Wednesday, October 8, 2008

13 months

Today you turn 13 months. I still can't remember life before you. I love how you change each day and how you make other people's day brighter just by being you. You are still the happiest baby ever. Even when you were sick, you still remained pretty happy. However, you are also starting to really express your independence by throwing yourself on the floor if you don't get your way (fun times). You have only done that a few times and by "throw yourself" I really mean sit down. It just sounds more dramatic the other way :)
You have a plethera of words now, including ba-ba (when it's bottle time), wa-wa (for water), ma-ma (for me) da-da, pa-pa (grandpa), up (when you want up), nigh-nigh, na-na (banana), Jax (Jennifer's dog), today you tried to say "cracker", you attempt to say please, but it sounds like cheese, you say "Tay to" for thank you, Shek (when you watch Shrek in the car), and your favorite word for the moment....NOOOOOOOOOO. You use that very well and you know what you want and don't want. I think I may be missing a few, but nonetheless you are still a genius:)
You love to dance to the theme song to The Backyardigans. It is the best thing to watch too. You could be crying your eyes out and the minute you hear that song, all is good. :) It's a great tool for now. You aren't really interested in the acual cartoon cause after the song you usually loose interest, but it's a start.
Overall, you are an amazing daughter. I am very, very lucky to have you and I hope that you know how much I love being your mom and how much I adore you. Thanks for giving me such a great 13 months. You rock. I love you.

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