Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Why didn't I do this sooner?

Dear Kendyl,
Today is November 6, 2007 and you are quickly approaching your 2 month birthday. I have enjoyed these last 8 weeks more than anyone can imagine. I wish I would have started this blog sooner to show all the ways you change daily and to share your first days of life with you as you get older. So much has happened in these 8 weeks and you have changed so much. I want you to know that you have been a blessing that Daddy and I am thankful for every day. Here is a quick recap of your first 2 months as best as I can remember.
We came home from the hospital on Sunday, September 9th and brought you to your new home. You have had visitors almost every day since then. Everyone wants to love and kiss you as much as they can. You truly have brought so much joy to everyone's life.
We had a rough first week adjusting to each other between the feedings and the pooping. I knew we would work it out quickly. You were a very good sleeper, unfortunately you only liked to sleep during the day and you loved to keep me and Daddy up at night. That's was ok with us, as long as you were happy, we were happy.
Daddy stayed home with us the entire 1st week and that was when you and I both fell deeper in love with Daddy. He is a wonderful man Kenydl, and I hope someday you find someone just like him.
We took you to Logan's soccer game when you were 1 week old. You loved being outside. You still do.
Our 2nd week together was a little harder because Daddy had to go back to work, so it was just you and me. You still continued to get visitors and on your 2 week birthday, we went to grandma's house where you met cousin Hailee, and mommy's cousins Dana, Lani and their families. You were such a trooper and so beautiful. We went to see Dr. Percer for your 2 week appointment and he said you looked great. You were now 9lbs 6oz and 21 1/2 inches long. He noticed how strong you were already holding your head up.
Week 3 was a lot of the same. You and me continued to really get to know each other and I can honestly say I don't remember life without you in it. On your 3 week birthday, we noticed that you weren't acting normal. We noticed you had a lot of congestion, you would choke and gag and you were coughing a lot. I took you to the Dr. on October 1st to have you checked out. We saw Dr. Tran and she said you had a respiratory infection and she wanted us to give you breathing treatments every 4 hrs. Unfortunately, there was a problem with mommy's insurance and we couldn't get the medicine or breathing machine. So we came home, and grandma met us here to help out. You started getting a little worse so I called the Dr. and she said to take you to the emergency room. So we did. This was probably the scariest time of my life. Let's just say you had to stay in the hospital for 4 days :( It was not fun for you , but you were the best patient that hospital has ever had and I am very proud of you.
Once we were able to come home you did a little better. The follwing Monday was your 1 month birthday and we went to see Dr. Percer for another check-up. I thought you had gotten worse, so he told us to get you some decongestant drops which we did and you got better over time. You were now 10lbs 1oz and still21 1.2 inches long.
I can't tell you enough how sorry I am for exposing you to this virus that made your early weeks so miserable for you. I'm not sure where you got the virus from, but me and Daddy should not have taken you out so soon. We felt horrible and we promise to be more careful in the future.
Your second month of life has been wonderful, minus the serious gas that you have been producing. We have been learning about each other and finding new ways to love you each day. You are such a happy, calm and preciuos baby. You are sleeping a little better (not much though) This month mommy got picture happy and took pictures of you all the time. Some that can be used as blackmail later on in your life if you try to misbehave:) You are growing daily, you are starting to focus more and I think you can even recognize my face a little now. This month we took a lot of trips to soccer games, weddings, and shopping trips:) You definietly are a trooper because you usually are an angel during all of them. The last few weeks, Daddy and I have noticed that you are really focusing and following us with your eyes. Me and you ahve a fun song thath makes you laugh when we change your diaper. We sing, "Shake, Shake, Shake.. Shake, Shake, Shake.. Shake your booty" and you always laugh. I have never seen a baby so content 90% of the day and I am thanking my lucky stars everyday.
You had your 1st Halloween this month, and we went to Aunt Heidi's house to be with the family. Me and you went trick-or-treating with Mallorey and Logan. You slept most of the time. Everyone was there and they all think you are the most beautiful, happy little girl. I think so too. We dressed you up as a little kitty and sent pictures to all your family and friends. Everyone loved them.
Last weekend, Daddy took you downstairs so I could get some sleep and when I came down to see you guys, I looked at you and said "Hi, Kendyl" You gave me the biggest and best smile/laugh that I started to cry. It was then that I realized you really knew who I was and that you loved me too. I will never forget that moment.
On Friday, November 2nd as I was putting your clothes away I laid you on your blanket in your room for some tummy time. You like being on your belly because you already hold your head up and you can look around the room. Well, I laid you down and started putting clothes away right behind you. When I turned around to check on you, you were on your back! I couldn't believe it, I though I was going crazy and maybe I just put you on your back. I knew I wasn't that sleep deprived, so I laid you back on your tummy and watched you. Before I knew you rolled right over onto your back. I called Daddy right away to share the news.
I am so proud of you Kendyl. Every day you do something that amazes me and Daddy. You have brought such joy to our lives that we couldn't imagine life without you. I hope that we can be all you need and want in parents as you grow up to be a beautiful young lady. Please know that there isn't anything we wouldn't so for you. Thank you for coming into our lives and bringing us so much love. Boy, I wish I would have done this sooner.

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