Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New news and not so new news

I have learned a few things about Kendyl in the last few days..
1- she is afraid of spiders... how does she know that they are scary/gross? She has never seen one before tonight.
2- she has FINALLY lost that gross dead fingernail (who knows where it went)
3- flat irons are not her friend
4- she can currently and correctly identify 10 animals and mimic the sound of 7 of them. (we are still working on the elephant...not as easy as I thought)
5- she knows what trash is and will actually walk over to the trash can to throw stuff away.
6- she has over 30 words she says regularly and even has a "sentence", "Where'd go?" that she says when someone leaves the room or she can't find something.
7- she memorizes things amazingly
8- she has the best smile in the universe and would definitely win Regis and Kelly's baby contest, if daddy didn't work for Disney. (so much for her college fund)

I could go on forever, but I think everyone already knows how much I love her and what an impact she has had on our lives.


Hailee Bop said...

Hey Heather! You are so blessed with such a cutie pie and a smart one at that. You have made an awesome mom. Make sure you give yourself credit! Have a great day!

auntie eve said...

well we all know where she must of got the spider thing from (ME)
and the brains (STILL ME)
love you lil mamma and GOD gave you AWESOME parents!