her. After getting 2 shots, she gave you a sticker and a sucker, which amazingly made the pain go away ! Then I took you over to grandma's for about an hour and I went to work. After I picked you up we did a little shopping then came home to play. You are so much fun. Before your bath tonight, you surprised me and daddy and went pee pee again in your potty. I love that you actually are starting to get it. Now you are resting with daddy watching - what else- Jurassic Park. Love you french fry. Tomorrow is an early day, as you are going back to Jen Jen's and you are soooo excited to go. Hope you have a great day. I know you have missed them.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Getting good

This morning when you finally woke up and told me, "I tooted" you said, "Go pee pee on potty?" So I took you in there and sure enough - you went potty like a big girl. Everytime you have gone before it has been right before the bath, so this was a special moment.

After we got home from the beach and you had a nap, you woke up saying, "Wanna pee pee in potty." So we tried again, and you did it again. I was so proud of you. Until we got in the bath and you did a number 2 again. Yuck.... Well, we'll get it one day french fry. I love you. Thanks for being such a big girl.

Last Beach Day

Today was probably our last beach day this summer. We have had soooo much fun going to the beach with Kim, Kelsey, and Kayla. They have been so good to you. Today at the beach, Kim's dad dug another fort for you to play in. You stayed in that thing most of the day.

that is until you had to go back and get some more water...

You also discovered that you are not a fan of seaweed.

Overall, we had a very sandy day. This was your dirtiest day at the beach, probably because you and I had a sand throwing fight, which I won :) We had a lot of fun. I haven't seen you laugh that hard and that much for a while now and boy did it make the day. Love you soooo much. Thanks for a fun Monday.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


How did I get so lucky to have been blessed with someone so cute??

Love you, my little french fry pirate !

My girl wants to party all the time....

This weekend we had a lot of parties to attend. It started Saturday when we were supposed to go to Aunt Cyndi and Uncle Eric's to celebrate Uncle Eric's birthday. I told you that we would go after you took your nap, which lately has been around 12 or 1. So, we laid you down only to find you jumping around in your crib with your shorts and diaper off. Clearly, you weren't going to nap. So we got dressed and headed over. I figured you would just take a nap there. We got there around 3 and had a lot of fun. You played with Brandon and Aidan, however, you did more bossing than playing. Before I knew it we were eating dinner and opening presents and you still hadn't had a nap??? At this point I was trying to keep you up so that you would fall asleep on the way home and hopefully be out all night. I was, however, very impressed with your behavior. For not having a nap, you were pretty happy. So we played some more and then the boys headed upstairs for a bath. Aidan took one first and when he was done, you became very interested. So you and Brandon took your first bath together. It was very cute.

You were very interested in his extra parts and couldn't figure out what it was. When I asked you, you said it was "poop"? After the bath you kept staring some more and at one point even looked at yours, like "Where's mine?" It was really funny. After the bath we decided that it was probably time to go. It was almost 8 and I could see the grouchiness coming. So we say good-bye and got you in the car. It didn't take you 5 minutes to crash and be out for the night.
Today we walked over to your friend Evan's house because it was his 1st birthday party. You have been looking forward to his birthday party for weeks now, so of course, you didn't take anap before going over there. Again, we laid you down , and again you took off your diaper and jumped around. Evan had the bubble lady come to his party and you were so brave.. you volunteered to stand in the bubble.

After the bubble show, she let the kids play with her bubble toys and you had more than a good time with that.

We stayed at Evan's for a little bit and watched him open his gifts and then we walked home. On our way, we stopped next door to see what they were up to and baby Tessa was there with her mom and dad. We hung out there for a while and started dinner until you had a little tantrum and we had to come home. We tried to give you your dinner in your high chair and you picked up your plate and threw it on the floor. It was then that I knew your party weekend must come to an end. And so you went to bed at 7pm. I wonder if you will last all night? I hope so because tomorrow we are going to the beach:) Love you, french fry. Thanks for a fun weekend, but we really got to work on the napping. Jen Jen is going to kill us if you keep this up :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

23 down 1 to go.....

Today you are officially 23 months old. I can't believe that in just one month you are going to be 2. There are sooo many things that make me feel, "Wow, you are only 2?" but then there are soooo many more things that make me feel, "Aw you're 2 already?" So I'm sorta stuck in the middle. All I know is that you are definitely the smartest and cutest 2 year old I've ever met. No one we meet can believe that you are just turning 2. You are speaking so much and your vocabulary is so advanced that sometime I forget you are just almost 2. You are a true blessing. Here are some of your favorites these days......
food: grapes
drink: lemonade
animal: all of them
movie: Jurassic Park (yes the real one) you will sit and watch the entire thing almost without blinking an eye.
thing to do: swim
saying: "Yep"
character: Mickey Mouse
toy: dolly and/or your bike
tickle spot: neck
comfort spot when sleepy: ear/neck
my favorite sentence: "I need paci, it ni-night time." :)

I feel so blessed to be able to spend so much time with you this summer and even more excited and lucky that you have so many loving people that come to see you and want to spend time with you. You are a very lucky little girl and I thank God for you every minute of every day. I love you genius:)

Friday, August 7, 2009

The many faces of Kendyl

The "I know I'm cute" face

The "happy" face

The "sad" face

The "silly" face

and the "grape" face

I love each and every face you make Kendyl. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I scream, U scream, we all Scream for ice cream

Today we went to California Adventure with Lisa, Robert and Braden. We were really going to just get them in, but we tagged along for a few hours. We had a lot of fun with them too. We went on most of the rides that you are able to get on, but boy was it hot!!! Here you are getting a free ride.

Here are you two going down the rock slide.

We didn't stay that long, but on our way out we got a special ice cream cone to share.

I let you hold it once it was almost gone, basically to the rim of the cone and you licked away all the way out of the park. We said goodbye to the Lopez's and then headed to our car (which was in BFE). Not even 3 minutes later, a girl said to me, "Oh, she's spilling her ice cream." Sure enough, you had fallen asleep and turned the cone over and it dumped out on your thigh and down your leg. It was dripping off your shoe. It was sooo funny. I just wish I wasn't alone, so I could take a picture of it. I thought the million people that were walking by might think it was cruel of me to let you sit there asleep in ice cream so I could snap a picture. So I didn't (this time). As I grabbed the pile off your leg, you woke up for a second to say, "Where's ice cream?" then crashed back out. It was so cute. You slept all the way to the car and all the way home. It was a great ending to a very hot day. Love you french fry. Thanks for always giving me a reason to smile.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Little Swimmer and Jumper

This summer you have really become comfortable in the water. You love to be in it whenever you can(even the bath). You just can't get enough. You even are comfortable enough to swim by yourself, of course with a few hundred floating devices, but still by yourself :) Here's some video of your swimming feat... not bad for not even being 2 yet :)
Last week we went over to Cici's and you were jumping off the side of her jacuzzi to me. Today we had a lunch/playdate and you, yet again, amazed me by jumping off the diving board. You have no fear sometimes and I love that about you. You are almost always willing to try something once.

Too bad our photographer didn't get you mid-air:) Cici has some mid air ones from last week so we'll get those to post too. Love you french fry. I am sooo sad that our summer fun is quickly coming to an end. I have had the best summer ever.