Sunday, October 5, 2008

What did we ever do??

Tonight after your bath, Daddy and I just watched you be Kendyl. We both smiled the whole time and we couldn't help but ask ourselves, "What did we ever do without you?" My first answer was that I used to get foot massages, but Daddy wasn't hearing it.
You are getting so big. You are currently getting over your 2nd real sickness of your young life. We can tell you are starting to feel better because your appetite has returned. The last few days you would barely eat, probably due to your poor throat. But today, you were back to chowing down :) Your voice is still a little hoarse, which if funny to say because you actually sound like a cat that is in a fight. You have really been a happy baby even though you haven't been feeling very well. Tonight Daddy and I watched you dance in circles (literally). I have to get it on tape soon, it is awesome. Your eyebrows raise really high when you start to get dizzy and your eyes get even bigger than they are now. (sound impossible, I know).
Well, this weekend we mostly hung out at home because of your croup. Today we decorated the outside of the house for Halloween. It is going to be so much more fun since you are able to particpate a little (just enough for me and Daddy to eat all your candy) Woo-hoo.
Love you french-fry

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