Saturday, August 8, 2009

23 down 1 to go.....

Today you are officially 23 months old. I can't believe that in just one month you are going to be 2. There are sooo many things that make me feel, "Wow, you are only 2?" but then there are soooo many more things that make me feel, "Aw you're 2 already?" So I'm sorta stuck in the middle. All I know is that you are definitely the smartest and cutest 2 year old I've ever met. No one we meet can believe that you are just turning 2. You are speaking so much and your vocabulary is so advanced that sometime I forget you are just almost 2. You are a true blessing. Here are some of your favorites these days......
food: grapes
drink: lemonade
animal: all of them
movie: Jurassic Park (yes the real one) you will sit and watch the entire thing almost without blinking an eye.
thing to do: swim
saying: "Yep"
character: Mickey Mouse
toy: dolly and/or your bike
tickle spot: neck
comfort spot when sleepy: ear/neck
my favorite sentence: "I need paci, it ni-night time." :)

I feel so blessed to be able to spend so much time with you this summer and even more excited and lucky that you have so many loving people that come to see you and want to spend time with you. You are a very lucky little girl and I thank God for you every minute of every day. I love you genius:)

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