Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today we had a very exciting day. One that made me very proud. Today you got to see all 5 of your cousins on mommy's side of the family. Your oldest cousin Coral came over to meet you for the first time. She was very good with you and kept saying how cute you are. I hope that she will continue to be in your life. I think she will. Then we went over to grandma and grandpa's house because your cousin Hunter just flew in from Utah. He lives there but comes here a lot to visit. You got to meet him for the first time too. He is in 4th grade already and Coral just started college. Mallorey, Logan and Hailee were there also, but you already know them. You see them all the time. You have a great group of cousins who love you very much. I can't wait until you are big enough to run around and play with them. I know the time will fly by and before I know it my little baby girl will be a walking toddler and I will wonder how that happened. But until then please continue to amaze me daily and remember that I love you forever.

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