Saturday, October 11, 2008

Football and Futbol

Today we had some real fun. First me and you went to one of my student's tackle football games. You slept through most of it, but trust me, it was exciting. His team lost, but it was really close. Then we went to go watch Mallorey's soccer game. While we were there you showed off your new football skills that you must have learned earlier in the day.
Here you are as center, hiking the ball to Logan.

Then, after hiking, Logan threw you a pass and you caught it with ease (not really, just play along with my story)...
Before we knew it you were racing downfield...
and you ran it in for a touchdown. You were so excited to score.

After that exhausting event, you took a well deserved water break.

When we left Mallorey's game we came home and you took a 2 hour nap. Then Daddy came home and we played all night long. Tomorrow we have another fun day planned, so it is time to go to bed. (You are sitting on my lap as I type this.) h44444ddddd3333333333333333jh6554r5rcx7.(that was from you)
Love you, sleep tight french fry

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