Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Stick me here, stick me there, why don't you just stick me everywhere?

Today we went to see Dr. Percer for your 4 month checkup and you were a good girl considering what you went through. Aunt Cyndi came with us because we're trying to show her what she has to look forward to:) When we got there you were still asleep and I had to wake you up so the nurse could weigh and measure you. You now weigh 15lbs 4oz and are 25 1/4 inches long. After that the Dr. came in and checked you and he said that you were looking pretty good and told us that we can start you on cereal if we want. He also predicted that your eyes are going to be green. I hope so because then there will finally be some proof that you did come from me:) You also got 5 shots from the nurse. I figured since you were going to get shots, I might as well have them pierce your ears as well, so he did and you screamed like crazy. It was pretty sad, but pretty funny and now you look sooooo cute.

Thanks for being such a trooper, Kendyl. You really are a great daughter and I love you very much.

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