Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today you turn 2 years old. I don't know how it happened, but it has. These have been the greatest 2 years I could have imagined. This morning we started your day by getting you your favorite sprinkle donut. You love to just eat the top layer off which is pretty funny. The you had to go to Jen Jen's. I picked you up right after work and we headed home to do some more celebrating. Grammy, grampy and all the regulars came over for dinner and cake. You were a bit grumpy for a while, hopefully not a sign of what's to come this year, but overall you had a great night. Everyone even brought you presents...even though your party isn't until Saturday. They are crazy. Well, I can't thank you enough for being such a great girl. You are becoming a little girl right before my eyes, which is pretty sad (for me). I love you french fry. I hope you rest the next few days, because Saturday is when we are really going to celebrate- ladybug style :) Happy Birthday!!!


bundybytes said...

2 years old!!! Awesome....


Grandma said...

Happy Birthday Kendyl - I guess I'm a day late, but I'm still wishing you a happy 2nd birthday. Hope you had fun and have even more fun this weekend at your party.

Brandon's Grandma Suzy

P.S. Why was Brandon wearing your shorts? What a silly boy. Did you teach him to be silly like that??