Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I scream, U scream, we all Scream for ice cream

Today we went to California Adventure with Lisa, Robert and Braden. We were really going to just get them in, but we tagged along for a few hours. We had a lot of fun with them too. We went on most of the rides that you are able to get on, but boy was it hot!!! Here you are getting a free ride.

Here are you two going down the rock slide.

We didn't stay that long, but on our way out we got a special ice cream cone to share.

I let you hold it once it was almost gone, basically to the rim of the cone and you licked away all the way out of the park. We said goodbye to the Lopez's and then headed to our car (which was in BFE). Not even 3 minutes later, a girl said to me, "Oh, she's spilling her ice cream." Sure enough, you had fallen asleep and turned the cone over and it dumped out on your thigh and down your leg. It was dripping off your shoe. It was sooo funny. I just wish I wasn't alone, so I could take a picture of it. I thought the million people that were walking by might think it was cruel of me to let you sit there asleep in ice cream so I could snap a picture. So I didn't (this time). As I grabbed the pile off your leg, you woke up for a second to say, "Where's ice cream?" then crashed back out. It was so cute. You slept all the way to the car and all the way home. It was a great ending to a very hot day. Love you french fry. Thanks for always giving me a reason to smile.

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