Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Today we had another great day. It again started with you waking up at the crack of dawn, but that's ok because that just meant more time together. I hopped into the shower and when I got out, you and Daddy had snuck to go get us all some breakfast. It was delicious. Then you gave me some roses and the best presents ever. You gave me the best bag that has a picture of you and Daddy on it and inside the bag was all kind of goodies.
We played all morning and then you took a nap. After your nap we had some lunch and then headed over to grandma and grandpa's. Today is also Aunt Heidi's birthday so we had a lot to celebrate.
This is how cute you looked today.... (check out the awesome curl)
Once we got to grandma's you decided to play mommy and push the stroller around the pool. You had a lot of fun with everyone, but especially your cousins. They take such good care of you.

This is our favorite day because it's pretty much the only time we allow the men to do the cooking :) Luckily for everyone, grandpa made his yummy pizza.
You wanted to help out too,
but I think you did more eating, than helping.

After dinner you had a yummy cupcake and Daddy even slipped you a bite of his cake. You loved every bite, too :)
After dessert, the bigger kids got back in the pool and you and Hailee decided to play with the hoses. It was really funny. Notice how everyone is wet.... that's thanks to you two. Although, Hailee was doing a good job playing with the water by herself. You, on the other hand, were getting everything in your path wet. Crazy kids:)

Soon after that we headed home. Thanks for the best mother's day ever. You make being a mom the best job in the world:) I love you, Kendyl. And thanks for everything too, Daddy :)