Friday, January 15, 2010

Desperate times call for desperate measures

So, lately you have not been able to sleep through the night very consistently. Daddy and I have been trying to figure out what it is that keeps waking and possessing you to scream at the top of your lungs while taking off your jammies and diaper. We know that you have figured out that if you take off your diaper we will come get you. We haven't stooped low enough to let you pee in your bed and just leave you there. But I have to be honest, we have thought about it! :)

I know that if you could just not take off your jammies and diaper, you could fall back asleep, so tonight I am going to try somethingI never thought I would do. You picked out your pj's and here's how I put them on.....

YEP!!! backwards!! There is no way you are going to be able to get these off and I have to be honest, I think I may enjoy watching you try a little more than I should. I know that sounds cruel, but we have to figure out how to keep your clothes on. So we'll see tonight. Love you, french fry. Thanks for not even really noticing that they were on funny.

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