Saturday, January 2, 2010

I scream scone

Tonight we went down to Long Beach to Ruby's to have a special dinner for Daddy's birthday. While we were parking, we ran in to mommy's friend Kim, and her family, including Kelsey and Kayla. You were so excited to see them because you hadn't seen them in awhile and had actually been asking about them. So we all sat together and had a nice dinner.

After you ate almost all of your mac and cheese, the waitress brought you a special treat....

your very first ice cream cone (or i scream scone) as you called it.
You licked that thing until you could do no more licking. You loved it. After we left there, we came home and went over to Hailee's house to play for a while. You weren't the best girl while we were there, so Daddy took you home and put you to bed.
I love you french fry. Let's keep working on those social skills ;)

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