Saturday, December 1, 2007

Rainy Day Surprise

Well today was a real wet one. It was pouring almost all day. Me and you laid around most of the morning until about 12:30 when we finally decided to get out of the house. We met some of my friends at Olive Garden for lunch. You made everyone's day because you just sat in the seat while we ate smiling and laughing at everyone. It was really fun. After we left we there, we came home because it looked like the rain was going to start again and the last thing we need is another sick baby:( So we pulled in and to our surprise Daddy was already home:) So we spent the rest of the day with him. Of course we couldn't do anthing because of the weather but just being together is always enough. You actually spent most of the evening alone with Daddy because my allergies were acting up again and that is never fun for anyone (let's hope you don't get my loud sneezing attribute) So you watched basketball and babbled all night until it was time to eat and go to sleep. We laid you down around 11:45 and you are still asleep now as I type this.
I think today we might try to go get your first Christmas tree. :)
Thank you baby girl for being so wonderful. You are everything I could ask for and much more.
I love you

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