Sunday, December 16, 2007

Science experiment..outcome not so pleasant

Well, because I have not been able to solve the spit up/ belly/gas/poop every other day problem with you Kendyl I decided to do a little experiment.
I stopped eating dairy for a change I stopped drinking caffeine for a change
so this weekend we started giving you lactose free soy formula. I really didn't want to take you off the breast milk, but I kept pumping in hopes that the soy formula would give me the same result as the others. I have to say you are much less gassy, your belly hasn't been bothering you nearly as much and you have rarely spit up at all. So I thought everything was going to be peachy.... then you pooped! Wowzers, talk about a smell. P U I was so excited that you actually pooped (since your last one was Thurs and today is Sun), but once I saw it I couldn't believe it. Up until now, your poop has been mustard yellow, but today you let out some deep olive green play-doh. Wow is an understatement. I know it is due to the change in your intake, but could you have eased me into it a little? Now I know why Science was never a favorite subject if mine. Love you Kendyl

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