Monday, March 16, 2009

Got Milk?

Lately, you have been really fighting me and Daddy to drink milk. You will only really drink it if it's right before bedtime and in a bottle. We've tried the sippy cups, the big girl cups, everything. Tonight you did a little better because I bribed you with Dora yogurt. After every bite, you had to take a drink. You fell for it until I ran out of yogurt. I kept telling you that you had to "make the milky go all gone." (I know - nice grammar for a teacher)
So I went to my next trick... I took off the lid of the sippy cup and helped you drink it like a big girl. You thought this was soooo cool. You sipped a little, laughed and were so excited to have more. Great, I thought, it's working :) Next thing I knew you wanted to do it yourself, so I pretended not to help you and before I knew it you poured almost the whole thing down your shirt. It scared the ba-geezies out of you too. Your eyes got really big and you even started shaking because you couldn't figure out what had just happened. You didn't cry though. You just looked at me like, "HELP." So we took off your shirt, wiped off your milky belly and changed your clothes. After we changed your clothes, you grabbed your dirty shirt and said, "Miky?" Boy, I love you. I guess you out smarted me this time, cause like daddy said; spilling your milk down your shirt was one way to make your milky "go all gone." He was right too, because I sure didn't make you drink anymore. Love you soggy french fry.

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