Monday, September 7, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle

This weekend we had a fun one. We didn't do much, but we sure seemed busy. I guess because we are really getting everything ready for your big tomorrow and your even bigger day Saturday. We did a lot of shopping, making, creating, cleaning, planting, praying (for the brown grass to magically turn green) and even through all of that we still laughed and enjoyed each other's company. On Sunday, we stopped so you could ride your favorite Elmo ride...

Today we did a little more shopping for your party and then we came home and cleaned. We went by Grammy and Grampy's for a minute to pick up some things for your party and then we were in for the rest of the evening. You kept me and Daddy laughing all night and even sparked a little tear in my eye when I realized what a big girl you are. You are truly almost a toddler. I can't believe that 2 years ago right now you were deciding to join us and make me and daddy the happiest people in the world.
Well after dinner, you sang us a beautiful little song. It was sooooo sweet. Again, it drew another tear.

Then it was time for your jammies, and your last tooth brushing as a 1 year old :(
Right now you are watching Nemo woth Daddy and I can't stop thinking about how blessed I have been these 2 years. You were the best baby, and you are an even better toddler. I love you, french fry. Happy almost birthday.

1 comment:

Hailee Bop said...

Happy Birthday Kendyl! You are a diamond in the sky!