Saturday, February 16, 2008

Never underestimate the power of prunes

Yesterday for dinner you tried prunes for the first time, which by the way you absolutely LOVED! If I didn't know better I would have thought it was chocolate the way you were scarffing it down. I decided you give you prunes because you had been a little "stopped up" as they say, and I have always heard about the power of prune juice. (We can thank GG for that) Well, as usual, she was right and I know she's looking down saying "Told you so." I nervously put you to bed last night around 9:30 in your big girl crib and you did amazing. You slept all night without a peep. You woke up around 7 this morning. I hate to admit it, but you actually did better than you have been doing in your bassinet. I guess you knew it was time to show off your big girl style. So anyway, Daddy brought you in our room and you chatted with us for a few minutes. Then it was time to change you. Dun Dun Dun Prune Power was in direct effect. You had it all over your pj's and all the way up your back to about your shoulders. Your diaper was overflowing with the deliciously smelling play-doh :0 We had to double team you to get you cleaned up. And the most amazing part is, you never fussed about being filled up like that. We thought we were going in for a regular morning pee change, and then BAM you hit us with the powerful stuff. Thanks for being such a trooper. I love you, but I will NEVER underestimate the power of prunes again.

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