Monday, April 7, 2008


Today on my way to pick you up, Victoria and Sophia (Jennifer's daughters) were watching ratatouille in our car. When we got to their house I forgot to turn it off, so when we were leaving it started back up. The minute you heard it, your eyes zoomed right up and watched the movie the entire way home. It was really funny to see, especially since you sit facing the back still. Your poor neck is probably going to be sore tomorrow:( The best part was that every time I looked back to see if you were still watching the movie you nocticed me and smiled. I took it as your way of saying, "Thanks for being so cool, mom." Hey until you talk I can pretend to know what you are thinking, so let me have my fun with it:) Love you Kendyl. These have been the best 7 months ever.

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