Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fire pits

Today in California there have been a couple of major wildfires. One started last night, and it is about an hour north of us and the other started this morning, about 30 minutes east of us. The sky has been yucky, the cars are filled with ash and soot, and the air hasn't been very exciting to breathe. We just hung out all day inside, so that you wouldn't be exposed to too much of it. We watched a lot of it on the news and it is just a really sad time for so many people. Tonight we went over to the Seyfrieds because, well we really didn't have a reason, we just went. We had some food, watched USC and then played with your cousins. About 30 minutes ago on the way home, you did what you normally do (watched Shrek) as we drove down Palo Verde. While we were at a signal, all I could see were ashes falling onto my window. It made me really realize how lucky I am to have a safe home to go to and a loving family to call mine. I kept thinking that the pieces that were falling onto my car were once someone else's memory that has now been stripped away. It really made me count my blessings and understand how important it is to never take anything for granted. I love you french fry. I hope you never forget that. Until tomorrow (or 3:30 when you decide to wake up) :) Sleep tight.

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