Saturday, November 8, 2008

14 months

Today you turned 14 months old. WoW is pretty much all I can say. You are so much fun to watch grow. Even when I know you are not feeling well, you still finad a way to make everyone smile. You have the kindest heart and the sweetest soul. ANd did I mention that you are a genius? Well, you are.
Lately you have developed a few new words, but still are hanging on to your favorite...Nooooooooo! You still love to watch Shrek (but only the 1st one) and will still say "Shek" everytime I start to put you in the car. You still only enjoy the Match on Mt. Olympus episode of The Backyardigans, although you will rock out to the theme music at any moment. You also have finally realized that I am mommy (everytime you were asked, "Where's mommy?" you would point to yourself because when I would show you mommy I would point to me. That's hard to see from words, but trust me, it's cute) But now you point/look at and smile at me (most times). I think my favorite newest thing about you is how quickly you learn things. You have an Elmo doll and the other day I asked you,"Where's Elmo?" and you walked right over to him and picked him up. I didn't even know you knew who he was. Not only that, but 2 days later when I asked you, "Who's this?".. you said "Elmo." It sounded more like "A-mo" but I understood.
This last month has been wonderful, minus the vomit expereinces. You have really continued to show me how lucky I am to have such a happy and loving child. I love you french fry, and I hope you feel better soon. Happy 14 months.
Here you are today watching your favorite movie, Shrek, with your new buddy, Elmo.

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