Tuesday, May 19, 2009

U did it again

Tonight you had a major meltdown. You wanted to take a bath with Hailee and I wouldn't let you because you weren't very nice last time. So I brought you home and you cried, no let me rephrase that- you screamed for at least 10 minutes. Finally you calmed down and got ready to take your own bath. Tonight, I was alone because Daddy was watching the Lakers with Uncle Mark, so once I got you in the bathroom, I closed the door so you couldn't mark your territory again :) You were not interested in trying to go pee pee, so I put you straight into the bath. Once in, you started yelling "Potty, Potty" so I asked you, "Do you need to go pee pee?" and you said, "Ya" and you were bouncing up and down. I thought this was your attempt to break out and run, since I had just opened the door, but I grabbed you out and sat you on the potty. And wouldn't you know it, you went pee pee again in the potty. You were soooo proud of yourself and I am very proud of you too. Love you pee pee fry.

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