Sunday, May 17, 2009

All shook up!

Well, what a way to end a wacky weekend!! We just experienced a good size earthquake while getting ready for bed. It's just another example of how important it is to be grateful for everything we have, because you just never know!!
On a lighter note - this weekend had it's ups and downs to say the least. When I picked you up Friday from Jen-Jens she told me that you hadn't taken a nap all day, which is very unusual. So I knew we were in for it. Luckily, you fell asleep on the way home and took about an hour nap. Friday night everyone came over to hang out and play poker. Your cousins were here to play with you and you had a really fun time. On Saturday, we woke up early and headed out to Mallorey's last soccer game. You had a lot of fun there and you even got to see Brandon, because he came with Aunt Cyndi. He is getting sooo big. I can't believe he'll be 1 this week. (We took pictures, but I haven't uploaded them yet) After the game we went to do some shopping and you fell asleep on the way home. After your nap, we put you in your bathing suit and headed to the back so you could play in your pool. You are soooo cute. You had a few meltdowns along the way, but overall you had a pretty fun day. Then we got cleaned up and headed over to Aunt Cici's on our way to dinner. She was having some work friends over so we stopped by to say hi. Then we went to dinner, and for the first time you sat in a booster seat, not a high chair. It wasn't our choice, it was either that or wait 20 more minutes and we were hungry. You did a great job in the seat, though. You kept saying, "Seatbelt, on." because you thought you had to have one on :) After dinner, we stopped back at Cici's to check in on everyone. Then we headed home. Today after we all woke up we took a walk over to Honey's (a coffee shop nearby) and had breakfast. After we got back, we hung out, played and then you took a nap. After your nap and lunch, we bombarded our neighbors and joined in their slip n slide fun. You and Hailee were so cute and Hunter and his friends were very nice to you two. We came home to change you out of your bathing suit and before we knew it you were crashed out on the couch? Apparently, you had enough fun for one day. After about a 40 min snoozer, we went back over and had some yummy hamburgers and hot dogs. (I think we kinda invited ourselves, but that's what family is good for, right?) After a yummy dinner (and cookie) we came home to play a little bit. Then it was bathtime, which means potty try. Tonight, you did your usual run through the house bottomless, but this time you decided to mark your territory on the living room floor??? Then once in the bath, you started throwing a fit by throwing everything out and dumping bowls full of water out onto the floor?? I'm not sure what got in to you, but now that we just had an earthquake, maybe I should have seen the signs :) So, needless to say, you took a very short bath and then it was jammie time. Not long after jammies and tooth brushing did we experience the quake. Luckily, you and I were in your room, just walking out when it started. I grabbed you and held on and tried to make you feel safe and like it was no big deal. Apparently, I didn't do a good job because now you are walking around the house saying, "Scary, break" I forget you are such a sponge. Well, I am soooo thankful that all we lost tonight was a picture frame or 2. It really helped get my priorities back in check. I love you french fry. And I'm very happy that you are going to sleep with us tonight :)

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