Friday, June 27, 2008

"Cutest baby of the day"

This evening me, you and Daddy were on our way to dinner, but we couldn't decide what to eat so we ended up going to Disneyland. We walked around CA Adventure first, but didn't get on any rides because it was really crowded. We stayed there about 30 minutes, then headed over to Disneyland because we wanted to take you on It's a Small World, but wouldn't you know it... it was closed. So we just walked around. You loved being in your stroller looking around, checking things out and talking up a storm. For a while Daddy and I (in a very vain state of mind) decided to count how many people said, "Oh she's so cute." or something to that effect. We lost count after 42 but that doesn't count how many were thinking it :)Ok, I know we are very spoiled with your cute face. Well, on our way back to the tram these girls behind us were smiling at you and talking about how cute you are. Then they all agreed that you were the "cutest baby of the day." I told them we agreed and we all walked away with a smile, which is kinda hard not to when we're with you. Thanks for making me and Daddy even more conceited about you than we already are, and thanks for a nice evening. Good idea Daddy. Love you.

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