Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Your hospital stay :(

I wanted to share some of the events of your way to early hospital stay in October 07. You caught a bad virus from someone and we took you to the emergency room where they admitted you and began giving you breathing treatments every 4 hrs. They did a chest x-ray (wow did your lungs work for that), and took blood to run some tests. Luckily it wasn't pnemonia or anything very serious. However, a 3 week old with a cold was pretty serious for me. You really were a great patient in the hospital. You were poked and prodded for 4 days and you hung in there the whole time. The worst part was watching you cry when they would suction out your mucus filled nose with that tiny tube. Daddy actually did it once and I was very proud of him. I stayed with you every day while you were there and we had many visitors. While we were there they found a small hole in your heart that was causing a murmur. You had an entire ultrasound with this huge machine and you were so good during the whole thing. I was very proud. You had wires and machines hooked up to you for 4 days. It was not fun for anyone to see such a small precious child so sick. We came home and continued to fight the virus off. The Dr. said that the small hole will probably close on its own. But we are going to have him check for the murmur at every visit to make sure. Thank you for being so brave and strong during that stressful and uncomfortable week. You really are an amazing little girl. I love you.

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