Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting ready for Halloween

The last few days we have been really getting ready for the big day. Last year, you were only 6 weeks old, so you probably don't remember much. In fact, I don't even remember much, so I don't how I can expect you to. All I know is you were the cutest kitty cat ever and small enough to actually put you inside the pumpkin and here is proof.....

This year, it hasn't been quite as easy to be creative. Especially since you don't like to sit still or cooperate with many things. So, we have just been doing the "normal" things: decorating the house, buying festive clothing, carving pumpkins (that are already rotten...) I should have known better than to do them a week early, but it was fun and some bratty kid will probably just throw them into the street so there are pumpkin guts everywhere anyways. Here are some pics of you in your new gear. How cute are the shoes???? Almost as cute as you, but not quite!!

Love you French Fry....

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