Monday, November 8, 2010

a late update

I know I keep apologizing for not updating often, but I just can't seem to find the time lately.... so this last week or so, we had a lot of things going on
First, our annual Halloween party was a hit
Here are a few pics

The next day you and I headed out to Disneyland because I was trying to avoid cleaning the rest of the house. Daddy did most of it, but there was still some to do. So we had a great time there and we were even fortunate enough to have Cici meet us there for a ride and some dinner.
Here you are on the tram and tea cups

This past Thursday, you had a slumber party at Mallorey and Logan's house. This was your first sleep over with them. You did a great job too. You actually had a sleep over with Aunt Heidi in Logan's bed cause according to you, "Applesauce snores too loud" :) On Friday, you took a long nap before we headed out to Logan's football game. You love going to watch you cousins play.

Saturday Grammy surprised you (finally) with your very own team shirt. This shirt has been talked about for weeks now and you are sooooooo happy to have it. It started by you going to Mallorey's volleyball games. You sorta became their "mascot" and needed a team shirt. So Grammy said she'd get you one. Well, of course, you never forget anything, so you constantly remided Grammy about your shirt. You kept telling her that you need it so you could go to practice. So finally on Saturday, she showed up with your shirt and you talked about it alllllll day!!!

The best part is that you HAD to wear it to Mal's game and of course the other team was purple and white. Nonetheless, you practiced and even told us that your coach didn't need you to play yet. "He's in the white shirt"
On Saturday night Hailee and her parents, and Brandon and his parents came over for dinner and to talk about our upcoming trip to Big Bear. You 3 got along really well, except for when you guys scared Brandon with Swiper the fox. We are really looking forward to this weekend:)

Today you and I went and surprised Daddy at his work and took him to lunch. Then we went to the Natural History Museum, the Rose Gardens, and the Science Center. We had the best day together and you were such a good girl. Here are some pics from our awesome day.

After we left the Science Center, which we will be going back to soon, we picked up Daddy from work so he wouldn't have to take the Metro home, stopped at Grammy's for a minute and came home. What a fun, but busy day we had.
Tomorrow you head back to school after being away for 2 weeks. I hope you sleep well tonight. Thanks for an awesome day and week. I love you, french fry!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Some Halloween fun!!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Never too soon

The last few weeks we have been watching a lot of volleyball. You are really starting to enjoy it. Last night we went to a high school game and while we were waiting to walk back to our seats (after our 3rd trip to the potty)... you copied what the girl was doing as she was serving.. It was really cute!! Today we headed back to one of Mallorey's game and watched them win again:) On the way home you asked me, "Mom, can I put on my shirt too and play." It took a few minutes to figure out what you were talking about so when I asked, "Oh you mean a uniform. You want to play on a soccer team or something like that?" You said, "No a bolleyball team" That's my girl :) Love you french fry

Monday, October 18, 2010

October fun

These last two weeks have been filled with soooo many fun things that I have completely forgotten to update your blog. You have been going to school 3 days a week and are really enjoying it.
We had a fun play date with Brandon last week and you and him had a blast.
You even tried on his Halloween costume...(we were trying to get him to do it, so we thought if you did, maybe he would...nope)

On Saturday, you wanted your hair in "lots of ponies" so we had a fun time doing that.

Here you are after you learned a new trick from Briley at your school.

Today we went to the Pumpkin Patch with Mary and little Evan. You got to ride many rides, including the biggest slide I have ever seen (all by yourself). You guys went on the cars, the elephants, the turning cups, the petting zoo, the bouncer, not to mention you picked out a pretty cool pumpkin.

After all the fun there we went to Ruby's for lunch and had a really nice time.

You have really been helping me get ready for our Halloween party that is just a few weeks away... I hope you are getting as excited as I am. Love you french fry.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1st day of preschool

So yesterday you had your first day of preschool. It is not at a real school, but one of our local parks. You get to go 3 days a week for 2 hrs a day. You were sooo excited that you actually woke up at 7am and ran in to wake me saying, "Mom, today I go to school." We got all ready, had breakfast and we were on our way. You even packed your backpack the night before (you filled it with blocks, I refilled it with extra clothes and snacks).
Here you are as we are just about to get in the car.

The park is literally a 10 minute drive, max. We had to do a quick stop at the bank and then we were there. This is how you arrived for your first day...

(apparently the excitement was short lived)

Once I opened your door and woke you by telling you we were at school, you were ready to go. You woke up very quickly and practically jumped out of the car.

(notice the drool on her shirt) :0

We got to your room ans you met your teacher, Mrs. C. She is very nice and you liked her right away. She told you to get a puzzle or book and pick a seat. So you did and you were fine from that point on. I was a little nervous to just leave but you reassured me that you would be fine and I could go. So I did.
Here you are with your first puzzle.

I came back about 1/2 hour early to peek in on you and you were doing fine. In fact you were making your first project and your new friend, Brielle, was helping you. After a few minutes your teacher told you guys to get a book and sit quietly if you were finished. So you did. She then said to not get up even if you were finished. That was fine until the boy next to you tried to get up. You quickly tried to remind him of the rules by putting your book out as to block his way to the books. He was able to get around you and went anyways. You didn't like that so you decided to gently whack him on his back with your book. I couldn't believe what I was watching!!
I walked away and waited outside with the other parents until you were dismissed. When we got back to the car, I asked you why you hit the boy with your bear book. And you replied, "No, I didn't. It was a monkey book." Aye ya ya Well at least you were honest about it. Mrs.C said you did a great job and that she was happy to have you in her class.
I was so excited to have some fridge art.

I'm glad you had such a great first day. I love you very much, but I'm not so sure I'm very fond of this growing up thing you are trying to do :) Love you, french fry.

Monday, October 4, 2010

No excuse...this time

I know I have been horrible about posting lately. I usually blame it on the new school year starting, but I can't do that this year. I'm not sure why I haven't been able to get in here and post. It's not like you are not doing awesome things each day. I promise, I will try harder. :)

This last week or so has been a pretty busy one. We have been to many different sporting events, shopping excursions for our Halloween party, and today we even saw a movie. This past weekend while we were at Tori's socer game, you were unfortunate enough to get stung by another bee :( This time on your hand. You were so brave. Once we got the stinger out, you just wanted to play on the playground (how could I resist) You didn't have a major reaction, but it did swell up pretty good. You were super tough, though.

I have been thinking about signing you up with a management company to start doing some "extra" work on commercials, tv shows, etc... I am a little nervous about it, but I think you would do great and everyone under the sun tells me that I should. So we might be looking into that real soon.

Tomorrow is a very special day because it's your first day of "preschool." It's just a 2 hr session a few days a week at a local park, but I am hoping that you will get some of the socialization that you don't get being with me all day. You have been asking for months when you get to go to school, and I can't believe the day has come. Tonight you even grabbed one of your backpacks and packed some "necessary" things. I hope that I can be as brave as I am sure you will be. I'm know you will do great, it'sme I'm worried about :)

Well, thanks for always making me smile and for beinga great little french fry. I love you so much and I am so proud of you. Love you french fry.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept fun

We have really been busy since your birthday. I never thought I would enjoy being home all day like I do, but I have to admit I am loving it. Right after your party, we went to see Walking with the Dinosaurs which you really liked. That same day, you were unfortunate enough to get your first bee sting....right on your forehead. Luckily, you didn't have any reaction to it. A few days later we went to see Dr. tran for your 3 yr appt. You did an amazing job! She was very proud of you for being so well behaved, so talkative, potty trained, your drawing ability, how easily you get yourself dressed and especially how you didn't even whimper when you got your flu shot. I was very impressed too. You now weigh 38lbs and are 39 inches tall, and perfectly healthy.
We stopped by grammy and grampy's after your appt and they were so proud of you that we all went down to Ports O'Call for the afternoon. We walked around, rode some rides , had some lunch and even got to go on a boat ride. You had a lot of fun.

This past weekend we went to a carnival at mommy's old high school. You had a lot of fun there too and even managed to meet some new friends. You rode lots of rides, had a sno-cone and even won 2 prizes all by yourself.

On Monday, we got to celebrate Jen Jen's birthday by taking her out to lunch. We had an awesome time with her. After lunch we did a little shopping together and then we picked up your "sisters" from school.

They were very surprised to see you. So the 5 of us went to your favorite place, Yogurt Flavors (Yogurt favorites, as you call it) and had a yummy after school snack.

Yesterday we took Mary and Evan to Disneyland. This was his first time there so it was really fun to watch him see everything. Amazingly, I forgot my camera so I wasn't able to take any pics, but Mary had her phone and was able to take some. Here are you and Evan on the Casey Jr. train and on Dumbo.

I can't believe September is almost over! Wow, has it flown by. You are starting to decide what you think you want to be for Halloween this year. Your idea this week is, a scary witch that turns into a potato?? Hopefully that idea will fly out the window when we actually start looking. Love you french fry.

Monday, September 13, 2010

3rd birthday fun

Here is a slideshow of most of the events that took place over the week or so for your birthday. I hope you had a great birthday french fry. Love you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chuck E

Well, we made it through a day of Chuck E Cheese. Really only a few hours and man were we pooped. When we first got there, you were very excited. At first it was just you , me, and Daddy. So the 3 of us just played for a while

Then I called you over to look out the window and you saw Grammy, Grampy and Hailee!!! You were so excited you started screaming through the window.

We sat down and had some pizza and then you and Hailee were off to play.
We finally trapped the wild animals:)

Then you two went on the coolest roller coaster ever!!!(your words, not mine)

Then I had another surprise for you.... Brandon was coming too. You were very excited about that...just watch this video

You weren't supposed to climb up there, but you're 3 there is no listening :0
Here are you and Hailee rocking out on the big screen. It was soooo cute!

After Chuck E we all went back to Grammy's to have some cake, open a few presents, and of course, play.

Here, you three are watching the movie Up, which lasted a very short time!!!!

We barely pulled out of Grammy's driveway before you looked like this!

On our way home (before you fell asleep) you said you wanted a hot dog. Then of course you fell asleep. When you woke up about an hour later, I asked you is you wanted to watch something and you said, "I told you, I wanted a hot dog." So of course we got you one, and you ate the whole thing I hope you had a great birthday. Thanks to everyone who called/text to wish her a happy day. She is very lucky to have such great friends and family. Love you french fry. 2 more days til your party!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today you turn 3 years old and I can't believe it!!! What a great journey this has been so far. I am so excited to see what new things 3 brings to us to share. I love you very much Kendyl. Thanks for being my everything! Today we are going to surprise you and take you to Chuck E. Cheese. You have been saying that you want to go for your birthday but I keep telling you that we can't because we are having your party at Grammy and Grampy's this year. So hopefully, you will be surprised!! We will definitely take some pics and post them later to share. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRENCH FRY!!!!! I love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!

September 8, 2007

September 8, 2008

September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Farewell 2's

Today is your last day of being 2. We had a very busy day too. First I woke up to you crawling in bed with me at midnight. Then you decided to kick me in the face all night until you woke up around 8:30. We hung out at the house for a while and then finally got dressed for the day.
We had to go to the bank and do a few errands before going to lunch at Islands. We had such a nice time, just the two of us.

After lunch we did some shopping and you got some new shoes and a few new shirts.
Then we picked up Logan from school and took him home to play for a while. Grammy and Grampy came over too and she even brought spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, which of course was yummy. We hung out there for a while then came home to do some laundry and play.
When Daddy got home you helped him make a taco and you even made one for yourself. You are getting to be such a big girl!!! I told you to go pick out some jammies and you came back like this...

you put your pull up on and everything... I was very impressed that you did it all by yourself!
Well, thanks again for 2 AWESOME years, Kendyl. You bring nothing but joy to my life everyday and I love you soooooooooooooooo much. I hope you have a great birthday.