Sunday, January 31, 2010

So Silly

You always seem to know how to make us laugh, no matter where we are. Love you!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I know many of the latest videos are not playing. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I am working on fixing it. Just keep trying!

Happy Birthday Logan

Today is your cousin Logan's 8th birthday. He is such a nice cousin to you. He always helps you and plays with you. You are very lucky to have such a great cousin. Happy Birthday Logan, we love you. Have a great day!!! (Go Saints!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Dancing Day at Disney

You have made a complete 180 with your sleeping the last few nights, mostly due to Daddy's genius idea of turning your crib around so you can't climb out. So today Daddy had the great idea of rewarding you by taking you for a short trip to Disneyland. We left around 10 and just wanted to do a few things, and what fun we had!!!!! Here you are on the tram with your cool shades on!

We headed first to Finding Nemo and you had alot of fun looking through the windows to try to find him. After that we headed over to the carousel and then to a few other rides.

You have a blast on all of them and I love that you are just old enough to enjoy but not old enough to whine about not going on some of the rides (yet).

We left Disneyland and walked over to CA Adventure where we stood in line for the new Toy Story ride. I say it's new only because we have not been on it yet, but it's been there for a while. Your cool 3d glasses that you surprisingly kept on.

Daddy and his mini me

I must say that I had more fun on that ride than any ride I've been on in a long time. It was way more fun than I expected and you had a great time too. After that ride we headed out because we wanted to get home so you could take a nap. (Not so daddy could watch football) :) On our way to the front gate, you decided to give us a little dance. It was so cute.

After leaving there we walked through Downtown Disney and had lunch/dinner at Rainforest Cafe, Youloved watching all the animals, although one of the Gorillas was a little too close and you kept telling him to stop because you thought he wanted to eat your Mac n Cheese. Then we walked back to out car, where you quickly fell asleep. Thanks for a great, fun day. I love you little french fry.

"A" for awesome, which is what you are :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bedtime Blues

Lately you have been struggling with sleeping through the night. Some days you'll do great, but most nights you wake up screaming for Daddy begging him to "Get you outta here." Last night was probably the worst night we've ever had with you. You tossed and turned, screamed, and cried for over an hour. Daddy and I were trying to let you "cry yourself back to sleep" but there's only so much one can take. So daddy brought you into the living room to sleep with him on the couch. Still you didn't do very well, and even Jen Jen said you were really tired today.

So daddy and I thought we need to make a change. We decided that you need a much better bedtime routine every night and knowing you weren't going to be very happy about it, we wanted to do it before you got big enough to climb out of your crib. Lately you have been trying to get your leg up and you have been getting pretty close. So we thought, what better time than the present. Our new routine was going to consist of: a nice bath, massage, jammies, brush your teeth, read a few stories in your room and then put you to bed awake so you could fall asleep on your own. You never do that so we thought that might be part of the problem.

Bath, check! Massage, check! Jammies backwards, check! Teeth brushed, check! Stories - a little difficult. Because we don't normally relax and read you a story before bedtime, you wanted to do what you always do and pull them all out and be a little wild. So we struggled with that a little. Next came...putting you to bed awake. We knew this was not going to go over very well. And we were right! The minute I put you down you started crying, screaming, kicking, everything. It was really heart breaking. So Daddy and I left the room after giving you a good night kiss and we watched you on the monitor. You were NOT happy at all. After about 15 minutes of screaming and crying, you started to try to get you leg up again, and wouldn't you know it.... You climbed right out of your crib!! You didn't fall either, you gracefully straddled the crib, whipped your leg around and slid down the front. Daddy and I were amazed as we watched you quietly walk right out of your room and into the living room. We pretended to be asleep just to see what you would do and you just quietly stood there for a minute until you climbed up on my lap.
As hard as it was, I took you right back and laid you down. Immediately you started to climb back up, this time you got stuck, so daddy went in and got you down. He had to lay in there to keep pushing your foot down every time you tried to climb up. Here is some video of you trying to escape while daddy is pushing you back in...

After 35 minutes, you were finally asleep. Hopefully you will sleep well tonight and not wake up around 2 like you have been. I love you french fry. I'm sorry that you don't like to sleep in your bed. We'll work on it, I promise. Love you. Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's raining, it's pouring

This week has been a very wet one around here. We have had some of the worst rains we've had in a long time. In fact, today our whole street was flooded. Here are some pictures Aunt Netty took of our street.

We are still supposed to get some more rain tomorrow, so hopefully we will be able to get out of our neighborhood. Come to think of it, being rained in wouldn't be such a bad thing cause I could stay home with you all day. Well, stay dry and safe tomorrow. I love you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Desperate times call for desperate measures

So, lately you have not been able to sleep through the night very consistently. Daddy and I have been trying to figure out what it is that keeps waking and possessing you to scream at the top of your lungs while taking off your jammies and diaper. We know that you have figured out that if you take off your diaper we will come get you. We haven't stooped low enough to let you pee in your bed and just leave you there. But I have to be honest, we have thought about it! :)

I know that if you could just not take off your jammies and diaper, you could fall back asleep, so tonight I am going to try somethingI never thought I would do. You picked out your pj's and here's how I put them on.....

YEP!!! backwards!! There is no way you are going to be able to get these off and I have to be honest, I think I may enjoy watching you try a little more than I should. I know that sounds cruel, but we have to figure out how to keep your clothes on. So we'll see tonight. Love you, french fry. Thanks for not even really noticing that they were on funny.

Fun Family Friday

Today I picked you up from Grammy and Grampy's after work and you and I did a little shopping. We headed over to the book store to try to find some answers to your non-sleeping issue, but we didn't really find any. So we did some Old Navy shopping. When we left there we met daddy for dinner at Red Robin (Red Rabbit as you called it) and then we walked around the Cerritos Mall. You were such a big girl walking around checking things out. We didn't take your stroller so you thought you were pretty cool. We walked around almost the whole thing stopping only in a couple stores; the shoe store, the pet store, the Disney store and Yogurtland.
Here you are checking out some doggies at the petstore

We really had a nice evening. Thanks for being such an awesome kid. I love you!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Today on our way home from Jen Jen's I asked you how your day was. You gave me a funny look and said, "I mean to Jen Jen. I hit her." This was, of course, after I told you that your prize for doing such a good job sleeping in your bed was a popsicle. So I then told you that I was going to call Jen Jen and ask her, and if she said that you hit, then you wouldn't get your popsicle. You looked at me with a sad face and then I asked you again if you hit Jen Jen. You smirked at me and said, "I not hit Jen Jen. I just kidding." After talking to Jen Jen it was confirmed that you didn't hit her and you were just kidding. You are such a silly trickster. I love you french fry.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Today we celebrate Daddy's real birthday. You are soooo lucky to have such a great Daddy. He loves you so much and only wants you to be happy. He is always there for you and would do anything in the world for you. I'm sure one day you'll realize how lucky you are to have such an awesome Daddy. I know I am very thankful for him. Without him, I'm not sure how I'd survive:)

Love you, Daddy

Hope you like the present Kendyl picked especially for you :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I scream scone

Tonight we went down to Long Beach to Ruby's to have a special dinner for Daddy's birthday. While we were parking, we ran in to mommy's friend Kim, and her family, including Kelsey and Kayla. You were so excited to see them because you hadn't seen them in awhile and had actually been asking about them. So we all sat together and had a nice dinner.

After you ate almost all of your mac and cheese, the waitress brought you a special treat....

your very first ice cream cone (or i scream scone) as you called it.
You licked that thing until you could do no more licking. You loved it. After we left there, we came home and went over to Hailee's house to play for a while. You weren't the best girl while we were there, so Daddy took you home and put you to bed.
I love you french fry. Let's keep working on those social skills ;)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years

Our New Year started off with a bang. We had such a fun time at the party. A lot of your friends came to play with you and believe it or no, most of you stayed up the whole time.

You had lots of fun with Tessa.

Here you are dipping in to your Apple juice a little early, while Hailee patiently waited for hers.

Midnight stikes and the noise level increased!!

I'm glad you had so much fun and were able to stay awake. Love you, french fry.
Here's to a great year.