Saturday, May 9, 2009

Great Day

Today was a great day. It didn't start off that way when you woke up at 5am, but it only got better from that point on. After we all got up and dressed, we went to Mallorey's soccer game. On the way, we stopped for a donut for breakfast and you were soooo excited. You couldn't wait until we got to the game to eat it, so you had it on the way.

You had a lot of fun with Daddy and Logan on the playground at the game. After the game, we headed home and you took a little snooze. Then your cousins Aaren and Evonne came over with Auntie Lenee. It was so nice to see them. They couldn't believe how big you are now and how much you talk. We had a nice lunch, played outside with your toys, you showed them Sharkbait and you even gave out kisses and hugs.

After they left, the three of us hung out, watched Cars and bball, had some dinner and then it was time to give you a bath. After I ran your water and took off your diaper you did what you normally do, which is run into the living room completely naked, laugh and then run in circles. Then you come back in sit on the baby potty, only to get right back up and run into the living room again for round 2. After about 4 rounds I grab you and put you in the tub.
Well, tonight you ran into the living room, laughed, and ran right back in and said, "Potty." So you sat down, looked down, then up at me with the most serious face I'd ever seen and next thing I heard was pee pee going into the potty. It was AWESOME!!! You stood up when you were almost finished and yelled, "Potty, Potty" Daddy came running in to see. He was very excited for you too. Then you walked right over to the tub and said, "Bubbles?" So I knew it was bath time. Love you, french fry. You make everyday a dream come true.

1 comment:

Hailee Bop said...

Awesome Kendyl! Keep it up!