Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Your 1st New Years Eve

Last night we went to the Seyfrieds house to celebrate New Years Eve. We had a pretty good time and you were a really good girl until you spit up while laying on your belly and then dove your face in it. Darn it, where was my camera when I needed it :) You did your usual 20 min naps and then ate and played. I could tell you were getting pretty sleepy around 10:30 which is when you normally go to sleep, but you tried to stay awake. However, your little head fell asleep with Aunt Cici until around 11:50 when she handed you to me. I rocked you in hopes to not wake you, but wouldn't you know it as the whole gang started counting down from 10 I looked down and you were looking up at me, ready to celebrate with us. Me and Daddy kissed you at midnight, what a way to start the New Year. I couldn't ask for anything more or better. I love you Kendyl. Happy New Year

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